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“Joint dossier between Ninja Security Agency and Dragon Team!”

The beauty ninja Yu Wenzi not only shocked her eyes, she was instantly in the heart of the roar: “I missed a possibility, official business! It must be so! Shen Qiang understood My background, he is a security consultant of the Dragon group, so he I want to use me to solve those cases.”

The moment of the thought flashed in my heart, the beautiful ninja Yu Wenzi has appeared on the terrace beside Shen Qiang.

“So fast?” Shen Qiang smiled in a casual gesture.

Yu Wenzi’s eyes were cold, and there was a flash in her eyes. With your eyes that you dare to play tricks with the old lady, then you smiled slightly, and said: “Every key place has been banned. Immediately noticeable.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “Good job.”

Then Shen Qiang poured a cup of tea to Yu Wenzi, and said, “Please use it.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi’s pink lips showed a sneer.

“Boss poured tea for his subordinates, and said please use it, which is obviously impossible, which means that in Shen Qiang’s heart, I was just a pawn available, not only that, he was also very vigilant to me, In this case……”

Thinking in my heart, Yu Wenzi slightly smiled, not only pulled out the chairs at the terrace table, but sat down more calmly, then picked up the tea cup and said to Shen Qiang with a smile: “Thank you Boss.”

Then, Yu Wenzi’s beautiful eyes flashed: “Boss, your cultivation base is so powerful, I haven’t thought you are so strong, China Number One Powerhouse, you should be well deserved.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “This kind of joke is unbelievable. For the younger generation, I am indeed a powerhouse, but for the entire cultivation industry, I am still very weak.”

Yu Wenzi Yi said with a smile: “Boss is really humble.”

Almost at the moment when Shen Qiang heard this and smiled, Yu Wenzi said: “Just now I saw that you are looking at the document, is it Heshenghe’s account?”

Shen Qiang flustered, and then uttered a sigh, said with a smile: “Oh, it is not a Heshenghe document, it is for you and 1000 Ning Studio to make a budget.”

Yu Wenzi instantly smiled and bent her eyes.

“Little scammer, I will set up a suit for you and you dare to drill. I said it is the account of Heshenghe. If you don’t want to say yes, it is the budget of 1000 Ning Studio. Want to lie to me? You Shen Qiang is very early. I don’t believe that the budget of 1000 Ning Studio still needs the seal of the dragon group, and the seal of the Ninja Security Agency?”

The mirror in my heart is Yu Wenzi, with one kind, the old lady has seen through all eyes and looked at Shen Qiang, said with a smile: “Oh, so, can you show me, I am 1000 Ning Studio The members are also musicians. Regarding the budget, I think I can still ask for additional equipment.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled, her wrists shook, and a file bag without a seal was thrown in front of Yu Wenzi. She said: “Now, there are only 1000 of you in the studio. If you look at it, Of course, but in a few hours, there will be more people in the studio. There are ordinary people and sea monsters. I hope you can cooperate sincerely.”

Looking at him, Yu Wenzi’s beautiful eyes lit up obviously without a sealed file bag.

“Awesome, it’s worthy of being the 10000 demon king. It’s really not one drop of water can leak out. It is said that it is the budget of 1000 Ning Studio, and the budget will come out immediately. This wit is really difficult for ordinary people. If you replace it with ordinary person, you might believe it.”

“Even if there are doubts in my heart, I should not think too much about seeing this budget, but I still have a long way to go to foolish me. Who am I? I am a genius!”

Thinking in my heart, the more smile on Yu Wenzi’s lips, the more pretentiously opened the portfolio, looking at the budget table, while raising his eyebrows, his eyes glanced behind Shen Qiang, the surveillance camera on the terrace, sneered in his heart .

“Although I am pretty sure that this document is not the same as the security he just looked at, no one can guarantee that I have absolutely no dazzle, but fortunately, there are surveillance cameras here, and I installed it in it long ago With the software, the images in the monitor will be sent to my mailbox. As long as I go back and look at it, I immediately know that at that moment, I saw what I thought was the same.”

Yu Wenzi had a clear mind in mind, drinking tea and pretending to look at the studio budget. At this time, the koi 1000 carrying the fruit tray condensed.

After giving the fruit plate to Shen Qiang.

Yu Wenzi and Koi 1000 condensed 2 people and immediately chatted about popular music. Then the topic changed to live broadcast, to the concert, and to the songwriter of Young Master Yi.

The two of them chatted lively.

After Shen Qiang listened to it for a while, he took out his mobile phone and went to the Immortal World forum 100 boringly.

Because Shen Qiang knew that he had done everything he should do.

All the pits that were dug were dug.

The next set is down, can you deceive Yu Wenzi to jump in, then it depends on Yu Wenzi himself.

After all, this is a trap specifically for smart people.

Not enough wisdom.

If the person is not clear enough to understand, he will fail.

For example, 1000 Ning, if you want to use this way of hiding your head and asking her to enter the urn, it is definitely an unrealistic fantasy, because she promises that she will be confused. Why should she go? ,

So now, there is only one thing that Shen Qiang can do.


Betting on Wenzi’s scheming and cleverness, he is very clever and sees what Shen Qiang is covering up at a glance, because only then can Yu Wenzi check the monitoring.

If she has a simple mind, everything Shen Qiang does will become a joke.

On the online forum, Shen Qiang logged in.

I saw immediately that the information about Shen Qiang was already on the board.

Several videos have occupied the forum’s homepage.

Shen Qiang clicked in and looked at it. The video of Ranked 1st was obviously taken by Young Master Yi. Because the distance is enough and the field of view is good, not only the Archer was shot clearly, but the most simplified version of Shen Qiang was recorded more clearly. The flash of the particle gun.

“When I see the strong man, my knees automatically shoot arrows!”

“Pay respects to my king!”

“Shen Qiang! Is it you?”

“Pay respects to king!”

“Ah ha ha ha, and pretend to be my king, and send you a gun!”

Looking at these comments that didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, Shen Qiang just laughed, and then turned back. There are 2 really valuable videos, one from the perspective of Young Master Yi, the other The video is from the top of the building where Archer is located, and the rest can barely be worth a little. It is to visit the live footage of 1000 Ning Studio, but it is clear that no one puts the focus on Wenzi, so that all the center of the picture , Shen Qiang flashed in front of the rays of light, Archer instantly ascended to heaven.

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