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Half an hour later, Shen Qiang, who had been covered with strawberry prints on his white shirt, finally escaped from the crowd under the group photo of many female cultivators. After leaving, Colonel Legendary of the Dragon Group looked calmly at Shen Qiang’s departure Back, suddenly smiled.

“I used to think that such a domineering guy must be an asshole, but I didn’t expect it to be Shen Qiang. As a security advisor to the Dragon Team, he did everything without any problems.”

Hearing this, the member of the dragon group frowned and said, “Head, you will not be afraid of him. If it is someone else’s words, you will never be so polite.”

Colonel Legendary, hearing this smiled and bent his eyes: “How could it be fear, but because Shen Qiang is so important for the Dragon Group, let alone say, since Shen Qiang joined the Dragon Group and created Heshenghe, The crime rate of monsters in cultivation has plummeted.”

“Not only that, the Hesheng Hedan Hall in the Dragon Group shopping mall also gave a lot of medicine pill to the members of the Dragon Group. From the gathering of basic exercises to Jiazidan, which can extend life for 60 years, the entire Dragon Group benefits. With Shen Qiang medicine pill, we have reduced casualties and have more opportunities to contribute to China.”

“So many times, many cases are not handled by Shen Qiang, but in the case, Shen Qiang’s contribution is indispensable, because without his gathering energy, he helps those grassroots dragon members quickly through Early-Stage In the most difficult time, the dragon team’s grassroots case-handling personnel have always been the high-risk work with the highest death rate in the cultivation field.”

Hearing this, the former man, who had been directly pressed by Shen Qiang with True Yuan to lie down on the cultivator because of the jump in the line, looked at the back of Shen Qiang who was also shocked, saying: “If the mission is not lifted , How good it should be, then we can always protect him.”

“At the beginning, if my younger brother had entered the Foundation Establishment Stage quickly because of eating Qiqi, I was afraid that he would be killed in February.”

Colonel Legendary laughed: “So Shen Qiang deserves our respect. If at first you know it is him, I think, if he does not need to go through the formalities, someone will be willing to give him the inquiry room. After all, he is the drug king! “

The rest of the crowd nodded, looking at the surrounding heavy, happy laughter and cheerful voices, members of the dragon group pictured with Shen Qiang, their tone was inexplicably somewhat envious.

“If I were Shen Qiang, how good should I be, so many people, take pictures with him and cheer for him.”

“Whether it’s those mocking jokes or the cheers of the girls, no one in the cultivation world can question the existence of Shen Qiang, he is there, like a dazzling morning star!”

“There are so many cultivators in the cultivation industry, it is estimated that Shen Qiang is only one of them being scolded all the way. After all, he is really too dazzling, so rich, so popular with girls, the cultivation base is still so powerful, and the background is deeper like the sea. If such a windy man is not sought after by girls in the cultivation field, it is simply impossible.”

In their shock.

At this time, Shen Qiang, who was out of the Longcheng Jincheng Department, took Ye Guyun, 1000 Ning, and the beautiful beauty ninja Yu Wenzi into the car.

“Are the girls in the cultivation field so straightforward now?” 1000 Ning willow eyebrows tightly knit.

Ye Guyun smiled.

“Boss is charming, those female cultivators are usually crazy, and they don’t respond to me, and they are replaced by weak cultivators, let alone expect them to give a good face. Didn’t you see them just now? Those are always attractive. The members of the combat team they have looked at have been ignored by them!”

Hearing Ye Guyun’s words, 1000 Ningxiao rolled her eyes.

At the same time, Yu Wenzi, who sat quietly behind the car, stared at Shen Qiang slightly slightly red, not only subconsciously tilting her 2 legs, but her eyes were even more faintly excited.

“Shen Qiang is really too handsome. Such a man is really hard to find. No wonder, that many female cultivation screamed with excitement at the sight of him, and even me now is a bit tempted to him. “

While driving to the capital, Shen Qiang reluctantly laughed and said, “Trust me, surrounded by dozens of female cultivation groups, and when all kinds of perfume smells are mixed, I don’t know who they are and I have to smile. The taste of taking pictures with them is not good.”

The moment I heard this, the beautiful 1000 Ning said while playfully pouting: “Hah, you don’t know how to be in blessing, how many people are there, yearn for something even in dreams.”

Yu Wenzi also smiled: “That is, you didn’t look at those male cultivators looking at your eyes. As soon as you appeared, they immediately attracted the eyes of the girls. The loss and despair of their eyes, you who have never experienced it, will never not understanding.”

Shen Qiang said with a smile self-deprecatingly: “Well, I understand, in their eyes I am a bad person, a bastard, a base and shameless, so I feel like a noble cultivator, this kind of scene, I’ll still have less contact in the future.”

Yu Wenzi hearing this, Pu Chi laughed at once, and then said: “The glory that others can’t ask for, you still put on a look that you can’t avoid. If you let those cultivators understood, I’m afraid that I’m going to hate you, and those girls will probably be sorrowful.”

Shen Qiang hearing this smiled and said, “If it were you, I would not refuse it.”

In an instant, Yu Wenzi baffled her face inexplicably, white Shen Qiang charmingly, looked at the window and said: “I can see more of your cruel and ruthless side, so I am not interested in you.”

Shen Qiang laughed.

At this time, Yu Wenzi, who was looking at the slightly red face, slightly red, looked so energetic, and a pair of excited, yet unspeakable Ye Guyun, glared at her with a displeased glance, interrupting: “Master, we Where is this going?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Go to the Dragon Group of Jingcheng to distribute, the safety level of Jincheng is too low, and some information can not be seen.”

Ye Guyun gave a cry.

The Koi 1000 stared at her beautifully and said: “Since it is in Beijing, I can just pick up things.”

Shen Qiang smiled and glanced from the rearview mirror. Yu Wenzi, who was charming, said: “Fortunately, just because Wen Zi can accompany you.”

Yu Wenzi, who heard this, smiled and said, “Jincheng is very close to the capital. Let’s accompany you to the Dragon Group Capital Department first.”

Shen Qiang hearing this, looking thoughtful Di Yi said with a smile: “The place I am going to is the confidential archive room of the Ministry of Capital. Not everyone can enter there, so if you go with me, you can only Wait outside.”

Yu Wenzi smiled and said without thinking.

Looking at her reaction, 1000 Ning was a little puzzled, but in a flash, 1000 Ning said: “Nah, Shen Qiang, you’re done, call Wen Ren Mei Qiao to have a meal together.”

Shen Qiang froze for a moment, then smiled: “Okay.”

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