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In the commercial vehicle outside the villa, everyone who went to buy Hongmeng’s belt with Bian Yi, not at all left after getting in the car. They waited for Bing Yi, and their eyes were shocked.

“Shen Yaowang deserves to be everyone of the Formation. The array on the Hongmeng belt has always been regarded as the ideal type of Formation. It can’t be driven at all. This is the answer summarized by countless Array Grandmasters in the past, otherwise it is also impossible, let it live in 4 places, It was bought and bought, but in the hands of Shen Yaowang, the array is alive and available!”

“The array feels so weird and terrifying. Shen Yaowang is sitting in front of us, seeing and touching it, but Divine Consciousness is imperceptible, and it feels too terrifying, as if he was abandoned in an instant. Divine Consciousness.”

“Yeah, too terrifying, this is the case when the light is good during the day, if it is fighting at night, the vision is reduced, Divine Consciousness imperceptible, then Shen Shen Wang is not invincible.”

Listening to their words, Zuo Lianghao, who was handsome and handsome, showed a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

“The strength of Shen Qiang array is far above Zangjian Mountain Villa. Those who have not seen Shen Qiang’s Wushuang sword array in person can’t imagine Shen Qiang’s accomplishment in the Form of Form, so don’t guess it, Shen Qiang Is the strongest array expert in the world today.”,

Credibility identification Master hearing this, whispered: “Ai, I knew early on that the array on the belt was so magical, not to mention the price of 1 billion, even if it is 5,000,000,000 worth buying, once you delve into the core of the array, you can Mass production has created countless magic weapons that can disappear in Divine Consciousness. It has a wide range of applications and powerful effects. It cannot be measured by money!”

Wanxin Hesheng’s appraisal Master is also a faceless soul: “If the array can be understood and used by the dark whistle, the enemy can never find them and use it by the Vanguard Team. Then their raid will become silent and formless. Ghost, even if it costs 100 100000000 million, it is worth it!”

Other cultivations are nodded one after another.

“The unparalleled array of offense and defense, if you can get it, no matter how much money you spend.”

“If the array is thoroughly studied, it is enough to make a small sect take off.”

“If the array on this belt is broken by integrity, then you can definitely beat the invincible player in the cultivation world!”

As they discussed spiritedly, the door opened and Bian Yi with a smile boarded the car.

“Life doesn’t have that many ifs, especially in the cultivation world. Hongmeng belt, you have integrity, Wanxin Hesheng has owned it, but still haven’t figured out how that belt is used, so now, what do you say about these things? meaning?”

In an instant, many cultivators were silent.

He Shenghe smiled.

Credentialing the Master, with a sigh, said: “Yes, I got it, but I can’t understand it, it won’t work, what’s the point?”

“Wanxin Hesheng has countless Depots and a lot of treasures, but many cultivators can still buy treasure from Wanxin Hesheng. Can it be used? Understand, but on the one hand, more importantly, the power of the world has Countless species, one of which can dominate, so…”

Hearing them, Bian Yi smiled.

“Don’t put gold on your face, if you can understand it, I don’t believe it. You will sell that thing before the Formulation study.”

In an instant, 2 people were silent.

Hesheng and everyone laughed.

And while Bian Yi took them to dinner and rest.

In the villa.

Shen Qiang opened the Hongmeng belt again,

“Master, you really disappeared in Divine Consciousness!”

The charming Golden Cicada, surprised and bright.

“It’s weird. I can’t really detect you with Divine Consciousness. I have to rely on my eyes to fight with you, but it’s hard to keep up with your eyesight.”

The charming night Guyun is also full of consternation.

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once.

Collected the array, calmly said: “The immortal Hongmeng, this Formulation, is to use the Formulation to simulate the state of the universe’s Hongmeng, to produce a medium similar to the chaotic state, refracting what Divine Consciousness is, I just observed it carefully, Whether it is light, air, bacteria, or radiation, all can be isolated.”

“That is to say, even in the worst environment, with this belt, I can survive very well. If the strength is strong enough, I can even use it to protect this World. Destroy, even the world annihilation, there is room for survival!”

Hearing this, Ye Guyun and Golden Cicada’s beautiful eyes were instantly horrified.

In the urban area, many sea monsters are carefully selected by the king of the sea monster. Under the arrangement of Wenzi, in a high-end restaurant, they ate a beautiful meal, not only that, but after the meal, Yu Wenzi I took them with me and went shopping very happily.

After all, they just arrived here, and some daily necessities still need to be prepared.

When they finished shopping and returned to the villa area, it was ten o’clock in the night, and it was already dark. Yu Wenzi arranged for them to live in a set in front of 1000 Ning Villa, a slightly smaller villa.

When everything was arranged, I returned to the beautiful Ninja Yu Wenzi in the 1000 Ning Villa, and found that Shen Qiang and 1000 Ning had entered the room, and the lights had been adjusted very dimly. As for what they were doing, because the room had The devices that shield Divine Consciousness and True Yuan’s detection are unknown.

Ye Guyun was in the room and turned off the lights.

So the beauty ninja Yu Wenzi went straight to her room.

Close the window and close the blackout curtains.

Taking out the electronic signal detection equipment, while checking her room, she went straight into the small bathroom in the room and opened the shower.

In the sound of the crash-bang of the shower.

Confirming the safety, Yu Wenzi took out a laptop from the storage ring.

Then sit cross-legged and logged in to her mailbox.

Open the surveillance video received inside.

After selecting the time period when she hit Shen Qiang to see the file, she found the surveillance video on the terrace and started playing.

After fast-forwarding to Shen Qiang and sitting on the terrace, her eyes brightened instantly.

The monitoring probe, from behind, happened to see Shen Qiang taking out the file bag from the storage ring.

After clicking the pause and zooming in, Yu Wenzi quickly confirmed that the two seals on the file bag did indeed come from the Dragon Group and the Ninja Security Agency.

“To lie to me, you Shen Qiang is still a little bit younger.”

The beautiful cherry lips show a smile.

But as the video continued to play, Yu Wenzi found that Shen Qiang was straight, and his head just blocked the content of the paper stamp that was pulled from the file bag in his hand. Only Shen Qiang was looking at the file in the file bag File, but I don’t even know what is written on it.

“Asshole, the guy who can block his sight even when sitting down is really annoying, but unless you are motionless, as long as you shake it, I will know what you are looking at!”

Yu Wenzi nervous, his eyes brightened after a moment.

Seizing the moment of Shen Qiang’s figure shaking, she pressed Pause, and then immediately enlarged the picture, then she saw that Shen Qiang’s neck, a corner of the document exposed on the side, there were some blurry but still recognizable. Words.

Unite to annihilate the monarch Mountain Prison…

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