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At 9:1000 am outside the local gate. The charming mermaid Princess Koi 1 is quiet, waiting quietly for Shen Qiang, her figure is lithe and graceful, her figure is slim, although it is just a simple light blue jeans, a white shirt, not at all makeup, But it is still beautiful, so that people in the past can not help but amazing.

“Snow-white skin is satin-like and gorgeous, the eyes are like the stars in the night sky, the figure is long and toned, elegant and clean, clean and transparent, like the blue sky of the plateau, exuding a pleasing atmosphere.”

“Wow, this girl is so beautiful, her legs are so long, and the proportion of her figure is perfect. Although she has no makeup, she has red lips, white teeth and is naturally beautiful. She is a first-class beauty in the world. Is she a star or a host? Or the star host?”

“Sure enough, there is absolutely no shortage of beautiful women near the TV station. It is more than stunning. This is the real beauty. This figure, this temperament, this face is simply impeccable.”

Amidst everyone’s stunning controversy, a few luxury business cars drove over.

Young Master’s persevering draft girl, wearing black short shorts, white sneakers, white short t-shirt, with white sunscreen mid-length gauze jacket, really has several points of youthful and beautiful posture, get off the car The snowy thighs are really eye-catching.

Many young people couldn’t help but look at it twice.

This made the girl very proud and gave a provocative glance. The koi 1000 standing alone in front of the TV station was coldly snorted.

“Tsk tsk, you have to be a star, even if you don’t even have a bag, don’t you feel ashamed?”

As she said, she took her small tote and slammed it aside, using an unusually powerful tone: “Hold.”

A female assistant took it immediately.

This makes her very proud, said rigid irony and scorching satire: “This woman, good looks is an advantage, but you want to live beautifully, you have to look at the ability, with a proud face hanging all day, it really deserves , No one takes it for granted.”

Her words are obviously directed at 1000 Ning.

This made the Young Master perseverantly want to pretend to be a good person.

“1000 Ning Young Lady, did you come by yourself? What about Shen Qiang? Why did he leave you? This is too much, gentleman rules, if there is a date with a girl, must be punctual, and in addition, such an important game , Live broadcast on the whole network, wouldn’t he please hire some helpers for you?”

Hearing Young Master Yi’s seemingly caring, but in fact the whole thing, Koi 1000 looked at them conspicuously and arrogantly, and said, “Stay away from me.”

The woman in black shorts, coldly snorted, then yelled at the Young Master: “Young Master, let’s go in, this silly woman, just ignore her?”

Hearing this, Young Master Yi smiled and said: “You shut up.”

Then he said seriously: “1000 Ning Young Lady, me, is a good heart. Isn’t this afraid that you will be deceived by Shen Qiang? He will be a whisperer, but he is a miser, he cares about you, In fact, it’s all pretended, 1000 Young Lady, you can not be fooled by 10000000.”

“Get lost!” 1000 Ningxie cold frost.

At this time some people around have stopped to watch the excitement.

Seeing this situation, the Young Master persevered, and said with a snicker: “1000 Ning, you don’t know him, this Shen Qiang, base and shameless, sloppy, swindle, compared with a gentleman like me, he is Personal scum! So don’t be fooled by him.”

Hearing this, the people around were all curious.

After all, the Young Master Yi at this time, it seems that although he is short and fat, but the clothes are high-end, taste out of the ordinary, there are beautiful girls around him, and several assistants, it really has the taste of several points of gentleman .

So everyone hearing this, but immediately had some idea that he was a good person.

“Well, girl, this gentleman is very good. For those who are not on time with girls, 10000000 can’t be needed.”

“A man who is reluctant to spend money on girls is better than a cucumber.”

“Yeah, girl, you look so beautiful, don’t be fooled.”

When there are many people on the scene, it is inevitable that someone will talk at once.

Seeing everyone around me, he agreed with him, Young Master Yiyi said with a smile: “So 1000 condensed Young Lady, it is better to go with you. I have the best makeup artist, stylist, arranger here. I’m really helping you, don’t be blind, let Shen Qiang cheat you.”

“Noble, girl, don’t miss it!” A passer-by who didn’t understand, interjected.

This made Young Master Yi laugh.

But at the same time that the corner of his mouth had just been cocked up, Shen Qiang’s lazy voice came from outside the crowd.

“Young Master Yi, you’re really cured, and you forgot to hurt. It’s getting scarce. It’s not that your unrequited woman likes me. Just for this broken thing, do you arrange everything right and wrong, isn’t it embarrassing?”

In an instant, the eyes of the people around were bright.

The smile on Young Master Yi’s face froze, but when everyone was watching him, he couldn’t help but deny it immediately: “Shen Qiang, don’t just talk nonsense.”

Shen Qiang holding 2 secret ice creams in his hand, handed the beautiful eyes to see Shen Qiang’s 1000 surprises, and then faintly smiled and said: “I talk nonsense, then you talk about it, you want to spend a lifetime together Who is the woman?”

In an instant, Young Master Yi’s eyes rose sharply.


Because he heard it, this was Shen Qiang digging a hole for him.

“This is privacy.”

“Song Weiyin.” Shen Qiang slightly smiled, said: “There is a kind of denial.”

The expressions all of the passers-by around the moment lighted up, Song Weiyin, who didn’t know after the beautiful film?

Young Master Yi was silent for a moment, because he understood that once he denied that the person he most wanted to spend his life with was Song Weiyin, then Song Weiyin could ignore him justifiably.

“Yes and how?”

“She likes me.” Shen Qiang smiled and gave him a mocking look.

In an instant, Young Master persevered above his head.

But then he took a deep breath and said, “Shen Qiang, I warn you not to spread salt on my wound.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Are you stupid? You said in front of my girlfriend that I was a scumbag, and the arrangement was right and wrong, thinking that the people present could not see it, you liked her, but she also fell in love with you and like me .”

After eating ice cream, Shen Qiang looked at him with a smile: “So you real scum, because jealousy is more popular than you, so rumours are happening. Now, I want you to apologize like me.”

In an instant, Young Master Yi complexion ashen.

Everyone around, at a glance at his complexion, immediately believed Shen Qiang’s words, and could not help laughing.

This made Young Master Yi’s fists clenched.

At the same time, he constantly reminded himself: “Don’t do it, don’t get angry, hold Shen Qiang and win.”

Thinking in his heart, he took a deep breath and showed a somewhat ugly smile, then flicked his sleeve and said to the girl on the side, “Let’s go.”

Such a scene made everyone on the side laugh out loud.

But looking at his back, Shen Qiang frowned.

“Young Master Yi is an abyss and expensive Young Master. He is usually crazy and very concerned about his words and deeds. In the face of 1000 condensed faces, this is how far he is so proud that he can’t control his emotions. The thing, did he really think that the girl he held could win 1000 units?”

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