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When the winter sunset shone the afterglow on the window, Shen Qiang, who was refreshed, bowed his head, and at a glance, he saw Ye Xiaolei, whose expression was infinitely satisfying, as if the lost child had found his dependence, and snuggled tightly beside himself, that joy, Shy and full of hopeful eyes, Shen Qiang couldn’t help but hug her tightly.

She was lovable body trembled, and then nervously a little helpless.

When Shen Qiang didn’t need to say why, she was a little scared and put Xuebai’s arm around Shen Qiang’s waist, then said softly.

“Shen Qiang Senior, in fact, I always knew that you didn’t like me, I knew you liked Colonel 1000 Snow, because every time you were with her, you were energetic.”

Shen Qiang laughed, patting her hips, when she subconsciously screamed, looking sideways at Ye Xiaolei lying in her arms, Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Maybe, but maybe not as you think, and you Don’t worry too much, and don’t think about too many things. In fact, men prefer to make love first.”

Ye Xiaolei’s face flushed red, and she dare not dare to look at Shen Qiang. Zhizhiwuwu said: “That… people don’t know how to be with you. If I’m beautiful, I’m not outstanding, my ability is very general. , I can’t think of any other way to make you care about me.”

Shen Qiang sighed, and then said with a smile: “silly girl, you are very beautiful, you have a good figure, and you are confident. Not everyone in this world can clearly identify the smell, so you are very good. , Don’t undervalue oneself.”

Ye Xiaolei nodded and moved his mouth hesitantly, but when he reached his mouth, he swallowed it back again.

Seeing her reticent words, Shen Qiang couldn’t help but embrace her in her arms and said softly: “If you don’t object, I will leave you a room on the side of the villa, if you want, You can live with us forever.”

Hearing this, Ye Xiaolei’s beautiful eyes lighted up, and she was shocked happily said: “Really? Are you willing to accept me?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Of course it is true, if you always doubt, I might change my mind, because a woman who is too suspicious is not cute.”

Ye Xiaolei was ecstatic, and immediately nodded coyly: “Well, I am understood, I will not doubt any more, and suddenly feel myself happy.”

Shen Qiang immediately hugged her lightly and sighed.

In fact, being with your favorite person forever will be the most perfect thing in life.

There are too few people who can really do this.

In all fairness, Shen Qiang doesn’t like Ye Xiaolei very much, but now, looking at her excited eyes, Shen Qiang suddenly feels worth it. After all, this is a very simple thing for Shen Qiang, but it can make Ye Xiaolei feel life. Pleasure.

As the so-called gift of roses has aftertaste, why not do it?

Embracing Ye Xiaolei’s slender waist flexibly, the two ears were worn for a long time.

I know when the afterglow falls on the horizon.

Ye Xiaolei got up shyly and dressed.

Looking at her apparently increased figure, and her courageous look at Shen Qiang’s shyness while holding Luo Hong film sheets made Shen Qiang feel a little funny.

But this is nothing.

No scene is Shen Qiang unable to subdue.

Get up and change clothes.

After packing everything.

The sky is already dark.

It was just when Shen Qiang and Ye Xiaolei were preparing to cook sweetly.

The door across the terrace garden opened.

Then Shen Qiang and Ye Xiaolei saw 1000 Mountain Snow with Ai Li, wrapped in the cold wind, and walked in.

“No more cooking, we bought dinner.” Ellie carried a lot of convenient bags.

While talking, looking at Ye Xiaolei’s radiant face, Allie was curiously surprised: “Have you used a new skin care product? It looks like it has become beautiful.”

Hearing this, Ye Xiaolei’s face suddenly turned into a red cloth.

At this time, the 1000 Shanxue who had been sitting in the restaurant also said with some surprise: “Well, yes, the skin looks good, like a kind of glory that I have never seen before.”

Seeing that Ye Xiaolei was too embarrassed to know what to do, Shen Qiang pulled her with a smile and went to the restaurant to sit down and said, “How is the case done?”

Ellie rolled the eyes: “When eating, I don’t want to say this, especially after seeing the corpses Dissection.”

Shen Qiang smiled and turned to 1000 Mountain Snow.

At this time, all kinds of packaged meals have been set on the tableware 1000 mountain snow said solemnly.

“The forensic side, not at all found something special, and some news came back to the missing person.”

Sitting at the dining table, 1000 Mountain Snow Road said: “The common characteristics of the corpses are all above 1.8 meters in height, very good figure, very strong, aged 30 to 35, among them, there are more than a dozen corpses, already have eyebrows. “

“The common feature is that they are all business people, some are startups Boss, and some are professional managers. It can be said that they are all elites in society.”

Shen Qiang slightly frowned, said: “I am more concerned about whether they are all Buddhists.”

Hearing this, the breath-taking 1000 Shan Xue said with disappointment: “I also hoped that this would be the case. In that case, we only need to check which monk they had contacted before they disappeared, but it was amazing Unfortunately, these people are not Buddhists, and we cannot find any connection between them and Doushi Temple.”

Allie helplessly said: “There is no way, there is a deadlock. I can only release the message tomorrow and try to let the guy jump out of his own. Otherwise, we have no breakthroughs. After all, these people have been missing for a long time.

“And their private lives are more complicated, and one by one investigation is obviously not resolved within 3 months. So we are fully prepared to hand over their missing cases to the police for investigation, After all, there is no way for us to investigate the case through extensive visits like ordinary criminal police.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang put down the chopsticks and looked at 1000 Mountain Snow seriously, saying: “Your words make me suddenly think of another case.”

3 The girl looked at Shen Qiang in amazement and said: “A similar case?”

Shen Qiang shook his head and said, “There is no similarity, but maybe there is a connection with each other.”

Ali said with a quizzical question: “There are no similarities, can we be connected together? Shen Qiang, do you think we are stupid?”

Shen Qiang smiled, took out his mobile phone, found the peach task that Bian Yi explained, and threw the mobile phone at the table, then raised his eyebrows calmly: “There are cultivators that control beautiful women and frequently enter and exit high-end places. This is where the elites in the business world are connected.”

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