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Young Master Yi’s house will roar, and the arrogant tone is so good that it complements the song of Shen Qiang, except that at the moment when he heard this, not only Shen Qiang’s eyebrows were closed, and he occupied Athena divine corpse. Qing Xuan also instantly slim eyebrows.

Qing Xuan, General Divine May of Immortal World Zhong Prefecture, whose mother is the breast-mother of Emperor Yongzhen of Zhong Prefecture, and sister-in-law with Immortal World Emperor, True Immortal Realm, can be called a first-class powerhouse for young people, with a fruit of 10000 伞, Best for fighting in battle.

Cultivation base is so powerful that it cannot be compared with cultivator in the ordinary sense.

To put it bluntly, if Qing Xuan is at the peak period, even the dragon group War God, in front of her, I am afraid there is no arrogant capital, but the situation is different now.

On the cultivation base, on realm, on the perspective of cultivation, in addition to Youying, she is the strongest without suspense.

But now, it is her weakest time.

Just resurrected.

Divine Physique has less than half of the power.

Battle battle, exhaust True Yuan.

After a long journey of several hours, there was no time to rest, and he immediately entered the battle again, and the opponent is precisely the most powerfulhouse among the 4 young masters.

Uncle Gui, the whimsical Qingyun Sword Pavilion Swordsman, the big demon Geng Jingyi from Scripture Pavilion, 3 people are watching the battle.

They don’t seem to want to help.

Shen Qiang knows that this is their respect for Qing Xuan.

The weak, never thinking, who will help me.

But the thinking of powerhouse is… I can do it!

If they shot, they must have felt that Qing Xuan impossible beat their opponents, otherwise, why should they help?


The violent True Yuan ran away.

The young Master Yi family who suddenly emptied, pinched the sword tactics, the color of the world changed instantly, and the True Yuan burst suddenly, not only destroyed everything around him in a moment, but the terrible pressure, but also the surrounding The space was all crushed into fragments, which not only distorted everyone’s sight, it was as if the terrifying aura that opened the gate of hell suffocated everyone.

“Hmph, he is the strongest of the 4 generals, he will not lose!” Young Master Yi’s grandfather, a slight smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth.

The dragon group War God frowned: “Passing Changhong, crushing the air, although this person has only a cultivation base in the period of a joint period, but has already glimpsed the Great Ascension. Such a guy can already do a few tricks with me. The girl is of unknown origin. I’m afraid she has no way to survive in front of such a powerhouse. After all, if she can win, I’m afraid that the cultivation base is comparable to the Great Ascension. This is unlikely. After all, the Earth Immortal-level cultivator is very rare. The woman is so beautiful and looks young again.”

At the same time, many of the Sect Sect Masters in the discussion group were horrified instantly, because they could not feel the breath, so they couldn’t really feel the brutality of the fighting on the spot.

It can be different at this time.

The broken space distorted the sight.

I saw several big Sect Masters in the real super powerhouse fight, and they broke out in an instant.

“Looking at the Great Ascension!”

“But Earth Immortal!”

“Close to the strength of Peak powerhouse!”

“That woman is over, she has no chance to win!”

“Secret of the Cliff Sword!”

Almost at the moment when their barrage came out, Young Master Yi’s family general had already violently brandished his sword.

“When you think about it, Close Horizon!”


Distorted space, broken into pieces.

Young Master Yi’s home will be gone!

“One close, so close, yet worlds apart!”


Almost as soon as he disappeared, his figure appeared beside Qing Xuan.

Under the buzz of the blade, the horrible word intent is like a boulder rushing into the water, the ripples that are surging, the momentaneous splendor, so that the space around Qing Xuan bursts and expands to all around.

“Life is dead!”


“Not that this woman is incompetent, but that bastard is too strong!”

But just as everyone changed their thoughts, horror, the beautiful Qing Xuan had emerged in his mind. Under this sword, the picture moment of being beheaded to pieces.

Qing Xuan’s pink lips with a beautiful face suddenly showed a smile, and there was a look of appreciation in his beautiful eyes.

“It can also be sprinkled, like a powerhouse. If you are in Immortal World, you can probably be a team leader, but with this huge spot spot, the arrogance in front of me is courting death!”

Beautiful eyes shine.

Hair and dress are flying.

The moment when the sacred and noble breath burst forth.


The beautiful Qing Xuan was around 30 meters away, except for the ground under her feet, all sinking.

No ground fissures, no loud noises.

It was like the earth was pressed into a sponge by an invisible big hand, and it collapsed suddenly.

The wind swept away the dust.

The brain is like a crowd of people who instantly crashed, seeing it blankly.

Young Master Yi’s family general is lying on the ground covered with stone cones.


a mouthful of blood, spewing out of his mouth.

He was penetrated by several stone cones with a weak breath.

“Impossible!” Young Master Yi complexion pale, his eyes horrified: “Who is this woman? She has no reason to be so strong!”

At the same time, the eyes of the dragon group War God burst into an instant: “What a great woman, this master of Young Master Yi, to see the Great Ascension, this sword is full of skill, before and after, it is powerful Impeccable, but the weakness is above and below the foot, this woman, the ground condensed stone cone, True Yuan pressed his head, clearly only about the strength of the Dao fruit period, but produced an effect of 4 2 dial 1000 kg, grasp the timing, And the keen sense of battle is definitely not under me!”

And at the same time that the dragon group War God and Young Master Yi changed their minds.

Qing Xuan, whose hair and skirt fluttered in the wind at this time, dazzled other cultivators present.

“Good sacred atmosphere, noble, holy, beautiful, cold, seemingly unparalleled empress, looking down at the earth!”

“She is so beautiful, very powerful, definitely not the reason of True Yuan, that indifferent, that confident, that calm in the crisis, as if walking in the mountains and rivers!”

“Holy, pure, the moment I feel her breath, I seem to see the woman in a white dress, smiling and walking between the flower fields, she is more beautiful than flowers, more noble than Princess, looking down on the life, it seems that even Following is a wish!”


A group of cultivators from the abyss have already kneeled involuntarily on the ground, eyes staring at the beautiful face of the hair and skirt corners, Qing Xuan with a tall figure, after all, her body, but Divine Race’s Descendant Athena!

That is a Wudes Goddess that gathers wisdom, bravery, and holiness in one body!

“So beautiful, so beautiful, very powerful woman!”

Many of the cultivators present knelt in shock, muttering to their mouths, wondering if they were praying or praising.

And in their shocking eyes.

Shen Qiang smiled.

Immediately walked past.

In an instant, all the cultivators present, and even the monsters of Heshenghe, flashed their hostility in their eyes.

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