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In an instant, the many cultivators on the scene, expressions all watched in horror as the hands of the huge Demon God behind the Young Master Yi exuded the long halberd of extremely killing intent.

“It’s your glory to send you a funeral for me!”

With the roar of Young Master Yi.


The long halberd of Death Aura in Demon God’s hands went crazy, and instantly turned into a black glow, not only withered the space in an instant, the terrible breath, but also made all the cultivators present in the moment, felt the biting Death Aura, as if the blood all over the body had coagulated in an instant.

“Shen Qiang!”

The women were horrified.

Song Weiyin also rushed out after the stunning film standing across the street.

At the same time, War God in the distance could not help but frown.

“It’s done.” Young Master Yi’s grandfather’s eyes were cold. “No one can escape Death God and ask for his life.”

But at the moment when his mouth just sneered.

As if it had already passed through time and space in an instant, suddenly appeared in front of Shen Qiang, the long halberd burning with black flames, although wrapped in press forward, destroying all the spirit, but at this time, it was like a big invisible hand suddenly He dragged on and stopped when he reached the chest of Shen Qiang who stood proudly.

“impossible !”

All of a sudden Young Master Yi’s scalp tingled and his eyes were horrified, because he had absolute confidence in his own ability. He firmly believed that before, maybe it was just an accident.

And now, Shen Qiang can never escape his desperate blow, but now, the scene in front of him scares him!

Because the long halberd of Demon God is completely out of control, as if thrown into a black hole.


The long halberd stopped in front of Shen Qiang, the trembling buzzing, the buzzing generated by the vibration, not only exudes the meaning of asking for mercy, but also makes all cultivator scalp numb, in the full buzz of asking for mercy, Long halberd also reveals a strong sense of fear that cannot be dispersed.

“It is afraid of Shen Qiang!”

“How is this possible, but it is Divine Weapon of Demon God, and it will be afraid of a cultivator? This is unimaginable!”

“It doesn’t make sense, how did it stop?”

Almost at this moment, with a bang, the horror long halberd that had been forcibly stopped in the air in front of Shen Qiang instantly turned into fragments. Not only that, but to everyone鈥檚 horror, the long divided into pieces The halberd fragments fluttered around Shen Qiang, like fragments attracted by black holes, and like butterflies surrounded by flowers.

“Are you about this ability?” Shen Qiang said calmly and indifferently.

The indifferent tone made all the cultivators present felt a burst of fear.

Then, looking at Shen Qiang’s indifferent smile, the many cultivators present suddenly burst into horror.

“Look! This Shen Qiang has not only stepped back in one step, but hasn’t even stepped out!”

“It’s really incredible, but it really happened. Shen Qiang not only did not take a half step back, but even more terrifying is that his right hand, which has been in the pocket of his pants, was not taken out. The strength gap is really shocking!”

“This is absolutely overwhelming and powerful at the absolute crush level! This is the fruit of Shen Qiang, Tianke Young Master Yi!”

Almost at the same time as many cultivators now screamed, many Sect Masters from various Sects in the online discussion group also exploded in an instant.

“Tianke, this is definitely the result of the inherent restraint of the Young Master’s perseverance!”

“Young Master Yi’s Dao fruit is an absolute kill. Is it possible that this Shen Qiang’s Dao fruit is an absolute rescue?”

“Too terrifying, this Shen Qiang is an enemy that Young Master Yi can never kill!”

While they were shocked, Young Master Yi, who heard Shen Qiang’s words, had extremely cold eyes, his wrists shook, and a long halberd appeared in his hands.

“Shen Qiang, although I don’t know what black magic you used, but I want you to die, you must die!”

With his roar, the huge black Demon God, with a bang, was attached to Young Master Yi.


In the next moment, Young Master Yi holding a long halberd has appeared next to Shen Qiang.

And then it was just a moment.

Young Master Yi, who rushed to Shen Qiang, had split into dozens of pieces in an instant, but strangely, no drop of blood had flowed out.

“Asshole!” Young Master Yi’s grandfather was furious, but almost at the same time he wanted to take action, the dragon team War God body flashed had been stopped in front of him, calm coldly said: “You said, For youngster, youngster will solve it by himself.”

Young Master Yi Grandpa’s moment of anger.

On Shen Qiang’s side, Song Weiyin’s horrified screams have already sounded: “Shen Qiang, no! You promised me!”

At the moment of hearing this, everyone’s eyes could not help but focus on Song Weiyin.

“Don’t worry, I promise you, I will definitely say it.”

With that said, Shen Qiang didn’t even wave his hands.

Young Master Yi has completely appeared in front of Shen Qiang.

“I killed you!” Young Master Yi was furious.

Shen Qiang just smiled and said, “If it’s not because Song Weiyin and I have already agreed, I promised that I won’t kill you. You now, you have already become a dead body.”

For a moment, the Young Master froze: “What are you talking about?”

“I promised Song Weiyin not to kill you, so you won’t die, but I didn’t say you won’t hurt.”

‘pu’ sound, a small and sharp scalpel, has stabbed into Young Master Yi’s thigh.

Young Master Yi sweated instantly.

“Young Master!”

Young Master Yi’s men rushed over in horror and anger.


In the horrible loud noise, the uncle of his right arm was as thick as a hill, and he punched a cultivator who rushed over.

not only.

The big swordsman, Geng Jingyi, has also joined the battle immediately.

Zuo Lianghao has launched his infinite sword array.

Xiuju’s doll has also shown a figure.


In the violent True Yuan impact, another young master Yi Yi鈥檚 general was kicked off by Geng Jingyi and blasted into the ground like a shell.

“All the people who call you will stop.” Shen Qiang looked at the young master who was already in the operating room, so the young prisoner who was in prison was determined: “I will not kill you, but I will not kill others without it. “

Hearing this, the young Master Yi, who looked so cold, said furiously: “Want me to surrender? Dream!”

Saying that’s all, he shouted loudly: “Everyone listens well, hands on, don’t care about me, at all costs, kill me everyone here!”

For a moment.

The war broke out.

Many cultivators have already started, and for a time, the scene is completely out of control.

Looking at Shen Qiang of Complexion Ashen, Young Master Yi Yi who is gritting his teeth: “Shen Qiang, don鈥檛 think you win, I鈥檒l win everything, don鈥檛 forget, my 4 everyone will be you, Shen Qiang, simply not Qualify to own a powerhouse!”

As soon as his words fell, Shen Qiang smiled: “Well, since you Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin, then I’m welcome, Qing Xuan, start!”

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