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Emperor Immortal Formation!

Shen Qiang’s eyes light up instantly. The Emperor Immortal array, as the name implies, is the Supreme Powerhouse of Immortal Emperor Level, which can be developed and used array. In Medicine Sage Inheritance, regarding the Formulation aspect, there are only three Emperor Immortal arrays.

Not only the number is extremely scarce, but the conditions of use are also extremely harsh. When the cultivation base does not reach the True Immortal Realm level, simply is moon reflected in the water, flower within the mist, let alone use, not even learning To.

But the Emperor Immortal Formation on this belt is different.

It is a finished product with engraved inscriptions.

In other words, as long as there is enough True Yuan to drive.

Then it can be used!

He took Na Hongmeng’s belt and wiped it away, leaving the previous master’s breath on the belt.

Then Shen Qiang thoughts move.

That Hongmeng belt immediately wrapped around Shen Qiang’s waist.

“So impatient? What’s so precious about this thing?” Bian Yi pouted, and wanted to laugh.

Zuo Lianghao directly gave Shen Qiang a wry smile.

“Just don’t give me anything for this broken thing.”

Several other cultivators also have eyes that are a little funny, but feel unworthy.

After all, in their view, this kind of belt can’t fight or increase cultivation base, let alone 1 billion, ten dollars, whether you want it or not, you have to think about it.

But just when they looked at Shen Qiang, who had taken the belt with excitement, with a sly look.


A singular wave circulated from Shen Qiang’s belt.

Almost all of a sudden, all the cultivators present were surprised by the breath that made their sudden heartbeat accelerate.

That breath is strange.

No horror, no sunshine, as if there is nothing, but it really exists. Not only that, when they tried to observe with Divine Consciousness, all their faces were instantly white.

Because in a moment, Shen Qiang, who was sitting in front of them, disappeared in their Divine Consciousness!

“It’s impossible!” Bian Yileng.

Zuo Lianghao’s eyes widened instantly.

“I have a problem with Divine Consciousness? The cultivator fights, it’s all based on Divine Consciousness. Whether it is Flying Sword, boxing, or my infinite sword array, I need Divine Consciousness to lock down my opponent and then launch an attack. He disappeared in Divine Consciousness? “

While they were stunned, Shen Qiang’s heart was already ecstatic.

Because Shen Qiang at this time, not only clearly noticed that with the launch of the Hongmeng belt, a layer between Hongmeng and the atmosphere between Heaven and Earth surged, forming something like a protective film, which was covering On Shen Qiang.

“It’s amazing.” Shen Qiang’s peng peng jumped around in his heart: “Isolated the breath, isolated the bacteria, and even the molecules. I can have limited access. When the emperor-level array on the belt is launched, my body seems to have entered. Another world in general.”

At the same time as Shen Qiang was pleasantly surprised.

The honest Appraisal Master’s eyes have burst into cold glow, and he blurted out in horror: “He launched the array on his belt!”

Wanxin Hesheng’s Appraisal Master was also shocked in an instant.

“It doesn’t make sense. This belt is easy to handle. Many of you have studied the array on the belt. It is unanimously determined that it is an unqualified array failure. It is whimsical, impossible-driven, and only exists in the ideal of the idea. Formation, but Shen Qiang, actually driven it!”

The shock of the two of them made everyone immediately stare at Shen Qiang with a sharp look.

And almost at the same time.

Shen Qiang’s attention is not on them at all, but on this emperor-level Formulation.

Immortal Hongmeng, eternal calamity immortal, can guarantee a happy land!

What does the remark of Micro Observation mean?

Shen Qiang thought, immediately increased the supply of True Yuan.

In an instant, Shen Qiang clearly felt that the immortal Hongmeng expanded like a balloon, but when it was expanded to the point of being able to hold up to 3 people, it stopped.

Shen Qiang is a little ignorant.

“True Yuan is not expensive, and it can be neglected, but this range is not expanding. Why? Is realm or True Yuan strength required to drive this range?”

Almost at the moment when Shen Qiang was stunned, Bian Yi suddenly coughed and said, “Boss, please accept Magical Powers.”

Shen Qiang froze at the same time.

Immediately heard Bian Yi’s sound transmission: “This belt is very weird. You have disappeared in our Divine Consciousness. If you don’t want this to be preached, to stop while one can, because it may be you Killing move.”

The moment I heard this.

Shen Qiang immediately stopped driving the Formation.

Then in the shocking eyes of the two Appraisal Masters said with a smile: “Hardly everyone, I am very satisfied with this belt.”

“Shen Yaowang is polite.”

“Everyone worked hard all the way, first go to dinner, and then find a hotel to rest.” Shen Qiang gave Bian Yi a look.

Bian Yi immediately said with a slight smile: “The hotel has already been arranged, Zuo Lianghao, you will accompany several gentlemen first, I will arrive later.”


Zuo Lianghao was full of doubts, like a Appraisal Master who wanted to speak in his stomach, and left with many cultivators.

They stared at Shen Qiang’s belt and some did not want to go, but after hesitating for a while, they chose to leave.

Because they are smart people, it is clear that Shen Qiang does not want to talk to them, and they will only add embarrassment if they ask.


Shen Qiang is not everyone’s doubt about the small role of cross-examination.

So despite some reluctance, they left immediately.

Seeing them go out.

Bian Yi’s eyes lighted up instantly, and she asked Shen Qiang with a shocked expression: “You know this belt can make you disappear from other people’s Divine Consciousness? This is an absolute Divine Item. Divine Consciousness cannot be locked, which means , They simply have no way to attack you.”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once.

“Divine Consciousness can’t be locked, it doesn’t mean you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean that True Yuan is imperceptible. The real role of this belt is not to fight, but to apply to survival.”

“You lied to me.” Bian Yi didn’t believe it.

Shen Qiang reluctantly said, “Whatever you think, this is a good thing anyway, and then you can go.”

Bian Yi smiled, got up, buttoned the suit button, said: “Don’t forget our original agreement, but I have never forgotten the original intention, especially when I thought of the sect protecting treasure of the major Sect, they put it on their Among the mountain gates, I had trouble sleeping and eating.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “I haven’t forgotten, it’s just that it’s not very suitable now, wait. In addition, I need you to send me some cultivators and tell them not to call me Boss, but to call me Shen consultant. .”

Bian Yi’s eyes lighted up in an instant, and a pleasant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “What time?”

“After 3 days.” Shen Qiang smiled.

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