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The eyes of everyone snickered, making Young Master Yi’s face a bit ugly, but then, he forcibly took a deep breath, forcing his heart to be angry, looking at Shen Qiang said with a sneer: “Shen Qiang, don’t think that there is some garbage Players, supporting you, you can win.”

“Here is the world of my Young Master Yi, whoever I want to be red will be red, and whoever I want to win will be able to win. As for you, it is just a joke.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled calmly and said, “Young Master Yi, you have said too much rubbish, but it is of no use at all. Anyway, now that so many people are here, then I will just say it straight. Well, your Young Master may be very good, but it won’t win me. It used to be, it is now, and it will be in the future.”

In an instant, Young Master Yi’s eyes chilled.

“Shen Qiang, the facts will prove everything. Today, Ai Ruolin, it must be the 1st place. I don’t believe you are watching. This is the ability of my Young Master Yi.”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once: “You continue to blow, I might as well tell you the truth, my family is 1000 Ning, and I will never lose.”

“Come on, let this little stage come to witness, who is stronger!”

Young Master Yi’s tone was cold and wanton.

The surrounding cultivators were silent for a moment.

At this time, many cultivators watching the live broadcast in the Immortal Realm forum were instantly excited. ,

“Bull, True gold fears no fire, Shen Qiang and Young Master are on the bar, this time, it is a confrontation!”

“Shen Qiang has been swelled a little lately and I don’t know what his surname is. Young Master Yi Yi? Young Master, abyss and expensive. In order to see him, I have heard the legend about him. The entertainment industry is okay. On the pop music scene, there are 2 /3 of the first-rate musicians are hard of hearing under his leadership. This kind of draft activity, it is a joke to say that he cannot win Shen Qiang!”

“It makes sense that Young Master Yi is the first Young Master in cultivation. This kind of talent show is his best show. The people he wants to win, in this field, there is no way to win!”

Understand some of the cultivators of Young Master Yi, overlooked.

Such strength is naturally inevitable, so that the cultivator who supports Shen Qiang has some uneasiness in his heart.

“Shen Qiang is a cultivator, a king of 10000 monsters, a king of medicine, and a famous antique dealer, Medicinal Gourmet, but this singing competition does not match his abilities. His hands are too long. Can it be done?”

“I guess it’s a hangover. I read the list of artists of Young Master’s company. More than half of the popular songs in pop music are from their companies. Various singers, most of them are from his company.”

“Ai, you can’t live by doing evil. This Shen Qiang, even if you want to fight with the Young Master, is better than anything, than singing a talent. This is simply not related to his ability. If you lose, it’s so strange!”

In the Immortal World forum, many cultivators are unanimously not optimistic about Shen Qiang.

At this time, with the recommendation of time, the program has already begun.

Because it is a live broadcast of the entire network.

So I started early, mainly to do some warm-up activities.

A reporter, holding a microphone, began to interview three judges individually.

“Old Master Li, since yesterday, many viewers have started to pay attention to our talent show, especially the debate about which 1000 Ning player and Ai Ruoling is better, has been continuing, so I want to represent netizens, on this matter , Ask your opinion, and your predictions about today’s game results.”

In front of the live broadcast, the bald judge, frowned, then said: “Ai Ruolin is an excellent singer. Her voice is good, because she is very accurate, young and beautiful, and she has a promising future.”

“Master Li, you mean, will she win the championship today?” The reporter’s question was sharp.

The judges who heard this frowned, and then asked what was unanswered: “And the 1000 Ning player, which I have seen with my own eyes, is the most perfect, the music master of the palace level, she should not come to participate in this competition, Her stage should not be here.”

“Master Li, what do you mean, can 1000 Ning Young Lady win the championship?” the reporter asked.

“I still have things, sorry!”

The judges, almost rude, turned very impolitely and stepped aside to the direction of the band.

But his words made all the cultivators present look awe-inspiring.

Because it is clear that in the eyes of this judge, Ai Ruoling and 1000 Ning simply are not a grade, one level singer, but his words have made everyone realize that 1000 Ning may be a strong song, but here , Obviously not suitable for her.

“Survival of the fittest, this is the truth that will not change in any era, no one can change.”

“The Mermaid Princess 1000 is condensed, looks beautiful enough, and sings well, but listening to the judges, she shouldn’t be here. Sure enough, she still can’t win? In this way, apparently, Shen Qiang should lose. .”

“Sure enough, the Young Master has a higher level of perseverance, and he has already won the prize before starting.”

The cultivators looked at the Young Master Yi with shocking eyes.

This made him proud of 10000 points.

“Shen Qiang, if I were you, go out and buy a mask now, and when the others are lost, you can bring it.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said indifferently: “You have forgotten what I said. You couldn’t win me before, you can’t win now, and it will be the same in the future.”

In the mutual mocking of Shen Qiang and Young Master Yi, the game started quickly.

“Oh God, why don’t you let the 1000-sounding lady who has the voice of nature, debut first, and let us watch so many, low-level performances?”

After the show started, many musicians from all over the world who watched live events on the Internet were obviously dissatisfied with the show. ,

“Excellent singers are usually used for the finale. This is the consistent style of the TV station, so wait patiently for the performance of 1000 Young Lady.” World famous musicians are equally patient.

“Oh, there are no highlights, it’s so drowsy.”

“It’s bad, if it’s not taken into account, there will be an ethereal and vocal hall-level Master in this show, I won’t watch it.”

Whether it is online or on-site.

Ordinary players in local small draft shows are always unsatisfactory.

Therefore, the early part of the whole program can’t be interesting at all.

Because the singers, from the typhoon to the appearance and the song, are very common, and they cannot be refreshed. Under such circumstances, everyone in the early stage of the entire program is going through the suffering.

But soon, 8 singers have already sung by 4 people.

The fifth singer decided by the lottery was Ai Ruolin.

“Next, I have invited our semi-final champion, Ai Ruiling, Ms. Ai to stage, scream, boil, welcome her with your applause!”

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