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Looking at Yu Wenzi who questioned Jiao Mei, Shen Qiang’s eyes were very serious and said: “That is not a problem you should consider. It is an excellent opportunity now. I will definitely be able to do it. So, just tell me with certainty, Would you like to take risks with me.”

Looking at Shen Qiang’s serious and cold eyes.

The beautiful Yu Wenzi was helpless for a moment, but then said with a smile: “Well, although I am pretty sure you are crazy, but if you ask me if I am willing to accompany you to take risks, then I can answer you clearly , Shen Qiang, I am willing to accompany you to the ends of the earth, and I am willing to accompany you to the end of the world, so even if it is Heaven and Earth turning upside down, I will definitely accompany you!”

Shen Qiang smiled when he heard this.


The charming Yu Wenzi said as it should be by rights: “Of course! The person who lied to you was woof woof woof!”

Shen Qiang smiled and bent his eyes in an instant, said: “Very well, then, come and play a song for me.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi, who was blushing to the root of her neck, gave Shen Qiang a charming white look and said, “Bad guy! Ignore you!”

And at the same time, China, Dragon Group headquarters.

War God, the dragon group sitting in his office like a study, has a formidable face in the sun, which is extremely majestic.

“I understand Shen Qiang and he is a smart person. I also know that he has his own ideas, but the ideas alone are not enough. He must be pressured otherwise, he will probably weigh the pros and cons and give up this great opportunity. .”

Hearing this, the dragon officer standing aside, surprisedly said: “What do you mean?”

“I handed the Dragon Division Demon Domestication Safety Department to him in the hope that he can maintain his wolf nature, and not follow the rules of the people in the system. I hope he can fight when it is critical, The battle will win, so let him feel some pressure.”

“Let him experience, without the pain of sect protecting treasure, he will know how important Divine Weapon is to the ninja world.”

In an instant, the officer’s eyes lit up: “Do you mean the sun-bath meeting?”

“Yes, this matter is sponsored by the Dragon Group. After the time is set to half a month, I want to see what Heshenghe like the sun at high noon is going to participate in.”

Hearing this, the officer immediately nodded and said, “I understand, you can rest assured, I will do it immediately.”

“Go.” War God said.

The officer left immediately.

After he left, the eyes of War God of the dragon group suddenly lighted up, and a smile that was difficult to describe in words was revealed at the corner of his mouth.

“Take away the Divine Weapon treasure, this was my dream back then, but at that time, I couldn’t do it at all. Now, it’s up to you, in the realm of the Ninja Kingdom, in front of the ninja 3 giants, you Have you got the ability?”

At the same time that Dragon God’s eyes were serious.

Ninja Kingdom.

Waterfront, hotel lobby.

The beautiful and alluring sky in the beautiful cheongsam, the moment when he walked out of the elevator, the people in the entire hotel lobby were instantly surprised.

“What a beautiful beauty!”

“Skin is stagnation white jade, pretty face like peach blossom, perfect figure, transcendence, such a woman, it is simply awesome!”

“My God! Is this Suzuran? She seems to be not the same as usual, more beautiful, more dignified, more graceful, more beautiful and alluring, more graceful than extraordinary.”

In the lobby of the hotel, in the eyes of the experience of male and female killing, the atmosphere of beautiful and alluring sky, walked out, but just outside the lobby, there was a voice of Qinghu Taro in the ear.

“Ms. Suzuran, please wait.”

Hearing this, Tianzhao couldn’t help but look away, obviously leaning against the pillar in front of the hotel door, and was now approaching her Aoyu Taro, smiling nodded and said: “Yi Qingte, wait, you have something to do with me?”

Ichiro Taro laughed and said, “Yes, all members of the Yuwen Family under the Junshan Prison Group disappeared, disappear without a trace, there is no trace, and I don’t know where to go, as if disappeared from the face of the earth, I I thought, Ms. Suzuran might know something, so I was going to visit the hotel later. I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

Looking at the smile and squinting, but the eyes are amazing, but there is a disturbed Yi Qinghu Taro, the beautiful and alluring Tianzhao smiles charmingly, saying: “Yi Qingte and other people really will crack a joke, things you don’t even know, How can I be clear.”

“Because yesterday, the Yuwen Family Patriarch you met, after you met him, in less than 24 hours, they disappeared without a trace. You can’t say that you can’t provide any clues.”

With that, Ichiro Tachiro reached out to the thin man beside him, but then he found that he was looking at the beautiful and alluring Tianzhao in amazement.

This made him cough hard.

The thin man who awakened instantly blushed old, and then hurriedly handed a photo to Taro Qinghu.

“This should be your car. We investigated the monitoring of various intersections and found the evidence when you went to see him, so I think you might remember something now.” I took the photo and showed it to beautiful and alluring sky. Hutaro, a look that doesn’t lie to me.

The beautiful and alluring Tianzhao pu chi smiled and said: “Yi Qingte, if you really want to deal with Junshan Prison, you should not come to my trouble. Now the war is about to start, Junshan Prison is in danger, they suddenly If it disappears, it is probably to avoid the wind and waves, why do you bother me?”

Hearing this, the thin man with amazing eyes immediately obediently said, “Yeah, Yi Qingte, why are you embarrassing Ms. Suzuran, the people of Yuwen Family must be afraid of us, so they hid.”

These words made Yi Qinghu Taro frown.

But then, he raised his eyebrows calmly and stared at the glory 4 coldly. In front of the hotel, like a magnet, the beautiful and alluring sky was firmly attracted by everyone, saying: “This matter, with Shen Qiang is concerned because the woman next to him comes from Yuwen Family.”

“Not only that, I also know that you and Shen Qiang should have met before Divine Realm club, because I have carefully replayed, the video when he met you, his eyes were surprised, from body language and The expression is enough to judge that his surprise is not because of your beauty, but simply did not expect you to be there, so I hope you can tell me clearly now what Shen Qiang is planning.”

“If you lie, or don’t say anything at all, then I’m sorry, my people will block your Divine Realm club immediately after I call.”

In an instant, beautiful and alluring Tianzhao Liu frowned.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang’s hearty laughter came from the door of the hotel: “Yi Qingte waits, want to know what I’m planning, you can ask me directly, stop Ms. Suzuran, but it’s a bad thing. .”

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