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In the discussion group, there was a silence. The Sect Sect Masters of the large and small cultivation circles were added together. Nearly 100 big guys all looked at the screen blankly, standing proudly in Shen Qiang in midair, knowing for a long time, A line of text jumping on the screen, like a heavy hammer, woke them up instantly.

“Shen Qiang’s Dao Guo can be forced to renew his life or be forced to be slashed, so this is not a Dao Guo in the ordinary sense, but a real control of the cause and effect relationship. During the holidays, he is destined to become the strongest in the world. cultivator!”

In an instant, the many shocking Sect Sect Masters have been incredibly shocked to type.

“Miracle! It is difficult to describe my current mood in words. The so-called Daoguo are usually specific. All Daoguo exists, and there is only one purpose, killing, fleeing, defending, or controlling certain elements. The rules, like Young Master Yi, his Daoguo, is for the purpose of killing. No matter what changes, the only purpose is to kill!”

“I’m going crazy! I must be a fake cultivator. The dual attribute fruit is not uncommon. Even with 3 types of attributes and 4 types of attributes, it is not that it has not appeared, but the problem is, absolute salvation Living, and absolute killing, how can these two contradictory abilities appear in the same person’s Dao fruit?”

“It feels like a lying trough. This Shen Qiang is going to be invincible. He can save the dying person, and can also kill the lively jumping person. This is simply a godlike fruit!”

“I don鈥檛 have the strongest, only stronger. I believe the Young Master鈥檚 perseverance is a superb and terrifying unresolved Taoist in the cultivation world. How many powerful overhauls are in front of him. Even the begging for mercy is too late. It has already fallen, but in front of Shen Qiang, hehe, his horrible funeral is like a child crawling a joke.”

“I am heartbroken and dead, and the difference between people is too great. This Qian Qian’s fruit is actually the control life and death!”

“Yi kneeling, Shen Qiang can control life and death. Thunderbolt is invincible and handsome enough to scare me, it’s like a goddess!”

“Ahhh, I’m going crazy. This unreasonable Dao fruit should not appear!”

“Cangtian has no eyes, such a despicable person, should not use such a fruit, this should be mine, it should be mine!”

In the discussion group, many Sect Masters of various Sects have been violently emotional, because compared to ordinary cultivators, they are more aware that the brother of a small sect has the cultivator of the title of drug king, plus the terrifying battle strength, absolutely Not 1+1=2 strength growth, but 1+1 to the Nth power.

“The evil, he is evil! The status of the Medicine Refining Master is respected, but the reason why it can’t really influence the cultivation world is that the energy of the Medicine Refining Master is in dispensing and pill concocting. The more powerful the Medicine Refining Master battle strength is, the worse it is. , This is the iron law!”

“The sky has changed, and the powerful cultivator will pill concocting. He is so powerful that I want to choose to die!”

“Don’t talk about it, I have chosen to believe in Buddha!”

It exploded in the general discussion group, many Sect Masters of cultivator Sect, the situation of emotional runaway, finally attracted the attention of experts, and could not help being reminded in good faith.

“Single tree is hard to support. Shen Qiang alone, even if he is strong, will not pose a real threat to everyone present!”

These words instantly reignited the confidence of many Sect Masters who were about to choose to die.

“Yeah, there is no forest in one tree, Shen Qiang is indeed strong, but he has 4 pits in one god, and the cattle ratio will also be limited.”

“Yes, yes, the 300 monsters of Heshenghe are very cattle, but they can only target the small Sect. Our Great prestigious families, with a size of nearly 1000 people, are not comparable to him!”

“Well, that’s right, Shen Qiang doesn’t work. Isn’t he the 300 demon and Qingyun Sword Pavilion with more than 100 men? Apart from him, there is no one who can stand alone, so Shen Qiang wants to really rise , Far from it!”

The Sect Sect Master solemnly vowed in the discussion group seemed to have found confidence.

But yes, after all, they don鈥檛 know, Shen Qiang thought Dragon Emperor, it鈥檚 not clear, as long as Shen Qiang is willing, he can pull out 10000 big sea monsters in Haijiang at any time, otherwise, lend them 8 courage, it is estimated that they also I dare not say such things.

“Ah ha ha ha, all of you guys, I awakened my dreamer. I also felt that tomorrow I must take someone to visit Shen Qiang. Now I don鈥檛 need it anymore. How can this Shen Qiang be strong? an army only.”

“Hmph hum, how many of the best characters in Hesheng? Infinite sword array Zuo Lianghao, one of the 5 tigers, the cultivation base hasn鈥檛 got the fruit yet, the idol-level genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying is really powerful, but in the end it is just a Woman, the rest attempt nothing and accomplish nothing, don鈥檛 worry at all.”

“That’s right, apart from Zuo Lianghao and Kang Luoying, Heshenghe simply doesn’t have a Peak Powerhouse, so don’t worry, if you want to be arrogant, you won’t even get his Heshenghe in your next life!”


At the same time, outside the villa.

In the air in the distance, Young Master Yi’s 4 people will be together with Geng Jingyi, Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s cultivator, Gui Shu, and Qing Xuan. They are fighting fiercely.

At the moment, Shen Qiang, who was standing still in the air, just looked at the abyss cultivator with a sigh, and then said quietly: “The people under the Dao Fusion Fruit period of Hesheng retreat, if they dare to go up again Before, kill without mercy, if they want to go, let them go.”

Hearing this, the Hesheng people with swords drawn and bows bent, responded 鈥測es鈥?in unison, in a tone full of pride.

After all, the current opponent, but the first Young Master in the cultivation world, can beat them scared witless. For those cultivators of Qingyun Sword Pavilion under Heshenghe, no matter the monsters, it is the glory of Supreme.

Turn around.

Returning calmly to the pale, almost desperate Young Master Yi, Shen Qiang calmly said: “Now, are you satisfied?”

“Asshole, scum!” Young Master Yi said angrily: “There is the ability, you Shen Qiang kill me, what is the ability to kill them?”

Shen Qiang slightly smiled, after looking at the beautiful film with a complex look on the side, Song Weiyin said, “I thought you would pull out the needles I put on him and let him go.”

“You promised that I wouldn’t kill him, I don’t believe it, you will keep your promise.” The beautiful Song Weiyin looked at Shen Qiang nervously and said, “I put everything on you and you won’t lie to me At this point, if you want to betray you, I will lose everything.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled and said: “You are so beautiful, even if the world annihilation, I will not lie to you.”

The beautiful Song Weiyin hearing this showed a gratifying smile, the pretty face, and seemed to dilute the blood-reeking qi floating in the air.

At the same time, Shen Qiang put his eyes on Young Master Yi鈥檚 face, said with a slight smile: “Young Master Yi, I know that you are still fantasizing about your 4 and everyone will be able to beat Heshenghe down, I The reason why the killing is stopped is that next, my men will make you and all of you, desperate!”

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