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Along with the roar, Grand Master Yi, the young master confronting the dragon group War God, not only had to flutter instantaneously, the Huangsha 100 battle sharpened out like a killing intent, just like a sharp blade of a sheath, unbridledly spreading wild anger and Terrifying killing intent, almost instantaneously, made many powerhouses quietly watching in the dark only feel cold all over the place, hair stands on end, and it was even more shocking that every inch of muscles instantly tightened, holding their breath, heart Hanging into the throat!

“It’s a terrible breath! It’s him, the bloodthirsty demon of the Dragon Group!”

“Earth Immortal !”

“Yu Shou, this is not where we should come!”

Many cultivators that have been invisible in darkness and have been observing, feeling the terrifying fighting intent of Grand Master Yi Young Master, in fear, just thinking, how not to be discovered, how to escape smoothly, not to anger this horrible powerhouse.

The powerhouse who really has Peak’s eyesight, in a moment, locked his horrified eyes at the bottom of the mountain, all wrapped around the electric Qiang Shen Sheng like a gradually raised giant in the night sky.

“Impossible!” Bai Shiyi looked at Shen Qiang in horror and murmured shockedly: “A cultivator that has just entered the Taoist period is impossible to put rays of light in such a melee of expert as clouds, but he Not only did it make the old demon so angry, did he say that Old Demon already regarded Shen Qiang as an opponent?”

Father Xu was also horrified: “Shen Qiang angered him! How is this possible? He said that he would only show his sword to the powerhouse! And his enemy, the dragon group War God!”

At the same time when the two people were horrified and confused, in the distance, they quietly held an umbrella, observing all the medicine Wang Gu old man, terrifying eyes already bright, not only excited his arms were shaking slightly, murmured The verbal words are instantaneous blood boiling!

“The strongest fruit!”

“Powerhouse, powerhouse, true powerhouse!”

The old man holding the umbrella seems to have been immersed in his own world, his eyes are even hyper-aggressive!

“The strongest, he is the strongest! This is the perfect Daoguo, truly perfect! Young Master Yi’s Daoguo is already superb and powerful, but he can only be used to kill, and Shen Qiang’s Daoguo is not just Can save people, he can also be used to slaughter!”

“Absolute salvation, absolute lethality! No one can survive under his sword unless he has far more strength than him!”

The old man holding the umbrella, his eyes almost bleak, not only is the hand holding the umbrella shaking, but also the powerful breath that is restrained almost imperceptibly, also beside him, quietly surging uncontrollably, radiating The kind of be eager to have a try out, simply doesn’t care if he was discovered by Young Master Yi’s grandfather.


Blood mist burst into the night sky, shining with the golden glow.

War God, the dragon group, has faced off from the previous confrontation, and it has also become blocked in front of Grand Master Yi.

He moved his fingers, and his eyes burned like volcanic lava that was about to erupt.

“He is amazingly powerful, isn’t he?”

War God, the dragon group, took a step forward, like a mountain.

“There really is no absolutely perfect Dao Guo in the world, but Shen Qiang’s Dao Guo is definitely the most powerful known at present, and there is no one! Because you have found it right? Everyone’s Dao Guo is in front of him Fragile unable to withstand a single blow!”

“Whether it’s those super powerhouses from the abyss, or your grandson with super-class Daoguo, they have no resistance in front of Shen Qiang, and the only one who escaped Shen Qiang’s knife is only the combined period. The guy, he is really lucky, that is because Shen Qiang first entered the Dao fruit, and given time, no one can be arrogant in front of Shen Qiang, even the gods can’t!”

Hear the words of Dragon God War God.

The old man who fluttered instantaneously was furious: “He is out of control, you bastard! Tell him to stop, otherwise I will kill him myself!”

The dragon group War God smiled, clenched his fist, and the moment the knuckles gave out light sound, the space where the fist was located was instantly broken and twisted, like a black hole.

“The youngster thing, the youngster solves it, this is what you said. In addition, I think I should remind you that if you dare to take action, collect the corpse for your grandson, because I know Shen Qiang, if he will die, then he must Will pull all enemies to be buried.”

In an instant, the old man watching War God’s extremely excited dragon group was silent.


Another group of blood mist, after the golden glow flashed, bloomed like a poignant Resurrection Lily.

Looking at the silent cultivator, there was a long time silence in the online discussion group, and suddenly someone talked.

“I’m not at the scene. I can’t rely on the picture alone to determine what the cultivation base of those cultivators is, but from the perspective of Young Master Yi, the person he leads personally, cultivation base is logically impossible lower than Primordial Chaos Realm. “

“In fact, I think the young Master Yi’s people should be headed by Young Master Yi, 4 everyone will be supplemented, the rest should be mainly in the Daogu period, but they are like weak chickens in front of Shen Qiang. By slaughtering, it suddenly felt so good…”

“I don’t understand it at all. Young Master Yi’s people have always been so strong, but how can they become so weak now, is it possible that Shen Qiang poisoned them, but it shouldn’t be, the sky is raining and the air transmission becomes difficult, And it is not a secret that Shen Qiang will poison. Young Master Yi has no reason not to prevent it. If it is effective, the people of Young Master Yi should all kneel, and it is also impossible to fight so violently…”


As another bright bloody flower appeared on the screen, a real big man’s speech appeared in the discussion group.

Emei Sword Sect Sect Master: “Ah… Suddenly feel that Young Master Yi is not wrong at all on his knees, because we are all wrong, Shen Qiang is not just a doctor, his Dao fruit, and not just to save Exist.”

Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master: “The killing of Dao Guo is from Shen Qiang. Until now, only one person has escaped. The visual observation is the Peak powerhouse during the joint period. The rest are all beheaded. Such a powerful Shen Qiang is no longer The ordinary cultivator can contend. The killing causality is still above Young Master Yi’s funeral, so I don’t need to look at it to know that when the sky changes, Young Master Yi will be replaced by Shen Qiang.”

5 Yue Jianrushuang: “It is already certain that the one-sided slaughter is only due to Shen Qiang’s Daoguo, so the Sect Master told me not to have any unrealistic fantasies in the youth cultivator. Anyone can fight Shen Qiang, 5 Tigers, in front of him, is just a joke.”


Seeing the speeches of these 3 real gangsters, the various sects Sect Master in the whole discussion group was horrified.

But when they turned their eyes to the screen again, they were shocked to see that the sky outside the villa was not in heavy rain and the night rain, only Shen Qiang with a golden glow wrapped around him stood indifferently. In midair, there was no blood on the white shirt.

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