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Just a moment, Shen Qiang’s eyes light up. At this moment, on the stage of Little Wu, the smile is beautiful and alluring, the figure is so sexy that it can burst the sky of the blue cheongsam at any time, not only the red lips lifted up and moved Shen Qiang’s general The arc, in the beauty of the eyes, is unabashed, she is provocative of Shen Qiang.

“It turns out that the more beautiful the woman, the more she will cheat.” Shen Qiang smiled and bent her eyes, but looked at the beautiful and alluring sky with extraordinary appreciation, because in this world, everyone lies and exists in any industry Among them, the right use can be called strategy and wisdom, and it is used to do evil, that is called deception, lies.

“Shen Qiang, what are you laughing at?” Yu Wenzi, the most beautiful ninja snuggling next to Shen Qiang at this time, because it is not clear how many times this reception, beautiful and alluring Tianzhao wants to do, how many times can it be done , So not at all immediately saw through Tian Zhao’s lies.

Shen Qiang hearing this smiled and said: “If you walk in a small alley, at this time, a group of dogs come around, barking at you, and contorts one’s face in agony, ready to bite you, what would you do?”

The beautiful Yu Wenzi was taken aback for a moment, but did not reflect it, but just took it for granted with a ninja mentality: “I can leave from the sky, or I can kill them instantly.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You’re wrong, the way of Tianzhao is the best solution, then throw a flesh bone to the side, the dogs will rush to fight, and she, again Take control of everything at once.”

In an instant, the stunning beauty Ninja Yu Wenzi suddenly turned his head, looking at the many cultivators present who had been shocked and excited in the eyes, shocked: “The so-called people of insight, join Divine Realm, and the candidate , The flesh and bones thrown out by Tianzhao!”

Shen Qiang smiled a little coldly and said, “Yes, yes, believe me. With the current influence of Divine Realm Forum, if you really do one after another mall, then the tentacles can be spread all over the world, which means taking it The inexhaustible wealth, and the people here will not think about it for her flesh and bones. Suzuran’s use of data will even be complacent. After all, they can boast about it, They are candidates for Divine Realm’s shareholder, which is more prestigious than the sect’s discipline.”

In an instant, the beauty Ninja Yu Wenzi’s eyes calmed down, said solemnly: “I understand, for the sake of benefit, these cultivators will fight themselves together, just impossible biting Divine Realm, this move, it is almost It’s yours to set fire to the mountain, and it’s the same thing.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang’s eyes froze, not only staring at Tianzhao, but also a sneer in the corner of his mouth: “Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself, throwing the bone and trying to get out, she couldn’t help thinking too much Simple.”

Talking and talking, the smile of Shen Qiang’s mouth was even stronger.

“The principle of winning a battle is not whoever wins loudly, nor who has face and wins, but who gains real benefits is the winner. Since she is playing Shifting Flowers Connecting Wood Chīmèi Divine Method here ‘S trick, using a lie to end all my questions, then, let me make this lie come true!”

In an instant, the beautiful female ninja Yu Wenzi froze.

By this time, the many cultivators present had already boiled.

Not only are each complacent, but his face is proud, his eyes are extremely excited.

“In the life of the cultivator, within the realm, what is the fastest way to get money? That is of course the magic weapon, medicine, and distribution of various Divine Weapon! With Divine Realm as a platform to rely on, you still have to worry about not selling things? Ninja Kingdom If it doesn’t work, it’s Asia. If it doesn’t work, it will be the whole world.

“Yeah, although I don’t know business very well, haven’t I eaten pork, haven’t I seen the pigs go? Divine Realm is the only international cultivator forum in the world today, and it is an exchange place recognized by cultivators in all countries of the world. If you can chat while buying items needed for various cultivation, how do you think, this is also a successful business.”

“World cultivation online merchants, as long as there are enough goods, it is definitely more than daily advances!”

Ordinary cultivators were shocked, their brains were full of talents, and they became candidates for Divine Realm shareholders. Once they succeeded, they immediately became rich. As for chasing Tianzhao, she used the forum data to find things they sent invitations. Of course, there is no one mentioned.

It was as if the thing that should have been dragged out and whipped was completely forgotten by them.

And not only is it a normal cultivator, it has forgotten this.

Even the observers sent by 3 Great Cultivator seem to have forgotten.

“The power of the Divine Realm forum is not just about users around the world. They have their own servers and clubs on all continents, and the battle strength hidden behind them is amazingly powerful. Once they successfully join, they become their shareholders. Our people can immediately go to all parts of the world and have the first-hand knowledge of cultivators from all parts of the world.” Observers of the Guangming Knights looked excited.

Seraphim’s observer was so nervous that he could no longer breathe.

“Divine Realm forum, we used all kinds of means at the beginning, but we couldn’t figure out how powerful it is behind. After mastering Divine Realm, you are equivalent to mastering the half of Cultivator World, you can understand the cultivator. Every action in the world, how can this be missed! This is the strongest intelligence system in Cultivator World, because professional personnel can use the information in the forum to speculate all kinds of useful information!”

The observers of the Dragon Group were equally shocked.

“Divine Realm Mall! This is simply the biggest and best money-making opportunity of this century. In the cultivation field of China, by selling cultivator supplies, it has already achieved 2 Aristocratic Family, Bai Family, and Xu Family of Wanxin Hesheng. But, that’s only in China. If you look at the whole world, the profit it creates will be a terrible astronomical figure!”

Almost at the same time the parties were shocked and whispered.

The smiling Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows indifferently, and said with a smile: “Ms. Suzuran, since it is for this purpose, it is obvious that the audience has a share, financing this kind of thing, not at all how rare, so let’s count it, How much does it cost? I agree to invest on behalf of Dragon Group.”

The moment I heard Shen Qiang’s words.

Observers of the Bright Knights, as if they were on a rocket, jumped up with a puff: “The Bright Knights, there is money! We are stronger than the Dragons!”

“Seraphim is Divine Realm’s best partner.” Seraphim’s people also got up suddenly, not only stepping forward, but also said sharper: “We can provide a lot of money, but also provide everything you need.”

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