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This was the first thought that flashed through the hearts of all the people present when she saw Shen Qiang walking toward the noble, noble, beautiful face, and tall figure.

“There shouldn’t be such a beautiful woman in the world. She is proud, holy, beautiful and brave, like pure crystal, spotless, making me willingly kneel at her feet, looking up at her looks, as long as you can see her face, I She felt peace in her heart. She is the Goddess I admire the most, so don鈥檛 stay close to Shen Qiang, otherwise don鈥檛 blame me!鈥?/p>

“She is beautiful, but what really admires me is her indifference between life and death, and the tranquility, the blue heart, and the transparent crystal-like eyes, and the arrogant lips, It seemed to see through all the smiles.”

“The sacred breath, the high purity is like an ice mountain snow lotus, such a holy, brave, wise woman, no man in this world can deserve her!”

Although the people present thought about it, no one spoke.

After all, the situation of the Young Master Yi has been defeated. Shen Qiang is the winner, the winner, and the big brother of Heshenghe. So even if it is a cultivation investigator or those big demon, no man should be close She, but no one dared to say.

But everyone in the online discussion group exploded instantly.

“Shen Qiang asshole is not qualified to be close to such holy Goddess!”

“Profane! This is profane! Such a noble Goddess, no man in this world can be worthy of her! I am not good? I am a Sect Master of the Five Mountain Sword Sects Alliance. I am from an orthodox, high-weight, such a woman , People like me can only look up, he Shen Qiang, what qualifications are close to her!”

“So noble Goddess, as long as I kneel at her feet and look up at her, I feel that I am already the happiest person in the world, so Shen Qiang this bastard, get away, get away, if you dare to tease my Goddess, I will kill you!”

The message in the discussion group exploded.

But in their crazy roar, the smiling Shen Qiang had stopped her footsteps, but looked at Qing Xuan quietly.

Seeing Shen Qiang’s eyes full of smiles and praises, Qing Xuan’s pretty face turned red, and then moved towards Shen Qiang.

At this time, she looked shy.

In the sacred nobility, the girl’s feelings are revealed.

The share was so beautiful that it made everyone breathless.

“She smiled beautifully.”

“缇巔erson like jade!”


And just as everyone held their breath, shocked, admired, and looked at her admiringly.

Has arrived, the beautiful Qing Xuan in front of Shen Qiang, kneeling down knees shyly in the eyes of everyone in amazement.

In an instant, everyone looked pale.

“Impossible! This is an illusion! How can Goddess kneel in front of Shen Qiang!”

“My Goddess, don’t be like this! Fake, fake, this is absolutely fake!”

“Asshole Shen Qiang, Laozi slaughtered you!”

And just when they were frightened and angry.

A scene that made them instantly desperate appeared.

Kneeling Qing Xuan kneeling in front of Shen Qiang saw a piece of muddy water on Shen Qiang’s shiny leather shoes, and then she produced a white snowy handkerchief from her arms, cautiously, and helped Shen Qiang wipe it off seriously The dirt on the leather shoes.

“Ah, asshole!”

A deep abyss cultivator who had fallen to the ground and knelt on the ground instantly groaned.

The other person stood up in tears hua hua and walked angrily towards Shen Qiang.

“I’m going to kill you, I’m going to kill you! How dare you desecrate my Goddess, you must die, you must die!”

Shen Qiang smiled slightly.

Qing Xuan has been serving as a waiter and has long been the person of Shen Qiang.

Modern people don’t care about this.

But for Qing Xuan, who lives in Immortal World, when she chose to cut off the fairy edge and deliver by a military weapon to protect Shen Qiang, she was destined to always be Shen Qiang’s most loyal maid.

Mo said that she just bowed her knees and helped to wipe her shoes. As long as Shen Qiang thought, she would never refuse.


Taking a deep shot, Shen Qiang said with a slight smile: “Get up, good job.”

Qing Xuan instantly shy.

The snowy pink hands were placed in Shen Qiang’s hands, soft and warm.

“Ah, kill Shen Qiang! This bastard even dared to pull Goddess’ hand! This is unforgivable!”

“Let go of my Goddess, everyone will still be friends!”

“Asshole, I have never seen such a shameless person in my life!”

“Scum, despicable, shameless, nasty, filthy, scum, let go of my Goddess, don’t blaspheme her, she is so holy, so noble, you bastard, how patient, use your hand to touch her! “

Raging cultivator growls.

At this time, lightning flashed across, illuminating Xiao Si’s night rain.

It also illuminates the petite woman on a big tree outside several hundred meters.

She was wearing a cloak-style raincoat.

The petite lotus feet, wearing a pair of embroidered shoes, round and snowy legs, can be clearly seen when the lightning strikes, with a beautiful foot at her snowy white jade-like ankles chain.

The silver bell on the anklet shook gently in the wind, but there was no sound.

I can only hear her whispering like a yellow warbler: “A woman with divine power bows down religiously, a kind person will also be incarnation a butcher, a man under the sky, a man who smiles sincerely, it is my man… it is him , It must be him!”

The black crow standing on her shoulder chuckled, then suddenly spoke human’s words.

“It shouldn’t be wrong, such a sacred, noble, and holy woman has already kneeled in front of her, then he is naturally qualified to be his son-in-law, Saintess, let him be your man Well, this guy, can control your restless heart, and be more able to pass on. The divine technique of this door is not the 2 choice.”

In an instant, under the cloak, the pretty and fair face turned blushing.

Immediately, he watched Qing Xuan walk back into the distance silently.

“Young Master Yi, now I am standing, you are kneeling, my people, majestic, and your people have been defeated, so now, you can only kneel here and listen to me tell you the rules.”

Shen Qiang smiled.

But the cold and irresistible words suddenly focused everyone鈥檚 attention on Shen Qiang, and instantly made everyone understand that the protagonist tonight is not Qing Xuan, but Shen Qiang and Young Master Yi.

“Assholes, warriors can’t be humiliated!” Young Master Yi growled.

Shen Qiang smiled, said in a tranquil voice indifferently: “Young Master Yi, I give in to you many times, but you don鈥檛 give up. Now, I am insulting you, what can you do?”

“I will kill you!”

The tearful Young Master Yi roared angrily, but he, with the silver needle, couldn’t even move his fingers.

“Want to kill me? Maybe someone can, but you can’t.”

Shen Qiang smiled.

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