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On the morning of 2nd day, when she sniffed the unique faint fragrance of jasmine-like fragrance on the body of Wenren Meiqiao, Shen Qiang woke up and saw the infinite satisfaction between her eyebrows. She was looking at her charmingly Meiqiao, snow white. The jade hand holds the cheeks.

“Shen Qiang, your beautiful mermaid Princess is incredible. You also heard the words of those people in the Haijiang Department last night. They all called her, the uncrowned king of Haijiang. You know what this means.”

Shen Qiang helpless said with a smile: “Can you spare me? Now I only have you in my eyes.”

Wenren Meiqiao hearing this, smiled charmingly, and said: “Look at your stupidity, people are alive, and they are not just for the bed in their lifetime. As a cultivator, a member of the China Dragon Team, our shoulders have great responsibilities. China’s safety is the first place, so I don’t care. The little thing between you and her is not interested in eating your flying vinegar.”

“Understand 10000 years old.” Shen Qiang nodded and said suspiciously.

Seeing Shen Qiang looking at himself strangely, Wen Renmeiqiao pu chi laughed at once: “What are you doing watching me like this? Actually, members of our dragon group, while facing the sea monster, have a natural disadvantage If it’s not good, then the big sea monster king and Yujiang are not bad. Maritime safety has long been an empty talk.”

Shen Qiang frowns saying: “I don’t understand, what do you want to say?”

“Finish the Mermaid Princess, the Koi 1000 Ning is currently known as the strongest and only super sea monster that can control sea monsters.”

Wen Renmei Qiao looked at Shen Qiang seriously and said, “You must understand that sea monsters possess Magical Powers’ changing wisdom, and their strength is very strong, but the huge sea monsters in the deep sea are completely inferior to them, and , In some ways, stronger than them, so the Haijiang Ministry means that it is best to develop 1000 to become a member of the Haijiang Ministry, if not, at least let her stay with you, stay in Heshenghe, because she The power to master too terrifying.”

Shen Qiang smiled and raised her eyebrows helplessly. After a long silence, she suddenly said with a smile: “I will try my best to keep her by my side and stay at Heshenghe, okay?”

Hearing this, Wen Renmei Qiao’s eyes were charming: “Well, that mermaid Princess clearly likes you, and I don’t believe you can’t handle her, so don’t let me down on this matter.”

“Do not disappoint the Haijiang Ministry.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow.

Wen Renmei Qiao whispered and said, “It makes no difference. Anyway, as long as China is safe, she will not harm the other party.”

“Understood.” Shen Qiang said with a smile.

After hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao got up.

After putting on her beautiful body, she scented on the cheek of Shen Qiang lying in bed, and left her home to go to work.

Wait for her to go.

The delicate and delicate Golden Cicada flew out and landed on the bedside table, holding a melon that was apparently huge for her. After taking a bite, he said, “Master, the Mermaid Koi 1000 condensed, is not already promised to be with you Are you together? Why didn’t you tell Wenren Meiqiao about this?”

After Shen Qiang laughed, brows slightly wrinkle, said: “Different positions and different angles of view of the problem, the Dragon Group, the Haijiang Department, including Wenren Meiqiao, all hope that the Koi 1000 will be in their sight, because of this. , The mermaid left the water, there is no threat at all.”

After a glance, the curious Golden Cicada holding melon, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “But for me, it only makes sense if the 1000 condensate stays in the sea.”

Golden Cicada surprisedly said: “I don’t quite understand.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Because that means that even if someone has the ability to destroy Heshenghe in an instant, my Shen Qiang still has the ability to fight back again, so this matter, after 1000 condensed back to the sea, said in the same person Meiqiao Come on, otherwise I’m afraid of growing out of the day

Golden Cicada, who heard this, was stunned and said, “Master, divine corpse is so important, why did you let 1000 Ning go to participate in that draft?”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “Immediately enough, now the staff is not enough, even if I go, I will wait. After all, in the sea, the number of people available in Heshenghehe is very limited, the second…”

Looking sideways at Shen Qiang of Golden Cicada, he smiled and said: “I still want to chat with 1000 Ning Duo, once the big sea monster Yujiang and many sea tribes are around, it is not so convenient.”

In an instant, Golden Cicada smiled and bent his eyes.

at the same time.

all over the world, on different ships.


10000 1000 A sword array composed of small hand knives, the picture that the sea surface has collapsed in an instant has not been dropped, and it is repeated infinitely.

“The sword array of Shen Qiang, the 10000 demon king, is really strong, but it is still difficult to judge his true strength just by watching the video.” An old crew member seriously said, “But from the most stupid From the perspective of thinking, so many flying knives, composed of a sword array, the target is too obvious, and the speech of the sneak attack from Prince Buttes is obviously not true.”

bang! Putting the glass on the table, a ferocious-looking captain showed a cruel sneer in the corner of his mouth: “The Buttes waste is just forcing excuses to cover up his incompetence.”

“Mysterious oriental cultivator has magical skills, so the failure of Prince Buttes, we better take it as a warning.” The old crew said.

The captain of ferocious-looking, said with a sneer: “danger lurks within the riches and honour, China has a vast sea and rich products, and those cultivators don’t know how to water.

The old crew who heard this, frowns saying: “This oriental cultivator called Shen Qiang is different. According to the rumored rumors outside, they said that this guy is a dragon, a trembling sea king, and Supreme Sea King. “

“Impossible, the battle of the gods, the dragon is dead, and there is no dragon in this world.”

“Maybe, but I think we are still careful.”

The words of the old crew silenced the captain of ferocious-looking.

At the same time, within the deep sea, within the bubbles of the huge cave decorated with gold and jade in glorious splendor, many sea monsters gathered, headed by blonde hair and blue eyes, a man in a Chinese costume, his eyes were cold.

“It is definitely a dragon? How is this possible? If all this is true, when there is a dragon in the dragon palace, then this sea of ​​oceans will undoubtedly be dominated by the East.”

“Prince Buttes is very sure, but considering their forcibly speaking of a fair fight as a sneak attack of the oriental cultivator, it is difficult to rule out that they have no possibility of falsely describing Shen Qiang.”

“Ah, it’s really a headache, this Shen Qiang, who is that? Pay close attention, if the dragon returns, I’m afraid we won’t be able to act wilfully at Sea Territory act in China.”

“What are you afraid of? So many of us are still afraid of a dragon?” A sea monster was obviously not convinced.

The blond hair and blue eyes, a man in a Chinese costume, hearing this coldly snorted.

“Idiot, dare to say this kind of thing, because you didn’t at all see the power of the dragon, the battle of the gods, but even the gods can’t tremble in front of the dragon, let alone say It’s us, so keep an eye on me. If he is really a dragon, our good days will probably be over.”

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