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In their laughter, the door opened. The beautiful mermaid Princess, holding Shen Qiang indifferently, followed behind the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, and calmly entered the great hall. Such a situation made all the people present. The big sea monster couldn’t help but look at Shen Qiang who was dazed as soon as he entered the door.

After all, they are all big sea monsters, and their perception is super strong. How could they not know that Shen Qiang and Yu Jiang are coming? The reason why they laughed unscrupulously is actually made clear, that is, to let Shen Qiang hear it, including their words. same.

Unfortunately, they did not see the slightest anger on Shen Qiang’s face.

“This kid is so suffocated, according to the life monster of the sea monster, this Shen Qiang is equivalent to a fish egg. In this case, he shouldn’t fly into a rage out of humiliation. ?”

Many of the big sea monsters present were thinking about Shen Qiang.

But then, just for a moment, they froze.

“It’s a strange feeling. Although my face is different, I seem to have seen him somewhere.”

“How does this familiar feeling make me feel like I know him.”

“Altitude out of the ordinary.”

Many big sea monsters repeatedly looked at Shen Qiang from head to toe and foot to toe.

Although there were doubts in the eyes, there was no who said. At the same time, the big sea monster Wang Yujiang laughed and applauded and said: “Everyone be quiet, this is the 10000 Shen Qiang on land, also 1000 Condense your chosen boyfriend, I think you should have heard of him, so I won’t say anything more, you can get to know it yourself.”

The tone barely fell of the big sea monster king.

Among the monsters in the main palace of the Dragon Palace, a cold, obviously slightly hateful voice was immediately remembered.

“Who is Shen Qiang? I have never heard of the name of this nobody.”

With his words, all the big sea monsters present laughed.

Because it is clear that it is looking for faults. Shen Qiang’s current reputation is second to none in China cultivation. The cultivator can not fear Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang, or respect Shen Qiang, but unless it is a kind of closed-door for many years, or it is at the root. A cultivator who is not in contact with any other cultivator, otherwise, no one in the entire Chinese cultivation community does not know Shen Qiang.

Not only that, looking farther away, even in the God World forum, the world’s cultivators that follow the Chinese cultivation industry have already heard about Shen Qiang. Although they don’t know the inside story, they also know that there is such a person called Shen Qiang. Cultivator exists.

So these big sea monsters living near China’s sea frontiers, impossible, don’t know who Shen Qiang is, and even if he really doesn’t know, then in this great hall, not only when Shen Qiang comes in, someone talks about Shen Qiang, big sea monster Wang Yujiang also clearly introduced Shen Qiang, so this guy’s words not only mocked Shen Qiang, but also revealed a kind of hidden meaning, even the big sea monster Wang Yujiang didn’t mean it.

This is provocation, Shen Qiang knows it well.

And when Shen Qiang thought that the big sea monster Wang Yujiang would scold this guy, a weird scene appeared.

The bald sea monster Wang Yujiang, slightly smiled, said indifferently: “Oh, it turns out that the general in Beijing, it seems that the little girl did not choose you, but chose Shen Qiang as her boyfriend. It makes you unhappy, it doesn’t matter, then you talk,”

Say that’s all, the big sea monster Wang Yujiang and Uncle Gui, 2 people have stepped forward and walked to the entrance of the great hall, obviously to be higher than the two Imperial Tutor chairs.

Sit around, sit down, and smile slightly to Shen Qiang.

Everyone present at the scene also showed a look of good drama.

Only Shen Qiang, not only did not look at the guy with a harsh tone and pretended to be full of meaning, but dashing eyebrows looked at the points and sat down, which was obviously higher than others. The big sea monster Wang Yujiang and Behind Uncle, that higher order place.

It was like darkness shrouded in mist.

Inexplicably, Shen Qiang not only knew that there was a chair in the dark mist, but also knew clearly that it should be Dragon Throne.

not only.

Even in my mind, the whole picture of the chair has emerged faintly, even including the moire on the chair.

This feels weird.

From the moment when Shen Qiang entered this main hall, this main hall gave Shen Qiang a feeling of deja vu.

Not only that, but what makes Shen Qiang a little uneasy.

At this time, Shen Qiang within the body, not much True Yuan, was agitated, boiling, and inexplicably raised a kind of urge to walk over.

But at the same time.

Behind the dark mist that could not be seen through, the eyes seemed to have a pair of eyes, like waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a poisonous snake like a prey, exuding a sense of reverence for Shen Qiang, from the inside out, involuntarily.

not only.

Shen Qiang can clearly feel that there is something in the black mist that is sending Shen Qiang a fatal warning.

This feeling made Shen Qiang extremely uneasy.

Because at this time the restless Qihai had an inexplicable desire to let Shen Qiang go up, but the horror is that Sea of ​​Consciousness is warning Shen Qiang that he will die when he walks over.

Great danger, accompanied by bloody excitement.

Shen Qiang’s mood at this time was so complicated that he simply didn’t think about it, and he took care of the guy who played the big words.

“A nobody is a nobody. It seems to have been shocked. If it is a real warrior, at this time, he should have a sword, so 1000 Ning, you choose the wrong person.” A white dress, white shoes with black edges, With a fair complexion, he looked like a 30-year-old man, sneering contemptuously.

“Impudent!” 1000 Condensed face ice cold.

The man smiled and drank the red wine in the glass, saying, “This is something between men. Why don’t Princess let the coward stand behind you?”

Hearing this, 1000 Ning was obviously angry, but at the same time she was about to speak, Shen Qiang smiled pats 1000 Ning’s hand, Yang Guangyi said with a smile: “Don’t pay attention to him, I said, I like this person Mortality.”

1000 condensed for a moment, then looked at Shen Qiang’s sunny smile, her mood immediately relaxed, not only that, almost at the moment when 1000 condensed smile.

Wearing a white gown, the man with a loud voice suddenly screamed.

Immediately, everyone was shocked to see that his face was festering at a rate visible to the naked eye.

“impossible !”

The large sea monsters present were pale with horror.

“Rotten gill disease! This is rotten gill disease! A little further away from the whole Beijing!”

“Flash off, this is contagious!”

The big sea monsters next to the man in the white dress immediately backed away, covering their mouths and noses with handkerchiefs. Not only were their eyes alert, but some people who turned their heads quickly turned their eyes on Shen Qiang who smiled.

At this time, Shen Qiang slightly smiled holding the Mermaid Princess, looking at the man who was already howling and kneeling on the ground, covering his face with both hands, continued calmly: “Because of disobeying me, I am destined to become a dead man. So this gentleman, I advise you to remember my name, lest I accidentally kill!”

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