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Seeing Shen Qiang representing the dragon group, and then, the people of the Bright Knights and Seraphim also stood up, with beautiful and alluring faces, a figure so sexy that they could almost burst the sky of the blue cheongsam at any time, beautiful and alluring smile, heart Road:

“Is this biting each other? Merely this only. Even Shen Qiang, a black-hearted god-killer, dare to impersonate the dangerous guy of the Dragon Emperor, in front of my means, there is no force to parry, because since they all Interested in this fleshy bone, then I just need to…”

She smiled happily, Tian Zhao, who was sexy bearing and charming temperament, was proud, but when she looked towards Shen Qiang with proud eyes, the moment when the 4 eyes met, the confident and stern smile by the corner of Shen Qiang’s mouth made her Her heart twitched inexplicably.

“2 peach kills 3 people.” Just when she realized that Shen Qiang seemed to guess and so on, she suddenly heard Shen Qiang’s wry laughter: “Next you just have to say that the number of shareholders is only 2 In this case, the Dragon Team, the Bright Knights and Seraphim will definitely fight, and they will be in a fight, um, you must think so.”

In an instant, the beautiful and alluring sky froze.

Not only did she look at Shen Qiang in shock, the arrogance that had exploded because she had regained control of the situation, but also instantly dissipated a few points, but then, she was dissatisfied with the sound transmission: “yes and how? Divine Realm mall represents Cultivation resources, the information on the forum represents the intelligence of everywhere, even if you know that this is the big coconut I stuffed into your mouth, you have to swallow it!”

Shen Qiang pu chi smiled at once, and raised her eyebrows indifferently: “It’s really a bad woman, and my mind is really poisonous, but this trick is not good in front of me, because you only dare to play the trick of 2 peach kills 3 sergeants, I immediately discussed with the two of them, the dragon group withdrew, and 2 places were given to them, but they must cooperate with the dragon group, each accounting for half. In this case, the dragon group took half from the Knight group and half from Seraphim, which was equivalent to account for A full quota is available, so you can continue your performance, I have won!”

In an instant, the figure was as sexy as he could burst the cheongsam at any time, with a beautiful and alluring face. Not only did the faint face flush with a faint flush, but the heart was instantly peng peng.

“Great, great! He actually saw through my thoughts and my means, and it turned out to be a terrifying man!”

She thought to herself.

But at this time, I heard that the Dragon Group, the Bright Knight Group, Seraphim, and the three Hegemon organizations in the cultivator world, all other cultivators interested in becoming shareholders of the Divine Realm Forum, were instantly concealed.

“Ai, Jingzhongyue, only in the mist, there are 3 Great Cultivator Groups, we have no hope at all.”

“Sure enough, in front of these three big groups, we have no chance, even if we know that this is the best development opportunity of this century, we can only watch.”

“Huge endless wealth and unprecedented intelligence. Although the opportunity is before us, we have no chance.”

Many cultivators are in a low mood.

At the same time, looking at Shen Qiang with a super confident look, Tian Zhaoyi with a hot, beautiful and alluring face said with a smile: “I’m sorry, Divine Realm has no intention to discuss any cooperation with any organization with a national background. Affirm that the forum will not provide new shareholders with forum authority, so anyone thinking of intelligence can give up.”

In an instant, the many cultivator expressions all present were on.

“3 big groups can’t!”

“Divine Realm does not work with them!”

“Awesome! Let you 3 big group of cattle, this is all right, seeing such a big pie, it is there, but you can’t eat it, hahaha, it’s cool to think about it, this is not with me Is it the same? What else is possible!”

Many cultivators snicker.

After all, they can’t get it, nor can anyone else get it. Isn’t that beautiful?

Just as they snickered.

Shen Qiang suddenly smiled and said, “What the hell is Divine Realm doing? Isn’t that just financing? What’s so strange, okay, since it’s the Dragon Group, the Bright Knights, Seraphim, and other organizations with national backgrounds, Can’t be a shareholder of Divine Realm, is Heshenghe head office? After all, it’s just China’s ordinary cultivation Sect.”

At the moment when I heard this, a cultivator present suddenly stood up and said: “If it is a distribution of cultivator supplies, our integrity is the best choice.”

“Wanxin Hesheng is not convinced.” Another stepped forward.

Not only that, the many cultivators present moved forward one after another.

“Work with us!”

“We are the strongest!”

“We have money.”

At the scene, there was an instant mess.

The daylight on the stage of Little Wu couldn’t laugh at all.

In fact, as the moderator of Divine Realm Asia and the president of Divine Realm Asia, the operator’s Tianzhao is very clear. Using the influence of the Divine Realm Forum to build a largest e-commerce platform in the cultivator industry, it has actually been more than ten years. It was discussed internally in Divine Realm before.

But the conclusion is that the gods who formed the Divine Realm forum simply did not have the mind to do this kind of thing.

Because they simply are not ordinary cultivators.

Money this thing, for them, is really worthless, because there are countless ways to get money if needed.

Just like Tianzhao itself.

As one of peace and security, one of the 5 great sea monster kings, she just hummed, countless sea monsters, helped her dig pearls, get corals, what shipwrecks, even including seabed deposits, as long as she wanted, immediately Someone will do it.

And those gods that are stronger than her, these things are naturally not in the air.

Therefore, the Divine Realm mall must make money. This is known to the gods who set up Divine Realm. However, the most critical issue is that there is no god who is willing to do this.

Otherwise, the trifling Divine Realm mall must have been done long ago, and it was only impossible to get it after more than ten years.

under such a circumstance.

The so-called shareholder recruitment is nothing more than drawing a pie and transferring the lies that many cultivators questioned. However, because of Shen Qiang’s 2 proposals, this matter has already been undeniable.

Because, now, for the Divine Realm mall, Divine Realm has clearly rejected the dragon group, the bright Knight group, and Seraphim, and now, facing these ordinary sect cultivators, she can only refuse after thinking hard, because with any a small Sect cooperation cannot guarantee that they will not be affected by national interests.

So hesitated, the beautiful and alluring Tianzhao still smiled and said: “Sorry, Divine Realm will not cooperate with any sect.”

Almost at the moment when she was tone barely fell, Shen Qiang smiled: “That is to say, the shareholder Oracle is looking for is an individual with strong financial strength, otherwise, the so-called shareholder recruitment is obviously a scam!”

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