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“Impossible! This must not be true!” An infectious disease expert who mocked Shen Qiang looked at the ward in shock, showing that the girl had returned to normal breathing monitoring equipment.

At almost the same time, many experts were shocked to have already came back to his senses.

They rushed into the ward quickly and checked the little girl’s condition in horror.

“A miracle!” The expert who heard the little girl’s lungs clearly with a stethoscope looked at the other experts around him like a roe deer, shocked and said, “This is really a miracle, she began to breathe spontaneously.” , Although there is inflammation, when you can hear the lungs breathing, conch sounds will be produced, but I am sure that the miracle really happened!”

“Let me listen.” Another expert squeezed him apart, and after only listening for a moment, he cry out in surprise with his eyes: “Really, true, this Little Brat is fine, she is now As strong as a little pony!”

Another expert who walked in the past also looked bright like a light bulb: “Really, this is incredible.”

Looked at the madness of many experts who were shocked around the bed.

Instead, the couple was a little dazed.

One of the women asked in some horror: “Doctor, you are…”

“Your daughter is fine, she will not die, she will survive.” The infectious disease expert who mocked Shen Qiang before said in surprise. ,

didn’t expect, at the words, the woman rattled and fainted again.

The crowd of 7 hands and 8 feet quickly pinched the man and carried the woman out.

And it is at this time.

Dean in the Infectious Hospital looked at Shen Qiang with a shocked expression: “What did you give her?”

At the moment of hearing this, many of the infectious disease specialists in the ward focused on Shen Qiang.

At this time, Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows indifferently and said, “Of course it is a special effect medicine.”

Many infectious disease experts looked at each other in blank dismay, but it was unbelievable, but at this time, Shen Qiang was not as decisively as it was at that time.

“What are the ingredients of the medicine?” The expert who mocked Shen Qiang looked at Shen Qiang suspiciously and said, “You are able to configure a real special effect medicine in such a short time, so it should be some kind of already existing Medicine, or this simply is an accidental coincidence.”

Many experts said after hearing it.

“Yes, it’s only a dozen minutes. It’s definitely impossible to develop a special drug. It can only be a kind of drug already on the market. It is effective for this coronavirus, but we don’t know.”

“Well, this is the most reasonable guess.”

“It makes sense that it is certainly impossible to develop special drugs on the spot.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang calmly took out a small plastic cup and said: “Here is the special medicine for the treatment of this coronavirus.”

“It’s just that, simply not enough!” Many experts looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, Shen Qiang faintly smiled and said: “I know what you are thinking, you must be thinking, Shen Qiang must have kept that kind of medicine to treat coronavirus as a secret, and will not share it with you.”

Everyone must have such a look.

“This is a drug that has been concentrated 1000 times. After being diluted 1000 times with glucose for injection, the patient will be given an intravenous injection. Every 101000 grams of body weight is injected with 1 ml. Within one minute, the condition will be suppressed and relieved. After 5 minutes, The breathing system will return to normal.”

Hearing this, the Dean of the Infectious Hospital hurriedly hugged the medicine like a baby before many infectious disease experts, and then said seriously: “The dilution of the medicine, I will do it myself, and it will start now.”

Everyone was busy immediately.

With a look of shock, many of the infectious disease experts who looked at him, Shen Qiang slightly smiled, said to Dean, the deputy of the infectious disease hospital on the side: “Well, the problem of the disease has been solved, then bye, if the medicine is not enough, call me Telephone, free of charge.”

“Okay, then you go slowly.” The dean of the infectious hospital, who has always been commensurate with you, gave Shen Qiang with respect and respect.

Looking at Shen Qiang who didn’t go back and left indifferently.

An infectious disease expert looked at Shen Qiang’s back with shock: “He really did it. He actually managed it all within a few minutes on his own.”

This is an exit.

Many experts who were still in a daze suddenly awakened.

Immediately, they looked at Shen Qiang’s tall and muscular back with shocking eyes. For a long time, the infectious disease expert who had mocked Shen Qiang several times before murmured sighed, “Maybe I misunderstood him.”

“The medicine that needs to be diluted 1000 times is already certain that it will never be a finished medicine, so everything may really be the special medicine he found in these few minutes.”

“If this is really the case, how high is Shen Qiang’s medical skills?”

“No wonder even a low-key, calm and cautious Ju Yang Teacher thinks that he is the strongest microbiologist. It turns out that he really has such ability!”

Almost at Shen Qiang, he took off his work permit indifferently and smiled as he walked in the car while looking at his 1000 mountain snow and Ye Xiaolei.

Long Group Headquarters, in the small conference hall of the highest conference center of the medical department of the medical center.

7 8 experts watched the live video of projection on the big screen.

“He did it! He has more than Disaster Level ability! He can not only spread the disease, but also control the disease and relieve the disease!” The expert with a round face was shocked and trembling.

Another expert sitting next to him swallowed his lips with dry lips, and said with a trembling voice: “Dragon group has 5 members with Disaster Level ability, but I dare say that no one can compete with Shen Compared to Qiang!”

“Yes, because Shen Qiang’s ability is a real angel at the same time as achieving disaster!” An expert stood up shocked and tremblingly said: “Because of his presence, it means that China, Will never accept the threat of infectious diseases.”

The former man in his 30s said excitedly, “How is it? I’m right, Shen Qiang can spread disease and use it to fight, but he himself never gets sick, which means Shen Qiang’s ability And potential, far surpassing other Disaster Level abilities, so I now solemnly suggest to everyone here that we should call Shen Qiang here.”

“I agree!” serious face expert seriously said: “Shen Qiang’s ability is too important, he is simply a protector-like existence.”


Everyone present raised their hands in unison.

The round-faced expert’s eyes lighted up immediately, dragging over the laptop and excitedly saying: “All votes passed, I immediately transferred his file from the northern military area… Hey, uh… what, who eaten a bear’s heart and a Leopard’s gallbladder, he didn’t want to move! I’m going to fight him!”


The conference table was flicked.

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