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Almost at the same time that Wenzi stared at the dragon group members who stood on the roof of the building before the bounty hunter, while holding the shirt, standing on the top of the building and standing high, watching Yu Wenzi’s many dragon groups The members of the Ministry of the Sea could not help but look excited.

“Wow, this beauty is really amazing. Looking at her appearance, she is probably in her twenties, but her cultivation base has reached the Daogu period. Such a woman, placed in our borders, should be super first-class. Is a genius.”

“She looks really beautiful, especially the figure, tsk tsk, is almost as sexy as the unknown fire dance in the anime.”

“The beauty that is very difficult to deal with is very powerful, especially when she resists the bullet. The technique used is very strange.”

In the shock of their eyes, Meimu coldly looked at the members of the dragon group on the top floor of their eyes.

Yu Wenzi body flashed has been disappeared.

“Oh, the beauty is not happy.”

“It’s very personal. We will get closer in the future. Maybe we have the opportunity to get in touch with her more. Maybe the wife’s problem will be solved.”

“Haha, consultant Shen is so powerful. The girls around me are more beautiful than one, and the other is more beautiful. 1000 Ning Studio is so close to us, saying that we can never get a waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first.”

He heard the team members cracking a joke.

The headed dragon officer, slightly frowned, and then said solemnly: “Don’t make too many jokes, what do you think, I don’t care, but I remind you that Shen Qiang is for Song Weiyin, even the Young Master Yi dare to beat the guy .”

“This woman is not Song Weiyin,” a member of the dragon group said.

The headed dragon officer smiled and said, “Then you should try it. If Shen Qiang is on fire and kills you directly, don’t blame me for not reminding you that there are 2 things that can’t move around the man. One is His woman, the other is his car.”

In an instant, the other members of the dragon group stopped talking.

“Head, you don’t need to be so serious. They are cracking a joke. Even if she doesn’t mention Shen Qiang, the beautiful woman alone is comparable to the strength of the Taoist period, and no one can come close.”

The dragon team who heard this was the first officer, said solemnly: “You can explain this kind of words in front of me, but Shen Qiang will not give you the opportunity to explain it. Lingwai, this woman’s technique is obviously from the Ninja Kingdom. Cultivation base Daoguo period, even if she does not have Shen Qiang covering her, and she who owns Daojun cultivation base is not something you can talk about, so save and save, let’s go.”

Say that’s all.

The officer headed by the dragon group has been disappeared.

The other members of the dragon group glanced at each other, but it was also helpless.

“Shen Qiang is simply guilty of evil. The Peak Goddess in the cultivation field seems to have been taken away by him.”

Hear this complaint.

The unshaven members of the dragon group smiled.

“Come on, stupid boy, even if there is no Shen Qiang, can the Eldest Young Lady with eyes high above the top be able to catch up, do you have no points in your heart?”

“It makes sense, those top beauties, simply not something we can touch, let’s go, brothers.”



The top of the building has been empty. ,

Almost immediately after the disappearance of the members of the dragon group, Yu Wenzi’s pretty and pretty posture appeared on the roof of the building.


The white jade hand shot on the ground.

With black’s curse filled.

Yu Wenzi stood up, stood on the roof, looking at the villa where Shen Qiang and 1000 Ning were located, body flashed and died.

“Don’t be too narcissistic! The beauty around Shen Qiang is like a cloud. Even if he really wants to take possession of him, he should be very attentive to me. Send flowers, have dinner, give gifts, or make some waves and so on , But Shen Qiang didn’t do it at all, so what else can he use me for?”

“Beauty, ability, background.”

“Normally, the place where a woman can be used is nothing more than these three points.”

“Beautiful, Shen Qiang doesn’t seem to care.”

“How strong is my true ability, he doesn’t know it yet, and this is not true.”

Yu Wenzi, who moved in his heart, stood on the top of a building very close to the villa area, and his eyes were instantly bright.

“The background, although it sounds incredible, but the elimination method can’t go wrong. He doesn’t care about his beauty. He doesn’t know my strength, so the rest, what can be used by him, is only my background.”

“What does Shen Qiang do?”

“What is his plan?”

Yu Wenzi’s bright and terrifying, body flashed, disappeared again, leaving only a spell mark on the roof that was disappearing quickly.

“My background is Yuwen Family under the Junshan Prison Ninja Group. Yuwen Family is in the group and can’t be underestimated as a Ninja Aristocratic Family, but if it is placed in the entire Ninja Kingdom, it is at most equivalent to a third-rate sect in cultivation. Under such circumstances, what is worth using by Shen Qiang?”


The jade hand grabbed the huge branch, swayed its shape, stood on the branch, and looked at Yu Wenzi of 1000 Ning Studio from the gap between the branches and leaves. The jade hand left the mark of the spell mark on the tree, but the body The form didn’t move at all immediately, but the beautiful eyes were thinking deeply.

“I am Yuwen Family’s best discipline, and the only thing that can be called treasure is also on me.”

“Thoughts are a bit chaotic, and continue to think about elimination.”

“How does Shen Qiang want to use my background, so what can Yuwen Family bring to Shen Qiang?”

“The power growth? This is unlikely, because for Shen Qiang, Hesheng He wants to conquer several third-rate sects in the cultivation field, and now it is just a matter of words.”

“The influence in the Ninja Kingdom? It’s not quite right. The Ninja Kingdom, the biggest influence is undoubtedly the Security Agency and Tianzhao. Shen Qiang has a contradiction with her. In the Ninja Kingdom, which power does It shouldn’t be? Will work with him.”

“The only possibility left out is the treasure!” Yu Wenzi looked at the villa in shock, and peng peng jumped in his heart: “He knows, the treasure of Yuwen Family is in my hands, impossible? Although the elimination method is impossible Something went wrong, Shen Qiang wanted to use my background, most likely, to get some kind of treasure or something, but is this possible? He is the big brother of Heshenghe, someone with money…”

Thinking in my heart, Yu Wenzi was inexplicably puzzled, rational elimination method, and then told her the true answer, but she was shocked by Shen Qiang’s strength, but she thought it should be impossible, after all, what is there in China?

If you really want a magic weapon, integrity and Wanxin Hesheng are obviously better choices.

After hesitating for a long time, Yu Wenzi sighed and decided to go back to the villa first. After all, these ideas are speculations, and there is simply no way to take it seriously.


When Yu Wenzi was body flashed, using the villa’s wall feet to prepare to fall on the balcony, she told Shen Qiang that she had done the security work. She saw clearly that Shen Qiang had a file bag in her hand.

Almost right above her seeing the portfolio, the seals of the Dragon Team and Ninja Security Agency were instantaneous.

Shen Qiang waved nervously, and put the portfolio into the storage ring.

In an instant, Yu Wenzi’s heart twitched.

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