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Outside the door of the TV station, I saw that Young Master Yi had taken someone in. Shen Qiang turned his head and said to the room Little Zi a said with a smile: “You have worked hard, 1000 Ning’s character is somewhat introverted and may give people a cold and proud feeling. , Please don’t take seriously, if there is a place of rudeness, please include more.”

Hearing this, Fang Little Zi smiled and glanced at 1000. He said, “Mr. Shen is welcome, please believe our professionalism. If there is no other thing, we should start working.”

Shen Qiang nodded with a smile, and then said to the side koi 1000 Ning: “Don’t be nervous, they will let you wear whatever you want, they will put on makeup for you, don’t refuse, go, you are the best. “

Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, 1000 inexplicably nervous, and then said: “Shen Qiang, I’m a little worried that I can’t sing well.”

Shen Qiang laughed, then raised her eyebrows and said: “Trust yourself, if you really don’t have confidence, just before singing, imagine that I abandoned you and stayed with that Ai Lingling.”

1000 Condensed daze.

“Go, there is not much time left for you to prepare.”

In the urging sound of Shen Qiang’s smile, Koi 1000 Ning Tongfang Little Zi and the others entered the TV station together.

They just left.

As soon as Shen Qiang looked back, she saw Zhang Shuheng walking over the phone while walking.

“Today I am sitting next to you. It is arranged. Half of the people in the studio are cultivators.”

His words made Shen Qiang a little surprised, and then said: “What is the situation?”

Hearing this, Zhang Shuheng put away his mobile phone and looked at Shen Qiang: “Cultivation, the legend of Azi, you are very young. Young Master Yi Divine Immortal fights, they are afraid of suffering from pond fish, so they are staring, people at the Immortal Realm forum have engaged in In the live broadcast, Julifeng sits on the forum, Young Master Yi loses 0.6, and you lose 0.9. Judging from Julifeng’s odds, you have lost in this competition.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “0.9 is bigger than 0.6.”

Zhang Shuheng smiled and put on his mobile phone, saying: “That’s because there are too many people who buy Young Master Yi to win, so they have to increase your odds so that others will buy you and win.”

Shen Qiang laughed and said: “The cultivator is really with no opportunity. You and I want to get involved in the game of Young Master Yi and me.”

“No way.” Zhang Shuheng had no choice but to say: “In the cultivation world, not every family and cultivator has strong backers. If you want to live comfortably in this weak are prey to the strong cultivation world, you must do well. So Patriarch was fidgeting, so I had to come here and see.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You are so direct, are you afraid that I look down on you?”

Zhang Shuheng laughed: “I’m reluctant to pretend to be Saint in you, you will feel that I have a high-end atmosphere, and then you will help me unconditionally?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “You Zhang Family sure don’t want to be against me?”

“I won’t, because I think your people are not bad, and the people in your family won’t. They just want to get some benefits. As for the bastard, they die and die. At that time, some people were really nagging to get revenge, and they lost their faces. , But now, they are all expecting me to have a good relationship with you, and then a little bit older benefits.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang laughed and said, “Can I take your words as if Zhang Family is loyal?”

Zhang Shuheng smiled and said: “Zhang Family is the head of the wall, you are strong enough, Zhang Family is your most loyal ally, if you are not strong enough, then Zhang Family is the most loyal ally of Young Master Yi, of course, it may be other people. “

Shen Qiang pu chi smiled: “Zhang Shuheng, I like you a little bit, no matter whether Zhang Family is my ally, but you are my friend from now on.”

“Will you give your friend medicine pill for free?” Zhang Shuheng said.

Shen Qiang smiled: “9% off.”

Zhang Shuheng smiled: “Sting, 20% off is the price of friendship.”

“I see you extraordinary natural talent, skeleton is amazed, it will surely save the cultivation field from fire and water, so I decided to give you a 9% discount, this is the price.”

Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, Zhang Shuheng smiled: “Patriarch regards you as Saint.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You better not misunderstand, this discount is for you Zhang Shuheng, not for you Zhang Family, this is a discount that only you can get.”

Zhang Shuheng laughed, and Shen Qiang walked to the studio of the TV station, and said: “Patriarch thinks that between you and Young Master Yi, it is definitely not so simple to be rich and easy to disclose?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You know too much and you can’t withdraw. Are you sure you want to know?”

“Don’t say it, I can’t bear the responsibility.” Zhang Shuheng smiled and found out his mobile phone. “Do you want to play? I’ll take you to the 7000 order silver and take you to fly.”

Shen Qiang smiled, nodded and said: “I believe that you are the king of the mouth.”

In the studio.

Under the nodded waist of everyone, a look of arrogance and surprise Young Master Yi of the Shen Qiang proud of one’s success.

Especially when he discovered that there were a lot of cultivators in the studio, all of which were in the Sect, and his face became even more arrogant.

“Very good, very good, and now the cultivator is also paying attention to this matter, then it is perfect, he Shen Qiang is a rising star? Then let him be ashamed in front of everyone, when the time comes, I would like to see, Who else, dare not convince me, Young Master Yi.”

While sneering in his heart.

Shen Qiang and Zhang Shuheng, who walked in with the sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu and the charming Ye Guyun, had come to the position on the right side of Young Master Yi and sat down.

Young Master Yi glanced at Zhang Shuheng, who was playing with her mobile phone next to Shen Qiang, and sneered, saying, “Shen Qiang, you can’t do it either. The friends you drew didn’t dare to look at me. “

Shen Qiang smiled.

No sound.

Zhang Shuheng, who played with his mobile phone, raised his eyebrows and looked at Young Master Yi. He said: “Little fatty, pay attention when talking. When I became famous in the cultivation field, you were still wearing crotch pants.”

In an instant, the old man next to Young Master Yi’s face was ugly, and his face came forward ruthlessly.

But at this moment, Young Master Yi smiled and stopped the people around him, saying: “Zhang Shuheng, in front of me, you dare to get into Shen Qiang’s car, and you are not afraid that his technology is too bad and you turn the car over. Did you die?”

Zhang Shuheng said with a sneer: “There is a small poem circulating in the game, called Qiu Mingshan. There are few people on the road, and there are often drivers. The driveway is still there today, and the old driver is not seen.”

After saying that’s all, he glanced at Young Master Yi with a stern look: “The cultivation world has talented people in all generations, but now, the former talented people are already not in, but the cultivation world is still a cultivator, so little fatty, Don’t be too crazy, the Shen Qiang next to me is more powerful than you.”

Zhang Shuheng’s words were not sound transmission. Among the many cultivators present, hearing this couldn’t help but snicker.

“Young Master Yi is powerful and has a solid background. The family has experienced thousands of years of development. The ordinary cultivator simply cannot afford to offend, but what about Shen Qiang? He started from scratch, and now he is sitting by his side. Shen Qiang is even better.”

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