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Song Weiyin’s expected smile after the beautiful film, she was beaten by a series of unexpected behaviors of Shen Qiang to runaway, she can no longer face the abyss of Song Weiyin after the beautiful film Fat Young Master Yi, sitting in the car Here, he looked seriously at a tablet computer and a mobile phone in front of him.

On the tablet, there is a picture returned from the live broadcast room. Inside is the beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou, Pan Meiqing, chatting with the girls with a smile, which looks warm, happy, and enviable.

The picture returned from another mobile phone is the picture of the situation of Heshenghe Banquet Hall.

“The strength of Heshenghe is not an ignorant person, Young Master. You see, outside the restaurant of Heshenghe, there are 4 teams of demon security, the strength is above Primordial Chaos Realm, and these are just what we have seen, according to The material we have is at the back of the villa, which is the Heshenghe 300 demon, which occupies the place every day, so from the security point of view, if you want to attack Heshenghe at least, you must have at least 2 times his power.”

“To win, you must have at least three times the strength to win.” The old man looked at the Young Master Yi and said seriously.

These words made Young Master Yi’s eyebrows tight, said solemnly: “It’s hard to do, around Heshenghe, 100 Hua Gongzhu and Shen Qiang are ambiguous, the Young Master of Zangjian Mountain Villa follows the president of Heshenghe, Xiaoyaogu’s The family member is the wife of the president of Heshenghe, and Qingyun Sword Pavilion is a subordinate of Heshenghe.”

“Not only that, but more importantly, Shen Qiang is the safety consultant of the Dragon Group. If the Heshenghe has a problem, the Provincial Department of the Dragon Group will also immediately help Shen Qiang, so if you want to surprise Heshenghe, it is courting death.”

Old man hearing this, his eyes seem to be relaxed, and said: “Young Master can understand this best, if it is hard to come forward, even if our elites try their best, it is impossible to solve Shen Qiang within half an hour, and after half an hour, Qingyun Sword Pavilion, Cangjian Mountain Villa, Xiaoyao Valley, 100 The support of the Flower Palace, it will be the destruction of the whole army.”

Young Master Yi coldly snorted: “You neglected the Dou Shi Temple not far from He Sheng He. The monk is very strong and seems to be closely related to this Shen Qiang, so there must be no chance for a strong attack.”

“And, judging from the current situation, it is already an unrealistic idea to attack Heshenghe head-on, even if the whole abyss join forces, it is impossible to direct attack and destroy Heshenghe, because now Heshenghe is already stable. Local tyrant on the heel.”

“Unless Shen Qiang makes major mistakes in decision-making, causing Heshenghe to arouse public outrage, otherwise, in the current situation, a stronger sect than Heshenghe is not without, but he is capable of destroying Heshenghe in a short period of time with his iron fist. Yes, it’s gone.”

old man nodded: “Young Master is wise, bright vision like a torch, Insight, nothing can hide you.”

Young Master Yi frowned, and showed his mobile phone to the old man, saying: “There is nothing in the world, there are no loopholes and opportunities. Look at these waiters. According to our people, the news returned from them is Qingyun. Sword Pavilion’s cultivator is of average strength. From Nascent Soul Stage to Primordial Chaos Realm, I was thinking that maybe our people can be mixed in.”

Hearing this, the old man pu chi laughed at once, and then seemed to feel a little abnormal, immediately raised his face, respectfully said: “Young Master, this thing does not work, the biggest difference between Qingyun Sword Pavilion and other sect The core disciple of Qingyun Sword Pavilion is all surnamed Kang.”

“In a nutshell, those disciplines have known each other since they were born, so if you want to find someone to mix in with, even the Illusion Technique super-powerful powerhouse may reveal its details in details.”

Young Master Yi frowned: “He Shenghe seems to have other ways to mix into cultivator.”

“It doesn’t make sense.” old man said resolutely: “Those recruited cultivators don’t even have the opportunity to enter Hesheng Heshanzhuang. They can only work in Heshenghe Group. Their top supervisor is Shenshenghe President Shen Bian, who is also responsible for the work. It’s just the outside, through that way to enter the Heshenghe, in order to grasp Shen Qiang’s movements, not only takes a very long time, but also can never be close to the core, because…Shen Qiang is the 10000 demon king, his side and There is no shortage of powerful and obedient loyal monsters.”

This made the Young Master sigh, and then said: “Is there no other methods?”

Laozi looked helplessly at Young Master Yi, and said, “Young Master, you are disappointed. This method can be applied to any cultivator, but this is a method that can be applied to any cultivator. Qiang doesn’t work here because the guys near him are all monsters.”

Young Master Yi frowned: “Everyone has flaws. I don’t believe it. I can’t control Shen Qiang. He is horny and likes beautiful women, so sexual entrapment may be the best way to deal with him.”

The old man laughed who heard this: “The weakness that everyone knows may be just the smoke bomb released by the cunning Shen Qiang.”

“What do you mean?” Young Master Yi frowned.

The old man hesitated, and then calmly said: “Young Master, Shen Qiang loves beauty, this is not a secret in the cultivation field. Everyone knows that if you want to design Shen Qiang with sexual entrapment, you are definitely not alone, but the problem is You have noticed that the identity background of each of the women around Shen Qiang is clearly visible.”

“Xu Nan, Bai Jiao, Kang Luoying, 100 Hua Yu Nu Wei Sheng 1000 Dai, Dragon Group’s Allie, Ye Xiaolei, Pan Meiqing, Qin Yurou, and even Jing Xiangwei, you see, which woman has a complicated background ?”

Young Master Yi frowns saying: “You mean, Shen Qiang has been guarding against others using sexual entrapment?”

“It’s not precaution, but Shen Qiang has been deliberately exposing this point, hoping that someone will use sexual entrapment on him.” old man said with a slight smile: “Because so far, this is the only weakness of Shen Qiang on the table. .”

“Money, 1 billion 800 million, or even 100 100000000, can’t confuse Shen Qiang, magic weapon, Shen Qiang holds only one black blade called Divine Item in the cultivation world, on power, order Medicine Refining Master and the demon, In terms of means, Shen Qiang has never been soft, so want to target Shen Qiang, sexual entrapment is the easiest and clearest way, but please believe me.”

“In Shen Qiang’s current taste, ordinary beauties are not attractive to him. They are beautiful and incapable, because even Shen Qiang sleeps with her, there is no way for a woman to squeeze into the core of Heshenghe, so if Young Master is If you really want to compete with Shen Qiang, you should choose the right way. These small means can’t help him.”

Hearing this, Young Master Yi’s face was already ugly to the extreme: “Do you know what is the most uncomfortable thing in this world?”

Looking at the curious look of the old man, Young Master Yi asked with a cold face and said to himself: “That’s my obvious strength, and I hate this Shen Qiang. I hate to die, but I can’t move him!”

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