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At the moment of hearing Shen Qiang’s voice, Tsing Aohu immediately turned his head and immediately saw it, surrounded by the beautiful Yu Wenzi and the charming night lonely cloud, Shen Qiang was standing at the door of the hotel, looking at them , But that stunning look is undoubtedly looking at the beautiful and alluring sky.

His judgment is completely correct.

Shen Qiang’s eyes are indeed focused on the beautiful and alluring sky.

At this time, she was standing outside the hotel door and bathed in the morning sun. Not only was she staring at Shen Qiang, but not at all, her pink lips smeared with red lipstick were as fair as freshly peeled boiled eggs, The delicate and flawless complexion is as pink as cherry petals.

not only.

She, who was already beautiful and alluring, had a slight change in her face at this time.

That part of beautiful and alluring seems to be not so dazzling, and looks beautiful and alluring before, which has become beautiful and alluring in the beauty, not only the style is undiminished, but it is more and more shocking. Delicate soul.

So that the beauty is really like her pseudonym, elegant, fragrant, like a bunch of wind chimes, swaying in the wind.

beautiful and alluring.

But it makes people feel blasphemous.

Temperament and charm, mature, sexy, raise your hand, even if it is just a look, but it can not be ignored, even in the sun, it is like a pearl.

Even if there are many beauties around her, Shen Qiang, who has already treated the beauties for a long time, has a strong antibody, and when she is opposed to her 4 eyes, she still feels a throbbing heartbeat.

Because at this time, she is not only as beautiful as a star, with a touch of tender tenderness, the smiley pink lips and the light dimples on the cheeks, and the charming eyebrows, all of them are brazenly spreading the crown. The world, even faintly, is even better than Weizhi Zhimei.

The unparalleled charm, at the same time, seems to be showing off like Shen Qiang, full of asking me the meaning of beauty.

“Wow, you are so beautiful.”

So instinctively aware of the meaning contained in her breath, Shen Qiang said instinctively.

Yu Wenzi, who is very in line with the positioning of the vinegar lady, listens clearly.

If it is put in the usual way, she will immediately be unhappy, but at this time, she does not mean to be jealous at all, but just looks at the beautiful and alluring sky photo with the same beauty and shock, murmured and said: “My God, she was so beautiful.”

Not only she, Ye Guyun on the side, but also Meimu excitedly said: “She is so beautiful, and suddenly she feels like a peerless beauty in the painting, graceful and noble, beautiful and alluring yet coexists with dignity, that body The cheongsam not only highlights her figure to the extreme, but also reveals a touch of nostalgic little freshness. If there is a grease umbrella in her hand at this time, it will really be more beautiful than the elder sister Weimei Zhimei and alluring.”

Amidst their shock, looking at the beautiful eyes and the shining sky, Shen Qiang’s heart was also full of shock.

“It is worthy of Divine Race, it is worthy of peace and security, the head of the 5 largest sea monster kings in the world, this breath from Divine Race Bloodline, and the temperament accumulated over the years, simply not a young girl can imitate,”

Looking at Shen Qiang and the 2 girls, they both looked at the beautiful and alluring Tianzhao in amazement. A Taro Aoki coughed and said, “Mr. Shen would you like to explain?”

Shen Qiang smiled, didn’t look at Ao Taro at all, but said with a smile to beautiful and alluring Tian Zhaoyi: “Ms. Suzuran, let’s have breakfast together, I’ll make it clear so I don’t wait for a young special, then go find Your trouble.”

Hearing this, beautiful and alluring Tianzhao said to Shen Qiang with a smile: “Then disturb.”

“Please.” Shen Qiang smiled at her.

Then he turned his head and said with a smile: “I talk while eating, I think this should not be rude, please.”

Hearing this, Yi Qinghu Taro’s expression followed Shen Qiang without any change.

The entire group returned to the hotel and went to the restaurant.

Just entered.

When I saw the beautiful and alluring sky photo, the beautiful blue scorpion was stunned. Not only that, his face was actually red, and he moved his mouth, but he didn’t even say a complete greeting.

This caused Shen Qiang to have sound transmission and coughed in his ear.

In an instant, he was sober.

But just glanced at Shen Qiang, he immediately turned his eyes to the side with great contempt.

Shen Qiang helpless.

In fact, when Wenren Meiqiao was not with Shen Qiang, she had cooperated with Qingxie many times. Shen Qiang was once curious. Wenren Meiqiao was strong and beautiful. Why did Qingxie not come with her? Together.

Now look at the performance of the blue scorpion, look again, the body is as sexy as you can burst the cheongsam at any time, beautiful and alluring dignified mature and charming in one body of the sky, Shen Qiang instantly understood, with such a feminine beauty and Compared to alluring Tianzhao, Wenren Meiqiao is more like a tomboy.

Not quite right, it should be said that it is a female man.

Well, she pulls the knife if she doesn’t move. Obviously there is no way to compare her with the woman’s charm.

Such a mature, sexy, dignified, beautiful and alluring, intellectual beauty with a soft and charming body, it is definitely not as simple as ten thousand li.

At the restaurant of the hotel, not many people around.

Shen Qiang, Yu Wenzi, Ye Guyun, beautiful and alluring sky photos, plus a Qinghu Taro, sitting together.

Ye Guyun, who is very interesting, didn’t even wait for Shen Qiang to order, and started the Formation to avoid the conversation of several people being heard by others.

The entourage of Taro Aoki was arranged aside and accompanied by Scorpio.

“Mr. Shen, as a collaborator, I would like to ask you to tell me frankly and honestly, what the hell are you planning?” Although Yi Qinghu Taro is also amazing at Tian Zhao’s beautiful and alluring, but after all he is old, this scene is still Very stable.

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled, calmly said: “I think Yi Qingte should be very clear that Yu Wenzi was born in Yuwen Family. She has decided to leave Junshan Prison and formally join Heshenghe, so in this case, in order to avoid Junshan The prisoner used her family to threaten her to do things she didn’t want to do. I asked Suzuran Young Lady to send me a message informing Yuwen Family’s person to leave and return when the matter was over.”

“It’s that simple?” Yi Qinghu Taro obviously did not believe it.

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “It’s that simple, because I am a simple person, I do things, and I like to be simple, but I am waiting for not simple. Not only do I not do anything, I still secretly investigate me, This makes me very upset.”

Yi Qing Hu Taro raised his eyebrows indifferently: “The duty is not allowed.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Yi Qingte is so kind, you are so dreamy and resourceful, if you are in Heshenghe, you will also be reused. After all, the idea of ​​rebuilding the order of the ninja world itself is worth to you. Show your due respect.”

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