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Shen Qiang’s smile makes all sea monsters suck in a cold breath of air present, because for the Hai people, gill disease is the most common and one of the most terrifying diseases, because the sea monsters’ cheeks are equivalent to The human lungs are rotten, unable to get enough oxygen, are unresponsive, and have difficulty breathing.

When the condition is serious, the gill silk ends rot and congestion, the gill bones are exposed and whitish, and the inner and outer layers of the gill bones are corroded at the same time.

For fish and sea monsters, this is a very terrible disease. The infection is fast and the onset is rapid. The head of the sick fish is black, also known as aconite. Generally speaking, it only works on fish, shrimp and crab. If you want to infect a sea monster, it is almost a dream.

Unfortunately, Shen Qiang is not a cultivator in the ordinary sense.

Shen Qiang is the medicine king, the heir of Medicine Sage, and the source of the plague.

Coming here, from the very beginning, is not a temporary decision.

So Shen Qiang naturally prepared a generous gift for these sea people.

This gill disease is just one of them.

After a thorough evolution of the source of the plague, the germs are definitely not able to resist without defense.

“What a terrible rotten gill disease, this Shen Qiang, did this come to Liwei on purpose?”

“There are weirdness. There are three main causes of gill disease. One is bacteria, 3 is fungus, and 2 is parasite. The cultivation base in Beijing is among sea monsters. It cannot be considered outstanding, but at least first-class. In this case Next, how could he get sick without any reason?”

“Remember Shen Qiang’s name, so as not to kill him, this Shen Qiang, this is obviously what I said before targeting Quan Jing!”

The large sea monster looked at each other in blank dismay, and communicated with each other alertly.

At this time, the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, who was already sitting on the steps, smiled and said: “It’s easy to break, good at being good, Shen Qiang, I don’t think you are here to kill people, so some means, you still Put it away. If you do it, your poison may not be able to go out alive no matter how severe it is.”

Hearing this, the eyes of many big sea monsters also sullenly.

“Yes, Shen Qiang, killing is not too much, just accept Magical Powers. If you have something to sit down and talk about, you will engage in this kind of tricks when you meet. Do you really think that our Hai people are nobody?”

“Yes, Shen Qiang, you’re overdoing it.”

“Yeah, people just said you a nobody, don’t you feel ashamed of such heavy hands?”

Listening to their words, Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once.

“Oh, everyone is so holy? It’s interesting. If everyone is so kind earlier, how could such a misunderstanding occur.”

Looking at Shen Qiang, a tall and burly big sea monster suddenly stepped forward and said sharply: “Shen Qiang, you better not be too arrogant, not everyone here is afraid of you!”

Shen Qiang smiled: “If you understand politeness and humility, you can do everything, then what is the use of strength?”

The big sea monster looked dull.

But while he wanted to move forward, he suddenly saw the strange smile in Shen Qiang’s eyes.

“Want to try my acute pneumonia and tuberculosis bacteria? In front of me, do you think you can yell at me without a gill?”

Shen Qiang’s words made him apparently want to take his stride forward.

“Shen Qiang! Don’t go too far!”

The big sea monster snapped.

Shen Qiang laughed, and then his eyes were cold, unusually saying: “I originally prepared a meeting gift for you, everyone has it, but now I don’t want to give it, and I won’t give it anymore. It’s a 1000-year-old fox. , You don’t need to play chat.”

Slightly leaned over and looked at the man covering his festering cheek, Shen Qiang slightly smiled: “I know you came here to find fault on purpose. I, this person, have not tolerated the temperament of others again and again, so straight to the point, remember Live my name, just say that your handsome face may still be preserved.”

“If you still refuse to accept, you still have to fight against me, even without basic courtesy, then I don’t mind, let your face open 2 skylights, and if you want to kill me, I will take the lead , So you don’t want to show it in the end, which makes me look disgusted.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said very calmly.

But many of the big sea monsters present were shuddering.

Because Shen Qiang at this time is absolutely showing off one’s ability, what face, what humility, what tolerance.

None at all.

Some are just like sharp swords, which makes the faces of many big sea monsters who deliberately listened to Shen Qiang’s words look a bit ugly.

Because if before, when she realized that Shen Qiang had come in, their laughter was an expression of attitude and wanted to give Shen Qiang a dismissal.

The current situation has been reversed.

The initiative was not in their hands. Now, it is Shen Qiang who is putting down the power of the many big sea monsters present!

The threat is not only unbridled, but also showing off one’s ability. Almost in just a moment, all the sea monsters present have realized that if they want to bully Shen Qiang or make trouble, then Shen Qiang will definitely not give them. Any face.

“Not a dragon but a river!”

This is the consensus of many big sea monsters on the scene, almost instantly.

“Shen Qiang, I remember you.” said the man with his hand on his cheek.

Shen Qiang smiled, got up calmly, and said with a smile: “I’m so sensible so early, don’t you think there is nothing left? Long memory later.”

Almost at the same time when Shen Qiang spoke, the man’s cheeks quickly ulcerated, the ulceration on his face had stopped, and there were faint signs of recovery.

This is the case.

The uncle Gui who sat with the big sea monster king showed a gratifying smile.

At the same time, the big sea monster Wang Yujiang also smiled on his lips, and then waved his hand: “Okay, since it was just a misunderstanding and resolved, it passed, Shen Yao Wang came from afar, is a guest, please sit down and talk. “

At the moment when he heard this, Shen Qiang was totally uncontrollable and looked towards the big sea monster Wang Yujiang and the black mist above Gui Shu.

Because Shen Qiang knew that it was Dragon Throne.

And almost at the same time as Shen Qiang’s heart moved, the dark mist seemed to have realized what, terrifying hostility erupted in an instant, as the same cold wind suddenly shrouded Shen Qiang’s body, that was killing Intent not only makes Shen Qiang feel cold all over the body, but also makes Shen Qiang have to be silent.

Because reason is constantly warning, go up and you will die!

“Qing Xuan, Song Weiyin, and Divine corpse are the ones I should consider. As for Dragon Throne, it is not important, but the overall situation should be the priority.”

Shen Qiang comforted herself, slightly smiled, and turned to the chair aside, but when Shen Qiang was about to sit, a big sea monster, peng sound, sat on the chair first and said, “This is mine.”

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