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“The loopholes of the Heshenghe Group are everywhere, but it is impossible to send people into Heshenghe Villa.” While the Young Master was helpless, Kunlun Sword Sect mountainside houses, all elders of Kunlun Sword Sect, Eyes dignified.

“The ordinary cultivator, the powerful iron fist that shocked Shen Qiang, put the Medicine Refining Master shackles, otherwise, it is amazing the many beautiful women around Shen Qiang, they have intentionally or unintentionally ignored those cultivators around Shen Qiang.”

Hearing the words of Great Elder, the eyes of Kunlun Sword Sect were dignified.

“The cultivator of Qingyun Sword Pavilion is a weird sword repair. They will not be good at Flying Sword, but the battle strength explodes behind them. The reason why they have never been able to become a Super First-Class Sect is not because of the Sword of Qingyun Sword Pavilion. Art is not good, but because, while they are strong, their shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, the lack of remote means, often close to the enemy, they have already paid the price.”

“But now, with the support of the 300 great monsters of Heshenghe, and the support of the infinite sword array Zuo Lianghao, the hands of Qingyun Sword Pavilion will definitely make everyone startled.”

Among the people with dignified expressions, one person said: “What is more terrifying is that, according to what we have learned, the genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying, at the age of 19 years old, has become a super powerhouse in the period of Taoism, and it is said that she has With the same Taoism as the original Pavilion Lord of Sword Pavilion, there are 6 reincarnated doors that will never die in battle.”

“This means that if we stubbornly believe that it is necessary to retaliate for the fact that Shen Qiang killed Ma Sect Master, then, it is likely that our Kunlun Sword Sect will pay an unimaginable price.”

“I can’t fight it.” Great Elder said solemnly: “In the close-up situation, the cultivator of Qingyun Sword Pavilion can fully challenge the discipline of the realm, and Heshenghe has many flying monsters, which can be sent to them instantly. By our discipline.”

“And now, Shen Qiang is not only the leader of Demon, he is also the medicine king who can order all Medicine Refining Master in the cultivation world, so pretend to be stupid, pretend to be deaf and dumb, just don’t know, Ma Sect Master He was killed.”

Kunlun Sword Sect Great Elder’s words made everyone present sigh.

“The sky has changed. Now the cultivation world has entered the age of Shen Qiang. No one can ignore his existence. Any one of his words can trigger a change in the pattern of the cultivation world, so it can only be tolerated.”

Hearing this, an Elder hesitated a little, and said: “Shen Qiang is very difficult to deal with, but he is impossible to Maiden Xue’s opponent, maybe we…”

“Don’t think of murder a person with a borrowed knife, Maiden Xue. We can’t afford this knife. We don’t need to talk about it at this time. Pretend to be deaf and dumb, or pretend to be stupid. Kunlun Sword Sect. Now we need stability. ,that’s it.”

Great Elder said nothing and turned to leave.

Several other Elder sighed together when he was gone.

“No way, all other Sects are gathering energy, we are not all right, and now, what Shen Qiang has done has already made him famous, and he is respected in the cultivation world by 10000 people, so the matter of Ma Sect Master can only be counted Now.”

“This is the best situation, otherwise if you really fight, it will flow into a river.”

“That’s nobody wants to see it.”

at the same time.

It has been noticed that Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s capable young disciplines are far more than Young Master Yi and Kunlun Sword Sect.

Especially about the 19-year-old Daojun, the genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying, it is privately spread to the top of the major Sect.

But a pity.

At this time, Shen Qiang was as dazzling as the sun. Even Kang Luoying’s news that shocked the entire cultivation world could not reveal any brilliance in front of Shen Qiang.

The parties with the abacus in mind continue.

At this time, the table where Shen Qiang was in the banquet hall of Hesheng Hezhuang, although Tang Huaqi was sitting at the position of first guest, but it was decorated, and it was really the hospitality that was always received by Qin Yongquan and Pan Zheng.

After all, to a certain extent, these two people are equivalent to half of Shen Qiang’s father-in-law.

Enthusiasm is a must.

The other is Yu Xinghuo.

The Vice Alliance Lord of Hesheng Hedan League, the head of 4 Xiao Danqing, is indeed the left-handed right arm of Shen Qiang. If there was no objection he had previously tried to make, the current Shen Qiang, impossible had such a great appeal.

In addition to them, Second Elder of Qingyun Sword Pavilion needs to appease.

Forbe is a veteran of Heshenghe.

The adoptive father of the beautiful demon fox Chu Qing.

Needless to say about Geng Jingyi, He Shenghe is currently well-deserved number one expert, Demon Immortal.

So a big circle, this Tang Huaqi, was optional, because he was just feasting on the face of the dragon group.

However, things in the face must still be passable.

Bian Yi with a smile on the side was active in the atmosphere, and overall, everything was fine.

Not only that, during the whole banquet time, no one was uncomfortable to mention about the Medicine Refining Master convention. The main topic was to focus on the beautiful Qin Yurou, Pan Meiqing, Yaowanggu, thirty two wonderful hands and Hesheng cooperation on.

So the overall atmosphere is very good.

not only.

According to the process, after eating this lunch at noon, Master Yao Wang, Pan Zheng, Yu Xinghuo and the others will all leave, and all that remains is the beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou, Pan Meiqing, and the pretty girl Abi.

Those guests will naturally dissipate.

All this went very smoothly.

At 2:1 noon, everything is over.

Ordinary guests left on their own, and Qin Yongquan, Pan Zheng, the king of the medicine king, left under the escort of Bian Yi. ,

Yu Xinghuo talked with Shen Qiang in the office at the front building of Heshan Villa in Hesheng. The matter about Danmeng and the key points involved were actually summed up in two words.


Not for this, those Medicine Refining Masters will not get together.

Shen Qiang knows.

But in a short period of time, obviously no specifics were involved, and Shen Qiang was not interested in consuming too much energy in this respect, so he authorized Yu Xinghuo to let Yu Xinghuo deal with Danmeng’s affairs without violating the major principles. .

So when Yu Xinghuo left, it was already half past one in the afternoon.

At this time, the guests of Heshenghe had already dispersed.

He and Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s cultivator also used lunch and prepared to return.

After a few words, they left.

By the time it really calmed down, it was over 2 pm.

At this time, Pan Meiqing was chatting with Xu Nan and Bai Jiao. Abi, who was born in the medicine Wanggu, obviously also had a common language with them.

In this case, the smiling Shen Qiang came to just sit quietly beside the beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou who listened to them, and then whispered: “Do you want to see, your future men?”

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