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Hearing the lieutenant’s words, many officers present nodded to express their approval, but the dragon group War God sucked in a cold breath of air, frowning, and immediately questioned: “S-level reading investigation authority is too high, which means Since then, the database of Dragon Group has been completely opened to him.”

“Not only that, the s-level investigation authority has already involved everyone within the rank of Major General Dragon, including many encrypted files, personnel information, and some secret plans and projects. He will be known to him. He is too young now. I don’t worry about his high authority. A-Rank, the information of the members of the dragon team within the school level, and the investigation authority, are disclosed to him. Many other secret matters are still too early for him to contact.”

Hearing this, several of the dragon teams present put Pu Chi at a smile.

“War God, you are too cautious. I know that you are afraid of Shen Qiang messing up, but we all understand that at the beginning, when we chose to hire Shen Qiang as a security consultant of the Dragon Group, we are not sure that Shen Qiang has other Is the ability that man does not possess, and his sense of justice that is not restricted by a taken form?”

“Think about it, Shen Qiang has Demon, a cultivator, and now a sea monster. He controls a large number of Medicine Refining Masters. His ability is no less than that of Peak 2 in the cultivation field.”

Another lieutenant general, hearing this also said with a smile: “Yes, and through so many things, although everyone has not met with Shen Qiang, but they all know who Shen Qiang is, you always say he is too Young, but in fact, everyone understands that Shen Qiang is young, but not stupid.”

“If age really represents everything, don’t we have to give way to the old man who repairs bicycles in Hutong?”

Among the many dragon officers present, hearing this immediately laughed.

“Yes, a ten-year-old math genius can solve all kinds of puzzles, and a 100-year-old man may even have basic arithmetic will not, so age is never a problem. You are looking at the problem with a subjective attitude. “

“Well, War God, your attitude is actually problematic, and it is a very common parental attitude. The child at home is obviously very good, but he is not at ease and has good academic performance. You said that he is not good at communication. Okay, you say he gang of scoundrels, stay at home, you say his house, go out to play, you say he is wild, quiet, you are not happy that he is playing mobile phones, lively, you are annoying, but this set does not work in our dragon .”

“That’s right, if you want the horse to run and you don’t want the horse to eat grass, how could that be possible? Shen Qiang’s ability, potential, wisdom, and justice are undoubtedly, he simply is not the kind of public interest to satisfy his own desires. The villain, since we want him to become Imperial’s Sword hanging outside the dragon group, we have to give him the right to know.”

Hearing these words from the crowd, the atmosphere on the spot was also inexplicably dignified.

“Shen Qiang is really excellent, his ability is far beyond his age.” A lieutenant general said with a smile: “When he was hired as a security consultant, the key consideration was two points, one is that he can control Monster, one is that he has control of bacteria and viruses.”

“So when necessary, he possesses a deterrent ability like a nuclear weapon. This was one of the original considerations. On the other hand, the reason why he did this position is because we want one, is not Restricted by a taken form, but has a sense of justice, and will not be called brothers and brothers in the dragon group, and will be free from the periphery of the dragon group. People who can find problems and deal with them without mercy.”

“This itself means that he must be impossible, like other members of the dragon group, to sit in the organization. This is also determined at the beginning. The real wolf must be placed in the wild to let him learn to hunt. Now, he has done it. , Perfect shocking.”

Lieutenant General continued with a smile: “So at this time, it is already time for him to truly understand the situation of the dragon group. The distribution of each War Zone, in addition to the internal stability cultivation mission, the dragon group must resist other regions. Of cultivator.”

“To put it bluntly, the ordinary person and ordinary cultivator are sheep, enemies, and wolves, and our dragon group is a shepherd dog, and we want to protect them, but sometimes, we are deeply lost in confusion, at this time, We need a strong security consultant who is outside the organization. This person is Shen Qiang.”

“He has everything we need, as long as he is given sufficient permissions, he can look at the dragon group from his perspective, or he can proceed from his perspective, using another is not restricted by a taken form To exercise justice, so, from my personal point of view, I don’t want the Dragon Team to have a secret in Shen Qiang’s eyes.”

“But at the same time, I am indeed a bit worried, fearing that Shen Qiang will do whatever he wants after having the highest authority, so after comprehensive consideration, the current s-level authority is the most reasonable, if Shen Qiang really has perfect Performance, so that he can be taken further in the future, even if he is mediocre, then whether it is to maintain the balance of various monsters and cultivator, or involve the safety of Haijiang, it also requires him to understand many things.”

“So…” Lieutenant General raised an eyebrow and said: “Now express your position. According to the usual practice, if more than half of them pass, even if they pass, they will discuss it again if less than half.”

Hearing this, War God, the dragon group, sighed and said: “Also, since you said that I am a parental mindset and a bit critical, then I abstained in this matter. You make your own decision, but there is one thing I want to say, That is to say, anyway, Shen Qiang is still young after all, I am very optimistic about him, so I hope you do not let him lose his power.”

“War God, please be assured that we will not tell him that the s-level permissions are high, and will also ban all members of the dragon group. Discuss permissions in this regard, so you don’t have to worry.” Lieutenant General said with a smile.

War God took a deep breath, helplessly said: “Well, since you are determined to give him s-level permissions, then you can vote, but, given him permission, don’t give him the rank, lest he be too inflated. “

“Yes.” The lieutenant general smiled.

Then he turned his head and looked at the many dragon group officers present, saying: “Then hurry up and the voting begins. Those who agree with Shen Qiang to obtain s-level authority, raise their hands.”

Hearing this, a major general of the dragon group smiled, and raised his hand while saying: “I agree, this particle cannon data incident has already been able to explain the problem. Now Shen Qiang, the influence is not only China cultivation and ordinary Demon, if you want him to help, let him know!”

“I agree.” Another lieutenant general of the dragon group raised his hand: “He is free from the dragon group and the means are not orthodox, but in the bones is just and awe-inspiring. He is a trustworthy thing in China’s security. But the person!”




“Very well, since all the members have passed, then from now on, Shen Qiang’s authority is officially opened. We will give him absolute trust. Apart from very few core secrets, the Dragon Group will not have a secret in the ordinary sense for Shen Qiang. .”

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