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Hearing the Dragon War God’s words, many senior generals in the Conference Hall glanced at each other, and then focused their attention on Shen Qiang.

“Consultant Shen, you should already understand the current situation. In fact, we have no choice. You are our only hope. The box contains not only the hard work of those scientists, but also peace and stability, so we are now I can only ask you.”

“You are our last chance. Except for you, we can’t think of any really effective way.”

“In the deep sea, it has never been our cultivator’s territory, so Shen Qiang, this matter, can only rely on you.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang couldn’t help but take a deep breath, his eyebrows locked, because now the situation of Shen Qiang in the sea is not optimistic. First, the sea emperor denied Shen Qiang’s identity, and then, Tianzhao denied Shen Qiang identity of.

The crisis in the treasure house has just been lifted.

But apart from China’s Haijiang, Shen Qiang simply wasn’t sure whether he could manage to win one of the 5 Great Demon Kings.

But at this moment, after hearing the expressions of many generals, the war group of God God solemnly said: “Shen Qiang, the words of the generals, I think you have heard it, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility, this That kind of talk is never empty talk.”

“China has many 100 surnames and many ordinary persons. They live ordinary lives and enjoy a life that is not rich, but is warm and happy. Once this box falls in the hands of people who are skeptical, they have Everything will be destroyed.”

“So I hope you, you can do something for a lot of ordinary people.”

“You will not be a hero in their hearts.”

“Because they will never know what happened here.”

The right hand banged the dragon group War God that hit his chest. He looked at Shen Qiang seriously and said, “But here I will always remember the efforts you made for China and for ordinary people!”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “I’m not a hypocritical person, since you can’t do it, I should have done this, I promise, I will definitely do it, and try my best to do it, but the result is, I dare not Make any guarantees here.”

“It’s okay to have a conscience,” said War God, the dragon group.

Shen Qiang nodded.

Then went offline.

While hanging up the video call, Shen Qiang couldn’t help but let out a breath and then went silent.

“Boss, you seem to be under great pressure.” Uncle Gui, who has been silent for a while, suddenly said, “That won’t be different from Yu Xiu, he will not easily agree with you.”

Shen Qiang nodded, then frowned, looked at Gui Yuanba and said seriously: “You must have, if we go, how sure we are, let this thing be completed smoothly and perfectly”?

After Uncle Gui hesitated for a while, said solemnly: “Forgive me to speak bluntly, Boss should not take this task, the greed of winning repairs, no one in Haihai knows, what falls in his hand, if you want him to Spit it out, it’s as difficult as heavenly ascension.”

“That’s why the guys in the Dragon Group threw this hot potato to you, because they knew that this matter was resolved smoothly and probability was almost infinitely equal to zero, so they threw the trouble to you. “

Hearing this, Shen Qiang laughed, leaning lazily on the Dragon Throne, and then looking at the Dragon Palace, swimming fish swimming in the sea, indifferently said: “There are many problems they can solve, very few can not be solved. , I am not Saint, but I also know that if there is no ordinary person in China, I cannot have a high position and great wealth.”

“After all, there are only a few cultivator worlds, and it’s boring to think about it, so you don’t need to talk about it. Go subordinate, choose some weighty and capable sea monsters, and let them follow me to find a winner goods.”

“3 thinking!” Wang Yujiang, the big sea monster, interrupted suddenly and said, “Shen Qiang, winning repairs is not Tianzhao. If he refuses to approve of you, you can’t even speak in front of him, so this matter… …”

“Less wordy,” Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows indifferently, and said, “Just call someone, and leave in half an hour, do nothing, it takes what it shouldn’t take, I have to get it back.”

In an instant, the big sea monster Wang Yujiang and Uncle Gui looked at each other, sighed, and said in courtesy: “After half an hour, we will start.”

Shen Qiang nodded.

Wang Yujiang, the big sea monster, turned and walked out of the main hall.

Then, not at all, Uncle Gui, who left with him, said: “Boss, this is extraordinary, you are too impatient.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang pu chi smiled, then got up and walked down the Dragon Throne while saying, “I came from an ordinary person. Sometimes, I hate to fight with them. He also hates the despicableness of human nature, but everything has its two sides, and humanity has a shining brilliance on the despicable side.”

“Even if it is not for the ordinary person of China, as the Dragon Emperor, I will never allow anyone in my territory to act wilfully, so needless to say, usually, I can hang my son, but when the motherland needs me, I It will be like a worker bee and come to her immediately.”

Uncle Gui looked at Shen Qiang who walked out of the main hall silently, and suddenly smiled: “Who dares to imagine that the Dragon Emperor who is so arrogant and despotic will also be interested in the ordinary person in the world! They are really blessed.”

While he laughed and sighed.

In the corner of the Water Crystal Palace, Yu Guzi left Ye Guyun and Koi 1000 on the pretext of going to the toilet, and was walking hurriedly while pulling out his mobile phone nervously.

The white long slender jade finger rapped on the phone quickly.

“I must be evacuated to expose. I need to respond urgently and prepare quickly.”

After the short text message, the coordinates are attached.

Seeing 4 unmanned places, Yu Wenzi immediately clicked on the message to send it.

But a few seconds later, Yu Wenzi looked at the phone page in horror and anxiety. A red exclamation mark appeared in front of the message!

“The message was not sent out. How could this be possible? The mobile phone showed a full signal. Shen Qiang had just connected the phone just now, which means there is no problem with the signal!”

Yu Wenzi reissued it, and the result was unsuccessful again, which made her anxious to urinate, but how dare she really go to the bathroom at this time, because she knows that Shen Qiang has definitely seen through her, the so-called erotic shortcomings, simply is a trap released by Shen Qiang.

“Signal, signal, I want a signal, I want to send the message immediately!”

Yu Wenzi held the phone in his hand and walked forward anxiously.

As a result, after passing through the corridor, she turned around, and she was shocked to see that the handsome Shen Qiang, with a sly look, was looking at her with a smile.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you that the conventional communication network is blocked here, that is to say, except for my mobile phone, the things in your hands are no different from bricks.”

At this moment, Shen Qiang’s smiling smile lies in Wenzi’s eyes, horrified like a demon.

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