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Two hours later, the Dragon Group, the Beijing branch, and the pretty and charming Wenmei Meiqiao were looking at several female colleagues around them with a cold face in the office lobby of the Dragon Group.

“Shen Qiang, that year was young and rich, he was handsome and capable, but now he is a super first-class handsome Young Master in the cultivation field. Just say, there are a few women who do not want to find a man like Shen Qiang?” The female officer said seriously.

The other female officer, laughed, glanced at him with a sneer, smelling Meiqiao, and then said with a smile: “That’s not true, Shen Qiang, now in the cultivation world, it’s equivalent to longevity meat. The goblin just wanted to take a bite, I heard, isn’t Mijo just getting along with him?”

Hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao willow eyebrows tightly knit said, “Is this the vegetable market?”

That hehehe smiling female officer hearing this charming with a smile: “Hey, so on the line, was she dumped by Shen Qiang? Beside Shen Qiang, that is like a beautiful woman, Bai Jiao, Xu Nan Qin Yurou, which is not the top ladies in the cultivation industry, hehe, the wild girl with a sword and a gun, but also wants to fly to the branch to become Phoenix, which is called overestimate one’s capabilities.”

Wen Renmeiqiao instantly slim eyebrows: “You can disagree with the way I work, but don’t take my private life to crack a joke.”

Hearing this, the female officer, Pu Chi laughed at once, and then pouted: “Oh, General Wenren learned that, who dares to question, but yeah, since you dare to do it, don’t be afraid of others saying, Zheng Tianniu coaxes, isn’t it just a knife?”

“Really I am a top lady, what’s so great about getting in touch with Shen Qiang? Didn’t people throw you away after returning? tsk tsk, this woman, good looks is an advantage, but living beautifully depends on ability!”


Wenren Meiqiao stood up suddenly with binocular eyes, and exclaimed angrily, “You say it again?”

“I’m not afraid to say a few more times. You, 10000 years old 2, have never won 1000 mountains and snow. Who doesn’t know about the dragon team? Oh, then Shen Qiang who? Handsome, young, rich, and Ability, can you be seen?”

Looking at Wenren Meiqiao with his eyes spitting fire, the female officer said with a smile: “So yeah, you are just a post-it, a hehe who was dumped by someone. If he really cares about you, why doesn’t he come and see You?”

In an instant, Wenren Meiqiao was furious.

At this time, the middle-aged female assistant next to Mei Qiao hurriedly pulled her, said solemnly: “General, you don’t want to count on her 10000000, the Dragon Group regional security assessment, you are the first, don’t be impulsive, she just wants Annoy you and let you do it. In that case, the above will deal with you. By then, you will lose the first one you have.”

Hearing this, to get really angry Wen Renmei Qiao pressed his anger.

At the same time, the female officer smiled and pretended to caress her hair coquettishly, and said with a smile: “I am not as passionate as you are. Shen Qiang’s ka ka is brittle and tender. Handsome guy, can you be a rude woman like this?”

“Hmph, in his heart, wherever you are, he has come over and asked you to greet you, so you don’t blame me for being unpleasant. You, you are just being affectionate. If you are not polite, don’t say Shen Qiang comes here on her own initiative. See you, if you can call him to come here, the old lady will count as your win!”

“You say it again!” Wen Renmeiqiao slim eyebrows.

“It’s the same for several times.” The female officer snereed: “Shen Qiang doesn’t care about you at all, he came to see you, you can’t call it, you’re a smart, stupid woman, dissatisfied? Then you call Shen Qiang, I Just slapped myself, but it’s a pity that you can’t hear from Meiqiao.”

Hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao, who was so angry and tearful, was about to draw his backhand.

But at this time, Shen Qiang’s laughter came in the direction of the hall entrance.

“Oh, I didn’t expect that there is such a cow shrew on the dragon team. I’m here, you can slap yourself.”

For a moment, the female officer froze.

Wenmei Meiqiao’s beautiful eyes were pleasantly surprised.

“Shen Qiang!”

Many members of the dragon group who quietly watched the joke before, their eyes light up immediately, and then all kinds of ecstasy.

“Wow, so handsome Shen Qiang, he beat the man of the first Young Master!”

“So envious of General Meiqiao, she has such a handsome person to visit!”

“The living king is more handsome than in the photos!”

In each division of the Dragon Group, the overwhelming majority are civilians, less than one fifth of men, and the others are women.

At this time, I saw that Shen Qiang, who had changed into a neat and clean clothes, handsome and self-confident, bursting into the air, almost forgot all things in an instant, but just looked at Shen Qiang with a blank expression.

“Very handsome!” The female officer who had previously attacked Wenren Meiqiao with crazy mouth guns looked at Shen Qiang in surprise.

But almost at the same time she was shocked.

Shen Qiang slightly smiled, and his wrist was shocked. From the storage ring, he took out a watch box with a beautiful women’s watch, opened it in front of Wenren Meiqiao, and said with a smile: “Limited edition, hope You will like it.”

Wen Renmei Qiao instantly charming, her eyes complacent, and she stretched out her snowy white wrist, and said coquettishly: “You help me bring it.”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once.

This is the first time Shen Qiang has seen that she speaks to herself in such a delicate tone.

“Okay, my respectable general.”

Shen Qiang laughed while helping her bring a watch.

At this time, the woman assistant who had been silent for a long time, Wenmei Meiqiao, her eyes chilled instantly, and she looked at the female general with impunity: “You can slap yourself.”

The female officer was stunned, and then said with a smile: “Aiya, I just made a joke just now, but I didn’t expect that someone really took it seriously.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang looked sideways and gave her a cold look, because Shen Qiang knew that she was not afraid of not having good deeds, but that she was afraid of not having good people. Take Shen Qiang and Wenren Meiqiao for a good relationship. But, if Shen Qiang did not catch up today.

How uncomfortable is the humiliated Wenmei Meiqiao?

So when I heard that the female officer said it was cracking a joke, Shen Qiang said with a sneer: “The ugly people do more tricks, not only they look not equal to me, Jia Mei Qiao is beautiful, he can’t even do basic trustworthiness. People, I really don’t know what the cultivation field wants you to do.”

The ruthless words instantly made the female officer look red.

Many civilians on the side of the dragon group also snickered.

“You’re ruthless, let’s wait and see.” Saying that’s all, the female officer turned and flicked her sleeves to leave.

Shen Qiang smiled: “Don’t go, you can look good to me now.”

The female officer did not return her head.

Shen Qiang laughed, and when he turned around, he saw that Wenren Meiqiao had smiled and bent her eyes.

“Bad guy, don’t call me for so long, I hate you, but I forgive you for seeing your performance today.”

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