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“Shen Qiang Senior!” Ye Xiaolei, whose face rose like a red cloth, rose nervously.

He dragged the paper towel and rushed to Shen Qiang’s side, helped Shen Qiang to wipe the shirt with the paper towel, Shen Qiang looked at Ye Xiaolei in amazement, his body stiffened.

In fact, Ye Xiaolei looks very beautiful and beautiful. She is not inferior to Xiao Xia in school body and appearance in appearance and appearance. She is even inferior to Bai Jiao. They are even better than Xiuju Lu Shuyao Xin Xiaoting. They are only now , Shen Qiang did not pay much attention to her.

After all, she is beautiful, but her personality has always been difficult to arouse the interest of Shen Qiang.

Because every time she saw Shen Qiang, she was too shy to do anything. She was afraid of anything and did not dare to talk, just like a little girl in a neighbor’s house.

So Shen Qiang had no idea about her.

After all, 1000 Mountain Snow is too dazzling, cold and proud temperament, valiant and formidable looking, cool, female boss who can’t do well, only after she is overthrown, she feels accomplished.

Shy green girl.

This seems not to be the dish that Shen Qiang likes at all.

So even though Ye Xiaolei was nervous when she saw Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang didn’t think about it in other respects, but felt that her temperament was too weak and too shy, that she was a little girl who had not grown up.

But Qian Qiang was shocked to realize that Ye Xiaolei had just heard.

Ye Xiaolei, who blushed as soon as she met and was nervous when she talked, might not be her nature.

But she was disturbed by herself.

So looking at Ye Xiaolei, who was nervous and embarrassed by her eyes, Shen Qiang’s heart was soft for no reason.

“Don’t worry, I’m just a little surprised. I never thought it would be like this before.”

Hearing this, Ye Xiaolei, who was helping Shen Qiang to wipe his shirt, seemed to be electrified. He quickly let go and immediately lowered his head, as if he had made a mistake, and said nothing.

This made Shen Qiang look a little bit painful, and could not help comfortingly: “Xiaolei, actually you are very good, and Shen Qiang Senior likes you too.”

Hearing this, Ye Xiaolei suddenly raised his head, looking into Shen Qiang’s eyes, full of surprises: “Shen Qiang Senior, are you talking about true?”

Shen Qiang flustered.

In fact, Shen Qiang really has nothing to do with Ye Xiaolei.

And from a strict point of view, Shen Qiang has the general urge to love Ye Xiaolei not at all.

“You lied to me, you just wanted to comfort me.” Seen from Shen Qiang’s eyes and so on Ye Xiaolei, his eyes were red.

“Shen Qiang Senior, I know you have many beautiful women around you. They are all prettier than Xiaolei. They are more capable than Xiaolei. Xiaolei never dare to think who he can replace, but Xiaolei just likes the taste of you. You will not look down on Xiaolei because of this?”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang felt even more uncomfortable, and couldn’t help but take Ye Xiaolei into his arms and comfortably said: “I can understand what is not there.”

Ye Xiaolei, who was embraced by Shen Qiang, froze, her eyes froze there, and she dared not move. She sniffed the smell of Shen Qiang between her nose and nose, her eyes were gradually shining, and her heart was excited Screamed.

“He hugs me, he hugs me!”

Seemingly feeling the tension of Ye Xiaolei, Shen Qiang whispered: “Otherwise, let’s talk.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Xiaolei, who suddenly came back to his senses, put her arms directly around Shen Qiang’s waist, and even buried her head directly in Shen Qiang’s chest, and said softly, “No.”

Shen Qiang was shocked.

But then he fell silent.

In the living room.

Only Ye Xiaolei and Shen Qiang are 2 people.

It was exactly afternoon in this moment.

The sunlight on the window was shining obliquely on the east wall.

Feel Ye Xiaolei’s tense breath, and the imprisoned force from her arm.

Shen Qiang sighed for no reason.

Subsequently, Shen Qiang broke free from her.

In her consternation, she bent over and hugged her in her arms.

Ye Xiaolei in her arms looked at Shen Qiang in surprise.

At this time, Shen Qiang just smiled and stepped upstairs.

In an instant, Ye Xiaolei’s pretty face reached the root of her neck. Not only did she feel that there was fire burning on her face, but she also felt that the whole was hot like falling into a furnace.

“Shen Qiang Senior, did you know? Actually when Xiaolei saw you for the first time, she was already infatuated with your taste, but Xiaolei didn’t know whether Shen Qiang Senior would like Xiaolei, so Xiaolei never Dare to show it.”

Looking at Ye Xiaolei, who had a beautiful face and a shy eyes, but was anxious to confess her face, Shen Qiang smiled and bent her eyes, and walked upstairs while whispering: “silly girl, you don’t say, how can I know you like me? And You are so beautiful and so good, how could I not like you?”

Hearing Shen Qiang’s rhetorical question, Ye Xiaolei looked at Shen Qiang with delight and excitement.

For a time, I was a little speechless.

Shen Qiang opened her door with True Yuan with a smile, and placed her firmly on her bed, softly said: “Xiaolei, you should rest, we will talk about it later.”

The moment she heard this, the smile on Ye Xiaolei’s face disappeared immediately, and then there were tears in her eyes, pulling Shen Qiang who turned and wanted to leave. She begged with tears: “Shen Qiang Senior, I beg you, give me a chance, OK, Xiaolei really likes you.”

Shen Qiang hesitated for a while, said with a slight smile: “Don’t be impulsive about emotional matters, you rest first, we still have time.”

Hearing this, Ye Xiaolei cried wa’ed and hugged Shen Qiang from behind, saying, “Shen Qiang Senior, I don’t want you to go, I know that if you go, you won’t come back, I I like you, I really like you.”

Shen Qiang sighed helplessly.

In fact, Ye Xiaolei is really beautiful, but she is particularly shy and does not dare to speak, Shen Qiang really does not like it very much.

If, now if you are holding 1000 mountain snow, then Shen Qiang will definitely not hesitate.

So he turned back indifferently and looked at Ye Xiaolei with a smile: “Xiaolei, you are young and too young.”

Hearing this, Ye Xiaolei, who burst into tears, took off her jacket and said tearfully, “Shen Qiang Senior, I am 21, and I am not small at all.”

Looking at her snow-white skin, Shen Qiang said in a dry voice: “I have a lot of girlfriends, you are not worth it.”

didn’t expect, hearing this, Ye Xiaolei sitting on the bed stood up, not only took off his pants, but also untied his hair.

In an instant, the waterfall-like fine black hair draping over the shoulders came down, and the frosting snow that set off her snow-white skin was as beautiful as the cherry blossoms blooming on the branches. Not only that, she also whispered softly. Tao: “Shen Qiang, I have found you for 20 years. If you don’t want me, what’s the point of me living?”

Looking at her eyes full of tears, the trembling pink cherry lips, and the slim waist without any fat, and the slender white legs.

Shen Qiang’s blood simmered instantaneously, he could not help but sigh in his heart: That’s all, I will not go to hell who will go to hell!

Subsequently, Shen Qiang, who pulled off the shirt 3 times, hugged Ye Xiaolei’s white waist, and then slowly pressed her under him.

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