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Looking at the loose one’s head out of fear, but only a moment later, I immediately regained the calmness of Yu Wenzi. Shen Qiang’s gaze couldn’t help but has several points of praise, because this is actually really rare, after all, Shen Qiang’s The status is unusual.

Under the deep sea, the Dragon Group Security Advisor, the Medicine King, the 10000 Demon King, the Alliance Leader of Danmeng, and He Shenghe’s gangster are even more difficult than ordinary emperors.

This Yu Wenzi is obviously the so-called sexual entrapment executor. Her appearance is not accidental, but she is deliberately close to Shen Qiang. Behind it, there must be hidden unknown secrets.

This point, Shen Qiang already knew it well.

Therefore, Shen Qiang strictly regulates the data communication signals in the Dragon Palace, which is why the Ye Guyun meeting was 100 boring.

Because if the signal data is normal, Ye Guyun has picked up his phone to brush anime, how could he be bored.

“Ah, that’s what it is.” Yu Wenzi, who suddenly smiled, said while deleting his message on the phone while the thumb was moving.

Because the phone is facing away from Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang guesses that she is deleting the message, but it is not clear what the content of the message she specifically deleted.

Not only that, the more calm this Yu Wenzi’s performance is, the more Shen Qiang appreciates her eyes.

Because there are a lot of honest people in this world, there are more people who lose one’s head out of fear when they encounter things. They can really become unstoppable and deal with them immediately. They strive to minimize the loss, and there are very few people.

After all, this requires extreme calmness.

“Is there something urgent to send a message to outside?” Shen Qiang smiled close to her and said, “I can help you.”

Hearing this, Yu Wenzi showed a beautiful smile and said, “Okay, when I came out, I forgot to close the window, fearing that it would rain. If you can, then help me tell someone to close the window.” .”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once.

She couldn’t help but look at Yu Wenzi seriously. She was very beautiful, and she didn’t lose to Song Weiyin’s beauty at all. She was also very praised. It was a kind of solid and round sports girl with a vest line.

The figure is slender, but not at all weak and can’t help but wind, beautiful and talented, but not sick.

Especially at this time, when she lied with a smile, that calmness was definitely not something ordinary girls could have.

“This kind of little thing of closing the window is still free.” Shen Qiang who came to her, pestered her against the wall and pressed her back against the wall, saying: “After all, for the thief, open the window, It means that the person may be at home, and closing the window means that the owner is going out. Such obvious hidden news, in the eyes of the person who is interested, is like telling them where we are.”

Yu Wenzi froze, looking at Shen Qiang blankly, then smiled and said, “What are you talking about, it’s so strange, I can’t understand it at all.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “When I was young, I often made appointments with my classmates. When I opened the window, it meant my mother was at home. Closing the window proved that she was not at home. The vase was on the left side of the window. My homework was finished. Going out, on the right, my homework hasn’t been finished. He has to tell my mother that I have to write homework with me before I can go out.”

“Very smart.” Yu Wenzi looked up, looked at the pestle against the wall, smiled at Shen Qiang, and said: “I first heard that there is such a thing.”

“A life without a secret code is not Perfection.” Shen Qiang said with a slight smile: “So many caring people can not only infer a lot of things from closing or closing the window, they are also more likely to use the window to convey information, For example, closing the window means that I have an accident and need rescue.”

In an instant, Yu Qianzi in front of Shen Qiang smiled coquettishly and said: “You are really interesting, are you usually so whimsical?”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled and raised her eyebrows: “I’m just going to be whimsical in front of beautiful women. At other times, it’s easier to cut off.”

Yu Wenzi smiled and raised her eyebrows charmingly: “Are you teasing me?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “You are really beautiful.”

Yu Wenzi’s beautiful eyes crafty Di Yi said with a smile: “This is not like what a respected Big Boss should do.”

“When you see beautiful women, you will naturally take pride in respect. If I don’t think at all, wouldn’t it seem that you are too unattractive?” Shen Qiang laughed.

Yu Wenzi also laughed, but at this time her heart had already set off a huge wave.

Because in fact, it is already summer.

Yu Wenzi did agree with others that once she found her window closed, it meant that she had an accident.

In this way, you can complete a message delivery without any contact.

But it is a pity that she is miscalculated, and Shen Qiang is far smarter than she expected.

Not only that, she confirmed at this time that Shen Qiang had indeed doubted her.

So when Shen Qiang asked her if she wanted help, she tried to use Shen Qiang’s temptation to complete the message delivery, but unfortunately, she had forgotten, and came to Shen Qiang here, as if Heavenly Eye had been opened, So that her little means are not used at all.

I can’t use my cell phone, I can’t get the news, and I run away alone.

So immediately, the charming Yu Wenzi said with a smile: “Boss, you smiled very handsome, but I am going to the bathroom now.”

The moment she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “This is not a good excuse.”

“But people have 3 anxieties.” The charming Yu Wenzi pursed her red lips coquettishly.

But at this moment, suddenly the voice of Ye Guyun came from the side: “Well, you have a big chest, you are reasonable, you say everything right, I told you that the bathroom is on the left hand side, and you walk to the right hand, Hehe, you won’t really be indifferent.”

Hearing Ye Guyun’s words, Shen Qiang smiled.

Yu Wenzi froze, forced a smile and said: “Aiya, I thought you were talking about your left side, isn’t that my right side?”

Ye Guyun stared at her with white eyes.

She turned a blind eye and just smiled. The old lady just didn’t want to talk to you, just to go to the toilet, what look you can do.

And at this moment, the voice of Wang Yujiang, the great sea monster, came from behind, saying, “Your Majesty, the sea monster has been assembled. Please indicate when you will leave.”

“Now.” Smiling Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows without thinking.

In an instant, Yu Wenzi froze.

And while she wanted to speak, Shen Qiang swished away, took her phone from her hand, and then said with a slight smile: “My phone is out of power, you can’t call this, just right Use it for me.”

Yu Wenzi was stunned and his face was ugly.

But at this time, she looked at Shen Qiang smiling and asked for her phone password, and hesitated, not at all chose to confront Shen Qiang, but directly told Shen Qiang’s password.

“Very good.” Looking at the sexy selfies of Yu Wenzi on the phone, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Let’s go, let me remind you, in fact, this is not just a phone call, different The signal from the locator is also completely blocked, and if you can measure the coordinates and believe me, it must also be false.”

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