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While the beautiful girls Kang Luoying and Shen Qiang were preparing to take a break, not only the brightly lit but also the Elder of Qingyun Sword Pavilion and Core Disciple were gathered together in the old house hall of Qingyun Sword Pavilion North Courtyard.

“Looking at the cultivation world, the cultivator that can enter the Daogu period when it is 19 years old is more than as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns? Kang Luoying’s Daoguo, 6 reincarnation doors, placed in other Sects may just be ordinary , But placed in our Qingyun Sword Pavilion, it is simply an invincible existence. With the Qingyun sword, Kang Luoying will certainly be able to reproduce the glory of Ancestral Master over time!”

The white-faced needless man said sadly: “But this girl followed Shen Qiang with determination, and she swears to follow him forever, you said, isn’t she stupid?”

Hearing this, the Second Elder who used to pretend to be deaf and dumb, not only critical but not open, suddenly raised his eyebrows and said: “Now it’s a boat, it’s useless to say anything. Besides, I now think that Kang Luoying’s choice Nothing wrong.”

The white-faced needless man hearing this for a moment, then said: “What do you mean?”

Second Elder said calmly, “If Kang Luoying forgets her ability as soon as she has the ability, she kicks Shen Qiang, what shall we be? Don’t forget, she is Pavilion Lord of Sword Pavilion, if she to forget favors and violate Justice, self-seeking, will you still care about us?”

White-faced men don’t need to raise their eyebrows in surprise: “Second Elder, although you said it, it’s good, but this is Qian Qiang.”

“Shen Dongzhu.” Second Elder corrected: “In addition, I will talk again, I said, you listen, the name of Shen Dongzhu, is not what you can call, understand?”

The white-faced needless man hearing this, said: “Second Elder, I understand what you mean, you are now optimistic about Kang Luoying, so she is right to make any decision.”

“People must not forget this.” Second Elder calmly said: “The so-called people are doing, the sky is watching, but this day, it is not God, but the people around them. Kang Luoying is very young and has the potential to become a Peak powerhouse now. There is only one time left.”

“When she fell, she got help from Shen Qiang. Now she has reached Teng, and she can’t let go. This is Kang Luoying’s way, so she is trustworthy. That’s why she always remembers Qingyun Sword Pavilion, always in front of Shen Qiang. , Reason for Qingyun Sword Pavilion.”

“So, you don’t need to say that Qingyun Sword Pavilion is a subordinate of Shen Family. Shen Qiang asks us to do what we do, this is what we should do most. As for your other bad ideas, all accept Get up.”

Looking at the white-faced man without need, Second Elder said earnestly: “And, the last time I remind you, Shen Qiang is a good person and not fake, but you don’t think he is weak and bully, you eat him, drink him, take Holding him, thinking about how to betray him all day long, he will kill you. By then, no one can save you.”

These words shocked the man who didn’t need white face, and then said a little angrily: “Dare he?”

Second Elder said calmly with a sneer: “Don’t be too believe oneself infallible. When the Shen Qiang cultivation base was still weak, you killed the Young Masters of the Great Elder and Pavilion Lord. Are you a pi compared to them? And I remind you that Xiang 1000 League was also killed by him personally, so from now on, don’t let me hear any Shen Qiang bad, Kang Luoying bad in Sword Pavilion, or want to rebel or something like that.”

His eyes glanced coldly at the crowd in the hall, Second Elder continued: “Because all of us must understand that Shen Qiang and Kang Luoying are our Sword Pavilion, once again arrogant of the roots of the heroes, so there is ability, Use it outside.”

“Building meritorious service and expanding the territory for Hesheng Hehe, this is our Sword Pavilion, what we should do most now.”

“So, from now on, no matter which discipline I am in, if he feels that He Shenghe is sorry for his worth, he can go, stay incognito, go far away, and I can turn a blind eye, as if he cannot be found.”

“But if you stay, stop saying anything.”

Hearing this, several other Elders said at once.

“Second brother, don’t worry, we are not stupid, and we have a long-term view. Before Qingyun Sword Pavilion was merged into Heshenghe, it was also a decision made after careful analysis of the pros and cons, so you can rest assured that Direct Disciple will never mess up.”

Second Elder’s eyes calmly said: “At this moment, at that time, when we joined Heshenghe, we were considering benefits, but only making a living, but from now on, what we have to consider is not just interests, but honor.”

“As long as we conscientiously assist Kang Luoying and conscientiously work for Hesheng Cooperative, one day in the future, when Shen Qiang and Kang Luoying become Legendary, we may also be able to leave a strong stroke in the history of cultivation. “

Hearing this, several people present looked at each other and then nodded one after another.

The white-faced man who was said to have no temper, said solemnly: “Second Elder, rest assured, everything is yours.”

“Not by me, but by Shen Qiang and Kang Luoying.” Second Elder corrected: “So this is the case.”

“What about the party at Heshenghe tomorrow?” another Elder asked beside.

“Dr. Shen Dong will do what he orders.” Second Elder said.

The white-faced needless man hurriedly said: “Second Elder, we understand what you mean, please rest assured, although I said a lot of complaints before, but from now on, I will definitely not question Shen Qiang nor Kang Luoying , But as soon as tomorrow morning, our people have to go to Heshenghe. My personal honor and disgrace do not matter, but all Elders…”

“Tomorrow, go and ask Kang Luoying.” Second Elder interrupted: “I can feel it, this is what Shen Qiang means, as long as Kang Luoying is nodded, then she talks with Shen Qiang, just one sentence thing.”

“Understand, I understand.” The white face didn’t need a man.

Second Elder hearing this, said: “Since everyone understands, then do well in the points.”

At this time, another Elder said: “Second brother, look, should we prepare some gifts for Lord Shen and his several female companions.”

Second Elder smiled and shook his head: “Qingyun Sword Pavilion is from Shen Qiang. Everything here is his, and giving him his stuff will not only make no sense at all, but will only make him unhappy, so this matter Okay.”

Several people glanced at each other, nodded one after another.

Then an Elder hesitated and said: “Since everyone has decided to help Shen Qiang and Kang Luoying seriously in the future, it is still necessary to have a good relationship. I think that Shen Qiang is lustful, it is better to pick a few beautiful ones. female disciple…”

“Shut up.” Second Elder sneered with a raised eyebrow: “Which of the women around Shen Qiang is not devastatingly beautiful, and has excellent ability, don’t look ugly, just go and ask Kang Luoying with me tomorrow morning.”

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