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Outside the hospital, the beautiful 1000 Shanxue Meimei looked at Shen Qiang in a car and said: “Is it resolved so quickly?”

Shen Qiang smiled.

At this time, Allie sitting in the back row pouted: 鈥淚t鈥檚 not necessarily to solve the problem if you come out so quickly. It may also be that you can鈥檛 solve it at all, so you run away.鈥?/p>

Hearing this, Ye Xiaolei, who was also sitting in the back row, was anxious.

“Impossible, Shen Qiang Senior is so powerful, how can it not solve such a problem.”

Ellie pouted: “That’s probably true.”

Looking at Ye Xiaolei’s winged eyes.

Shen Qiang said with a slight smile: “Ellie, if you want to read my jokes, then I’m sorry to disappoint you. The actual situation is that I got it all within ten minutes.”

“It’s a Shen Qiang Senior!” Ye Xiaolei admired beautifully: “I knew that nothing in this world could be solved by Shen Qiang Senior!”

At the same time, 1000 Shanxue also said in a dazzling manner: “Very good, good job.”

Only Ally coldly snorted her head to the side: “It’s nothing remarkable, you can get it in ten minutes, then others will too!”

It’s just her tone barely fell.

A large group of people wearing protective clothing rushed out rustling sound in the hospital.

“Shen Qiang! Shen Qiang!”

Shen Qiang was surprised by the underground train.

I saw at a glance that these people were experts from various places who had participated in the consultation before.

“Shen Qiang, I’m sorry, I apologize for your previous words. You are indeed a great infectious disease expert. You have an incomparable talent in infectious diseases. I am a gentleman in the heart of a gentleman. The expert who had mocked Shen Qiang before and apologized very seriously.

“We are indeed wrong. We should not just make an assertion without knowing it because you are young.” Another expert said embarrassedly.

This is another person who walked in front of Shen Qiang and said with guilt in his eyes: “Shen Qiang, you are the only infectious disease genius I have seen in my life. Unfortunately, I, believe oneself infallible, blindly believed the so-called Experience, I think you have no work experience of several decades, what is capable of impossible, I apologize for this, sorry.”

Seeing this scene of the 3 girls, the beauty is all amazement and surprise.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang standing beside the car door smiled indifferently and said: “No need to say apology, because I know that people without arrogance and arrogance cannot reach the summit in any industry. You are experts in infectious diseases , You as it should be by rights should have arrogance, opinion and judgment.”

Many experts thought that Shen Qiang accepted the apology, and at the same time the smile appeared on his face.

Shen Qiang replied: “But you know that you are wrong is your own business. I will not participate in your meetings, accept your apology, or comment on your ability, so now that you are done, you can go. “

After hearing this, Allie sat in the car and said arrogantly: “Ah? So many experts came to make a special apology. The words were also spoken, and the attitude was also clear. They are all famous experts. Shen Qiang, asshole, turned out to be Don鈥檛 accept their apology, and put on the shelf, it鈥檚 too much!鈥?/p>

1000 Shan Xue hearing this glanced at Allie and said, “Alie, if the apology is useful, what else does the law do? Don鈥檛 you understand? They must have hurt Shen Qiang, and then say sorry, it should be all right? “

Ye Xiaolei Jiao said: “It’s just spreading, someone stabbed you, and then said sorry to you, can you forgive him?”

Ali was not happy: “Ha, you two are holding a group towards Shen Qiang.”

At the same time, Shen Qiang in front of the door turned to get on the bus.

At this time, Dean, the deputy of the infectious hospital, said nervously: “Shen Qiang, now there are many patients infected with coronavirus. Our medicines are limited. According to projections, there is still a big gap, you see…”

Shen Qiang waved his hands helplessly and took out 2 cups of coronavirus antibodies from the storage ring. He said: “The same usage, these are enough to solve the problem.”

The deaf Dean of the Infectious Diseases Hospital, who had a sharp eye, took the medicine and said: “There is one more thing, we would like to invite you to participate in a press conference about coronavirus.”

Shen Qiang said indifferently: “No time.”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang got in the car and confronted the 1000 mountain snow road in the driving seat: “Let’s go.”

1000 Shan Xue smiled, and Meimu glanced at the rear row of Allie, and said, “Do you know what a madman is?”

Ellie, Ye Xiaolei were nodded fiercely.

“Except this guy who has no time on TV, who dares to call himself crazy.”

The car started.

Shen Qiang left with 3 women.

Many experts standing on the spot looked at the leaving car with a complex expression.

“Ai, I was terrified. Sure enough, this Shen Qiang was not only a medical genius, but also a real gentleman who saw merits and fame like dung, but before I even thought of him as a worthy person, how could I not be so vision.”

Heard that expert who had mocked Shen Qiang before said this.

Another expert on the side had nodded and said in agreement: “Yes, this Shen Qiang is indeed a low-key person. Such a big thing has been replaced by other people. At this moment, it has already shown off one’s military strength. , Just rushing ahead, but Shen Qiang doesn’t care at all.”

“Ai, we thought that he would smile at the fame and fortune, but he didn’t expect that Shen Qiang, who is so great, would not care about those fake names at all.”

Hearing their words, many experts present were nodded.

“We have lived in vain at such a great age that even Shen Qiang hasn’t seen it, and people are too lazy to go to press conferences, but we are all convinced that he sells fame and reputation.

“Yeah, this young Qian Qiang is young, and his attainments in infectious diseases have become proficient, and he is even more low-key. Over time, he will definitely rewrite medicine.”

“It’s so distressing, such a genius, we missed it because of our selfishness, alas, how can I make such a mistake.”

Watching everyone sigh and sigh, Dean of the Infectious Hospital said, “Everyone, let him go in the past, and the tangle will not help, the next press conference, since Shen Qiang has no time, then everyone…”

“Don’t look at me, I won’t go.” An expert said: “The germs are not solved by me, the special-effect medicine is not developed by me, and I am not qualified to judge.”

“I won’t go either. I don’t even know the ingredients of the special effects medicine. What do I say after I go?”

“You can find someone else about this matter. I didn’t make any effort. This was solved by Shen Qiang himself. I didn’t have a face. I said something in front of the camera.”

Seeing that many experts have expressed their refusal to participate, the Dean of the Infectious Disease Hospital is anxious: “Guests, you can’t pick a pick at this time.”

But everyone looked firm and obviously would not go.

At this time, the expert who had ridiculed Shen Qiang madly before sighed and said: “Press conference, let me come.”

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