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Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, Wenren Meiqiao was astonished, but just a moment later, he said excitedly: “It’s not so troublesome at all, as long as there is Qing Xuan Fairy, then Cheng Dehai, you dare not mess up in front of you. Here.”

At the same time, Wen Renmei Qiao’s female assistant also excitedly said: “Qing Xuan Fairy must be the most powerful and beautiful woman in the world. Advisor Shen is so happy.”

Their words made Shen Qiang smile, and most did not say, but he was shaking his head.

Because in fact, in their eyes, it has been called the strongest Qing Xuan in the world. In fact, in front of Taiyin Youying, it is simply a gas bag.

not only.

In terms of appearance, Qing Xuan is definitely better than the Qin language soft koi 1000 gel.

But if it is more than Yinyin Yingying, she is at best a burning girl, and Youying is the real 1000 gold Eldest Young Lady.

not only.

The appearance of the Emmortal World Empress is also unmatched by Qing Xuan.

So now Wenren Meiqiao and her female assistant, Shen Qiang can’t take it at all.

“Don’t talk about this anymore, I have to take the time to read the information because 1000 Ning is really very important to me.”

Shen Qiang calmly interrupted Wen Ren Mei Qiao and her female assistant.

But it was impossible to interrupt the discussion of other dragon members.

“Wow, that Qing Xuan Fairy is so beautiful, it can be called the best in the world. In this world, someone could be more beautiful than her. If it weren’t for that time, the pressure of Cheng Dehai was too strong. I couldn’t move. I’ve been kneeling on her In front of me, I confided in my admiration.”

“Hmm, she is really too beautiful, still young, and more importantly, she can break Cheng Dehai’s terrifying coercion, and it is actually External Body Incarnation, but it is only used by the real Divine Immortal. !”

“Ai, after seeing her face, it’s impossible to fall in love with others in this life. The moment I saw her kneeling in front of Shen Qiang, my heart was broken.”

“The sword is given to the hero, and the pink powder is given to the lady. Unfortunately, none of you are the handsome Shen Yaowang.”

Dragon group members discuss spiritedly.

Shen Qiang was drinking tea in the office of Wen Ren Mei Qiao, and reading the information of the Koi 1000 Ning.

at the same time.

Inside a luxury business car on the street.

The iron hand of complexion ashen Immortal King Cheng Dehai, who is face sank like water, said: “The Fairy next to Shen Qiang has a weird, undoubtedly, her appearance is using the method of External Body Incarnation, which should be a fairy. Different, but throughout the history of the cultivation field, there has never been such a woman who has appeared in the cultivation field.”

“Lord, what do you mean?” the middle-aged man on the side asked.

Cheng Dehai said coldly: “Cultivation is successful, the face is permanent, it is not rare, but, you think about it, such a beauty, the cultivation base is so high, even if she has never actively appeared in the cultivation field, her name is also It should have been known.”

“Maybe she has been famous for a long time…” said the middle-aged man on the side.

Cheng Dehai shook his head and said, “No, when I was in the dragon group, I had carefully read the various records of the cultivation world. During 5000 years up and down, simply no female cultivator named Qing Xuan existed.”

“Then what do you mean?”

Cheng Dehai frowned and said, “Because it is External Body Incarnation, I can’t be sure. Is she a monster or Divine Immortal.”

“It’s better, I call someone to try it out.” said the middle-aged man.

Cheng Dehai shook his head and said after a moment of silence: “Forget it, Young Master Yi, the Smelly Brat, even lie to me, I will say, he Shen Qiang is okay enough to support? Go to his trouble, it turned out He has repeatedly plotted against people three times, making them angry.”

“Lord, no matter how, Ziyi is also your grandson and grandson, this matter…”

Hearing the words of middle-aged man, Cheng Dehai coldly said: “I know what you are thinking, you are thinking, I should teach Shen Qiang fiercely, it’s better to kill him. Reported, but that is a dream.”

“Shen Qiang is a safety consultant of Dragon Group. Now, he can speak with all Medicine Refining Master in the cultivation field. The significance of his existence is very important for China, so you tell me Ziyi, he It’s better to be at peace, bullying bullying is optional. Ordinary cultivator is okay. Such an important person can never be harmed by him.”

The middle-aged man was stunned and said, “Then the Young Master, he will be angry.”

Cheng Dehai glanced coldly at him, and said, “I used to be in the dragon group for several decades. Although I was short-term and unwilling to be angry, but it was not black and white, I could still separate it. Shen Qiang was very strong and very arrogant. , But also very capable, to tell Zi Yi, if he has the ability, to clean up this Shen Qiang, I do not object, but lose, and give me obediently and honestly to go home and get married and have children.”

Middle-aged man complied, and then said: “Lord, don’t you go to see him? If you really don’t want to move this Shen Qiang, maybe you should persuade him.”

Cheng Dehai smiled and looked coldly outside the car, saying: “Billing waves washing the sand can tell whether it is real gold or gravel. China wants to survive, it must be self-protective, if not, it will be Being eliminated, so is the cultivator. If this Shen Qiang couldn’t even support my family’s means, expecting him to defend China is just a joke.”

“So, let them go.” Cheng Dehai sighed: “survival of the fittest, it will never change, and the Qing Xuan Fairy, no matter how it came from, she was actually right. One thing, War God and Old Guy, I didn’t fail to see the Ascension Gate, just because we couldn’t let go of our hearts.”

With a sigh, Chengde Haidao said: “So go with Young Master Yi, speak less and do more work, if he can win Shen Qiang, it means that Shen Qiang has no meaning, and if Zi Yi meets life Threats, you will notify me.”

“Okay Lord, rest assured.”

“Go.” Cheng Dehai stopped the car and the middle-aged man got off.

Respectfully watch him go away.

Middle age person smiled, then a luxury RV next door drove over and stopped beside him. As soon as the door opened, he got in the car.

At a glance, I saw Young Master Yi lying on the bed, covered with a thin blanket, contorts one’s face in agony.

“What did my grandfather say?”

“Survival of the fittest, he is not against you engaging in Shen Qiang, and said that if you encounter mortal danger, you can notify him.”

Young Master Yihearing this coldly snorted: “I knew that he would not turn his head for me and War God, the dragon group.”

middle-aged man a said with a smile: “Lord still cares about you.”

Hearing this, Young Master Yi was silent for a moment, and then said to another person coldly: “Is our plan going well?”

“Young Master is assured that the plan has been arranged and I believe they will give Shen Qiang a fatal surprise.”

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