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After receiving the report from the Rear Admiral of the Dragon Frontier, the atmosphere in the Conference Hall of the Dragon Headquarters was so low that it seemed like a dark cloud, and it was instantly swept away. The smile that filled his face was as if he had encountered the biggest joy in life.

“Hahaha, really good, this Shen Qiang, what a beautiful job! How many years? How long have those sea monsters heard our words and respected our opinions? Now Shen Qiang is not only easy to handle, but even more terrifying. Yes, he actually managed all of this with only a dollar, which is so powerful!”

Hearing this, an excited lieutenant general laughed out loud: “Careful, carefree! I have already told it before, the department has made the worst plan, originally thought that the box fell in the win repair In his hand, it was impossible to get it back again. As a result, Shen Qiang came forward, and this desperate trouble immediately resolved.”

“Well, this Shen Qiang really didn’t take it, and it was an amazing suffocating operation. The sea monster Wang Yingxiu, who dominated Haijiang, has been around 5000 years. It has been related to him in all dynasties. Things have never been done, but now, with a dollar, this Shen Qiang is simply the lucky star of our dragon team, the lucky star of China!”

Many generals were excited, smiled and praised.

War God, the dragon group sitting on the throne, also smiled and bent his eyes. The pride and pride flashed under his eyes were clearly visible.

“After waiting for more than 100 years, the selected discipline did not disappoint me. This won the repair and was powerful, but even I was helpless to him, but Shen Qiang could cure him. This has to admit that Shen Qiang is indeed Blessing of China!”

Thinking in my heart, the dragon group War God with a smile on his face was more and more cheerful.

At this time, another dragon group with the same full of smiles won the prize and said with a smile: “Everyone is quiet, let me say 2 sentences.”

Hearing this, many dragon generals were quiet.

Then he looked at him with full of smiles.

“The people from the Ministry of the Sea are escorting the box back. The situation is very good. No accident. At 9 pm, the box will arrive at the port on time. There is no suspense and there is nothing to say, so next, I want to say Another request from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, that is, they are asking Shen Qiang for help. What is your opinion on this?”

Hearing this, War God, the dragon group, smiled and said nothing.

After all, Shen Qiang is his discipline.

This kind of thing, he is inappropriate to speak.

The Haijiang Ministry is celebrating Shen Qiang. On the one hand, it recognizes Shen Qiang, so that the dragon team War God has light on it. On the one hand, it also relieves the embarrassment of the dragon team War God.

Who does not want to promote his cronies when he is capable?

Although it is only the master and disciple on Martial Dao.

But Shen Qiang is undoubtedly a close friend of Dragon God War God.

In this case, many dragon generals talked to him for disciplinary help, even the dragon group War God, such a well-known, high-weight great character, could not help but smile.

Because this is a good thing.

“Through this matter, it has been fully proved that the ability of Shen Qiang, the safety advisor of Dragon Group, and his value, I suggest to celebrate him and award the rank of major.”

Said a general.

The others immediately expressed their views.

“Well, yes, Shen Qiang’s ability is obvious to everyone, I agree!”,



“Shen Qiang’s ability, I personally think that the rank of the major is also a little low, because normally, the rank of the dragon officer, below the general rank, is based on the cultivation base. Usually, Primordial Chaos Realm should be a colonel. Once the Daogu period is reached, usually at least a colonel, the meritorious should be given the rank of major general, so I think it is possible to make an exception, um, get a refresher class, let Shen Qiang study for a few days, and then directly promote to major general.”

Hearing this, the dragon group War God pu chi sitting on the main position laughed at once.

“You guys, this will spoil him. No, the rank promotion is not urgent. Give him a major and it is already out of bounds. You can’t give it any more, otherwise he doesn’t know how to cherish it.”

This made the many dragon leaders in the Conference Hall amused.

“War God, you really can crawl a joke, Shen Qiang is not a child anymore, his calmness, compared with the present is not much more successful, even more how, his ability is obvious to all, you are always pressing him, not a Things.”

“That is, even if you don’t give the major general, at least you have to give it to the colonel. You see, 1000 Shanxue, Wenren Meiqiao, are major generals. Allie, Ye Xiaolei, a major, a lieutenant colonel, you don’t even give a colonel. , Let Shen Qiang lose face in front of his girlfriend.”

“Hahaha, yeah, that’s it. Shen Qiang is really capable. Whether it is a cultivation base or a merit, they are qualified. You, don’t always think about what a youngster can’t be too successful.”

Hearing the words of many officers in the room, the smile on the face of Dragon God War God said: “What you said makes sense, but the rank is really not important for Shen Qiang, because he is the safety of the dragon team The consultant is related to the safety of China, the dragon group, and the cultivation field. He can ask anything about it. From this point, he already has the authority of a ministerial minister, equivalent to the Imperial’s Sword, so even if it is a military officer, Has no effect on him.”

The numerous dragon generals who were present instantly were nodded.

Because the dragon group War God is talking about facts.

In China cultivation, no one knows that Shen Qiang is the only security consultant of Dragon Group.

This identity looks empty and has no benefits, but in fact, it is free from the edge of the Dragon Group, and it exists like a supervisor. It does not need to adhere to various strict regulations like those in the Dragon Group system. Sitting in class every day, free and easy, only to find him when a major event occurs, and when needed, usually, Shen Qiang is really at ease.

Moreover, with Shen Qiang’s current level of excellence, a military rank really has nothing to do with it.

The lieutenant general who started the proposal, hearing this said with a smile: “War God makes sense, Shen Qiang is not within our inherent system, in fact, it is a good thing, and, based on the recommendations of the Dragon Group, They hope that we can provide Shen Qiang with higher information query authority so that Shen Qiang can carry out his work better, so we can let go of the military rank, let’s study this aspect.”

Hearing this, the many dragon officers present at the scene immediately expressed their position.

“Feasible, the Dragon Group’s security consultant has insufficient authority. It is completely unclear where the danger will appear. I agree to give priority to advisor Shen’s authority rather than rank.”

“Yes, the military rank does not mean much to Shen Qiang now, but some investigation authority, but more meaningful to him, I agree.”



Almost immediately, in the Conference Hall, more than half of the generals of the dragon group chose to agree to the proposal to upgrade Shen Qiang’s authority.

This made War God’s eyes in the dragon group smile.

But at this moment, the proposal of the dragon lieutenant general made him instantly stunned.

“Okay, since everyone agrees, then it’s decided. From now on, the security consultant Shen Qiang’s informed and investigative authority will be officially promoted from c-level to s-level. Except for the sss-level documents that need to be approved by the Long Group Staff , He can check all the materials of Dragon Group.”

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