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With Shen Qiang’s words, the majestic breath came suddenly, the beautiful Qing Xuan, who joined the battle group like a body, but at this time, she did not at all attracted special attention because of the discussion at this time In the group, the Sect Masters of many Sects were all dumbfounded at the first Young Master in the cultivation world kneeling in front of Shen Qiang!

“Abyss is expensive Young Master! He who ruled the abyss for decades, actually kneeled in front of Shen Qiang!”

“Shen Qiang’s Dao Guo is too powerful. He is so strong that the Young Master has no choice but to fight back!”

“Horror, this medicine king is not simple. If our inference is correct, Shen Qiang’s Dao Guo must definitely save anyone. Only in this way can we explain why the Young Master Yi Ming is so powerful. In front of him, he behaved like a child, without threats…”

They watched in shock as the chaos, lightning and thunder, and silhouettes were streaming.

Although it is very clear, it is intuitive to feel the fierce fighting.

But after all, they saw all this through the screen and the Internet.

Compared to them, the many cultivators from the abyss who are now at this time are the real ones!


This is the first feeling given to them by Hesheng Hezhong, and it is also a feeling that they cannot ignore at all.


In the sky, the sword array is like a heavy bomb dropped by the air. Several iron swords are combined together. With the spell, the formidable power is completely larger than expected by the abyss cultivator.


Daoguo opened, and the idol-level genius beautiful girl Kang Luoying of 6 Gate of Rebirth, that tall figure, seemed to be ghostly in the midnight rain.

apart from this, and the big demon Geng Jingyi from the Scripture Pavilion.

Haizu powerhouse belongs to Uncle.

Each of their existence is so powerful that it shocks the abyss cultivator.

Everyone who is out of Young Master Yi 4 will be better off. Other abyss cultivators can be described by crying father and calling mother.

Because here at this time, for them, it is purgatory!

“You lost.” War God, an arrogant dragon group, looked at Young Master Yi’s grandpa calmly, proudly coldly said: “Your grandson is obviously not Shen Qiang’s opponent, if not Shen Qiang show mercy, he It’s already a pile of ground meat.”

Hearing this, Young Master Yi’s grandfather coldly said: “You don’t have to scare me here, everyone sees the situation clearly. Shen Qiang’s Dao Guo really restrained my grandson’s funeral, but unfortunately, his Dao Guo, It should be something that saves people from dying. Relying on this, life is still acceptable, and it is obviously not possible to kill people.

Dragon God War God hearing this smiled: “You still like to deceive yourself as before, wake up, Shen Qiang’s Dao Guo can divide the Young Master Yi into pieces, as long as he releases the spell at the same time, then you can see It’s just ground meat, so be sensible, stop them, and continue fighting. It’s pointless because your grandson has lost. If you don’t want to take his body back, then it’s time. “

Young Master Yi’s grandfather hearing this, coldly said: “You are scaring me again, unless Shen Qiang can prove that he really has the ability to kill my grandson, I will never believe that he can win Young Master Yi, don’t forget By the way, he is the king who has ruled the abyss for nearly 20 years.”

Dragon God War God smiled: “If he does not fight Shen Qiang, he is the king, but if he continues to fight Shen Qiang, then he will definitely become the dead.”

“Don’t laugh too early!” Young Master Yi’s grandfather said: “4 Everyone will not lose, trifling and Heshenghe, no one can win them!”

Hearing this, War God, the dragon group, smiled and said: “Okay, no problem, you continue to choose not to hit the south wall or look back, then we will continue to look down, but I think I should remind you that Shen Qiang’s side , There is a breath, even above me, so if you want to fight, then fight!”

Hong long!

The battle beside the villa was in full swing.

At this time, Bai Shiyi, who was watching from far away, suddenly smiled: “It seems that I think too much, no wonder this Shen Qiang dare to use the Young Master Yi fight, it turned out that his Dao Guo could be suppressed perfectly Young Master Yi, from this point of view alone, Shen Qiang has long been invincible.”

Looking at the anxious battle situation, Xu Father was quite unpretentious, saying: “Shen Qiang’s Dao fruit is indeed very powerful, perfectly suppressing the Young Master Yi, but there has never been a perfect existence in this world, Shen Qiang’s Dao It is absolutely powerful to save people. After all, he is a doctor and a Medicine Refining Master. Together with the Dao fruit that can restrain Demon God Death Aura, it is absolutely enough to be called heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.”

“But don’t forget, the cultivation world is a weak are prey to the strong world, where the rules of the jungle are upheld, every cultivator is a hunter, every cultivator is also a prey, light can save people, light can pill concocting, what Shen Qiang can get is definitely not 10000 admiration, but imprisonment, the end of pill concocting all day long.”

“So, this result of Shen Qiang is doomed, he becomes impossible to become a real Peak powerhouse, because if there is no means of killing as a backing, people in the cultivation field will respect Shen Qiang, but they will never be afraid of him. This means that even if he is already very genius, he still can’t jump out of Medicine Refining Master, he will never be free, and he will always need the protection of others.”

“Not necessarily!” Bai Shiyi smiled and said: “I know Shen Qiang better than you. He is like me when I was younger. He has the courage, the courage, and the ability. As for killing things, isn’t he poisonous? ?”

“Xia 3’s indiscriminate means can’t be seen.” Xu Father shook his head and sighed, “That will become the stain of the real top powerhouse, and will be questioned and criticized for a lifetime.”

This made Bai Shiyi have to sigh and said, “This powerful Taoist fruit is too greedy in the hope that he can be used to kill people.”

Father Xu smiled and watched the game calmly.

At the same time, in the night rain of Xiao Xiao, a petite woman on a big tree outside of several hundred meters, wearing a cloak-style raincoat.

The petite lotus feet, wearing a pair of embroidered shoes, round and snowy legs, can be clearly seen when the lightning strikes, with a beautiful foot at her snowy white jade-like ankles chain.

The silver bell on the anklet shook gently in the wind, but there was no sound.

“A woman with divine power bows down religiously, a kind person will also be incarnation butcher, a man who smiles sincerely under the sky, is my man.” The petite woman murmured like a warbler: “You said, Will it be him?”


The black crow standing on her shoulder made a cry like a sneer.

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