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The time is close to ten o’clock in the morning. The information and various records of Koi 1000 Ning Shen Qiang have seen the last few pages, but the content inside makes Shen Qiang frown because the life of Koi 1000 Ning is too simple.

She does not associate with the cultivator, does not associate with the monsters, nor does she associate with the ordinary person at all, except for work, her life is summed up in one word.


Sing and play discs.

apart from this, she basically doesn’t do other things.

There is no interest in shopping everywhere, nor in the case of meeting friends with songs.

So although the data is very thick, the recorded content is almost infinitely repeated.

simply There is no real place to help.

If must say there is, it is that 1000 Ning likes sweets, apart from this, and can’t find any other obvious characteristics at all.

Therefore, reading the information for 2 hours is not very helpful to Shen Qiang.

In addition to knowing that 1000 Ning every day goes to work on time, returns home on time, likes desserts, and has no friends at all, it doesn’t make any sense to look at these materials. To sum up, she is alone in a busy city.

But think about it right, she is the daughter of the big sea monster king, her status is respected, and she is indifferent to ordinary monsters.

The cultivator is not of the same kind and will never come together.

Moreover, the 1000 coagulation level is in the Daogu period, and the young cultivator that matches her is itself as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

As for the ordinary person, in her eyes, it is probably no different from the npc in the game, so carefully pondering, this 1000 coagulation is really a bit pitiful.

Just thinking, Shen Qiang’s phone rang.

After a glance, I found that the call was made by 100 Hua Gongzhu Wei Sheng Zhimei, which made Shen Qiang smile and immediately connected the phone.

“Oh, praise you, my beautiful Princess, your phone makes me feel warm.”

Hearing Shen Qiang’s slippery oil cavity is completely imitating Bian Yi’s 100 flower palace master Wei Sheng Zhimei, she could not help but said coquettishly: “Should I lie and respond to your bullshit?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “No, I miss you.”

In an instant, the 100 flower palace master Weisheng Zhimei was silent for a full 3 seconds, and then she sighed quietly: “Okay, you bad guy, I miss you too, but now I don’t say such a thing. When I was here, I started to have many uninvited guests since last night.”

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “100 Flower Palace, beauty is like a cloud, is the hidden land of peace and prosperity in the dream of all men in the cultivation field, what’s so strange about going to a few people?”

“If only the cultivator came to see the 100 Flower Palace, there is of course nothing strange, but the strange thing is that after they came to us, they did not look at the 100 Flower Palace, but sneaked hiding in various hotels. .”

Weisheng Zhimei said: “Not only this, but even more weird, between them, they clearly knew but deliberately pretended not to know, and they collected it on the Internet, crazy, about the provincial capital where Heshenghe is located, various roads Trail.”

Shen Qiang frowned instantly: “Are you sure?”

“If you’re not sure, I wouldn’t dare to call you the great character of Riri 10000.” Weisheng Zhimei’s tone was a bit skinny.

Shen Qiang was silent for 2 seconds and said: “Send me their address, the best picture is there.”

Hearing this, the master of the Flower Palace, Wei Shengzhi, giggled: “Aiya, my Shen Yao Wang, you are really unsatisfied. Our 100 Flower Palace is not comparable to your great cause, our 100 The flower palaces are women, but they don’t have the guts to dare to intervene in the great character.”

“If Divine Immortal wants to fight, go to Divine Immortal’s site, but don’t fight in front of my house. I’m guilty.”

Shen Qiang frowned, smiled and said: “What you do is really qualified, tell me their purpose.”

100 Flower Palace Master Wei Sheng Zhimei hehe a said with a smile: “Just for your attitude, don’t say the old lady doesn’t know, even if you don’t know, I don’t tell you, after all, the people of our 100 Flower Palace are not roundworms in their stomachs. , What they think, that’s what you are together.”

“I called you to tell you that this happened, and the sentimentality has already arrived. As for whether you are going to have swords and swords, or the blood of the corpses, it has nothing to do with the 100 Flower Palace.”

As soon as the voice fell, she did not give Shen Qiang a chance to speak, and the phone hung up directly.

Shen Qiang frowned.

The sharp ears and keen eyes have already heard the words of 100 Flower Princess, and they can’t help but whisper: “Sir, your charms won’t work either. This letter from Weisheng Zhimei just ignores it, it seems It has no affection for you.”

Shen Qiang hearing this of brows tightly frowns smiled and said, “There are not many people who can make Wei Shengzhi beautiful and fearful in the cultivation world. Young Master Yi should be one of them. She is the master of the 100 flower palace. Consider, so I will get the favor.”

Wen Renmei Qiao frowned and said, “If it is Young Master Yi’s person, if you are in trouble, just go to Hesheng Hehe.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Heshenghe 300 demon, ten 2 guards, they dare to go directly to the provincial capital, as soon as they land, they will be discovered by Heshenghe.”

Wen Renmei Qiao was silent for a moment, and suddenly put away the joke expression, saying: “100 Hua Gong is near you, even if 100 Hua Gong finds them, it’s impossible to guess what they want to do, so they want to 100 The city where the Flower Palace is located is a foothold and launches a surprise attack on you.”

But then, Wenren Meiqiao frowned and said, “But listening to the meaning of the 100 Flower Palace Masters, they are not very many. If they attack Heshenghe, are they dying?”

Shen Qiang smiled, and the phone dialed out while saying: “No one will do anything to die, surprise Hesheng Hezhuang, even if Young Master Yi took all of his soldiers and crab generals, it may not be 100% win, I don’t have to count on fewer people, so I’m understood where he wants to attack.”

“Understood?” Wenren Meiqiao was surprised.

At the same time, the call is connected.

“Praise you, my dear Boss, your glory shines on us like the sun.” Bian Yi’s words made Wenren Meiqiao smile and bend her eyes.

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “I invite you to be my partner, not for you to shoot flattery, but for you to be an executive, so now I say, listen to it, remember it all, Young Master Yi has arranged staff, On the side of the 100 Flower Palace, they will attack the pharmaceutical factory and hit our Medicine Refining Masters.”

“What time?” Bian Yi’s words were instantly capable.

Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow and said, “I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be too long.”

“Understood, Boss, what else do you command?” Bian Yi asked.

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows, calmly said: “No matter what method you use, you have to do it for me. As long as those cultivators dare to hit our pharmaceutical factory, they will kill all of them, and no one will stay!”

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