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Seeing Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s people uniform, Shen Qiang’s face also showed a smile, the genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying, her expression could not help but a little bit delicate, especially at this time, it was already late, she could not help but softly softly: “Shen Qiang, it’s not too early at this time, not equal to me. Let’s go back to Sword Pavilion. After this day, Shui Mi has not entered. What would you like to eat?”


Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow with a smile.

In an instant, the genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying not only instantly turned her red face to the root of her neck, but also looked at Shen Qiang coquettishly, and she said coquettishly: “Don’t talk too much, so many people here!”

But then she found that everyone around her face was stunned.

Then she saw Shen Qiang with a smile on her face and said, “silly girl, my sound transmission told you, how can you talk nonsense directly.”

In an instant, the embarrassed, embarrassed and embarrassed beautiful girl Kang Luoying stomped on her feet: “Ignore you bad guy!”

With that said, she turned around and pulled up the beautiful demon fox Chu Qing said: “Chu Qing elder sister, let’s go, ignore this bad guy.”

As he said, he left without regard.

The beautiful demon fox Chu Qing smiled, Ke Bizhu, Ye Guyun also smiled and bent his eyes.

Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s disciplines, when she saw Kang Luoying’s first awakening of love, she couldn’t help but want to laugh, but the moment when a smile appeared on their face, they heard Coldly snorted of Second Elder in their ears.

Immediately tolerate a smile.

That look looks weird.

Seeing this situation, Shen Qiang didn’t want to stay here anyway. After all, the secret of Tianji Cave has been clarified, and it doesn’t make much sense to stay here again.

So, Shen Qiang took everyone down the mountain.

Back to Sword Pavilion.

The Elders of Sword Pavilion have arranged a dinner.

All manners of etiquette, tireless of bothersome, mountain treasures and seafood, not tired of many.

Ye Guyun and the others have a good time.

But Shen Qiang was tired after eating.

Because, these Elders of Qingyun Sword Pavilion are all mixed with the Old Fox of several decades in the cultivation world, all kinds of have hidden meaning, if you don’t think hard, you can’t understand what they say, so you have to listen to what they say In order to respond.

On the other side, they still need to hide needles to make them honest.

So eating this meal is more tiring than fighting a battle.

But overall, the situation was already very good at the dinner.

Not only did the disciplines show the proper etiquette.

Those Elders are also uncharacteristically and much more enthusiastic. If they don’t know, they glanced at it and thought it was a family dinner with family and friends, and the whole group was at ease.

But during the entire meal.

Whether it is Shen Qiang or all elders, they are very instinctively avoided, about Heshenghe banquet.

This is normal.

Shen Qiang was impossible and talked to them. This is not only Shen Qiang’s own knowledge, but also the Elders of Qingyun Sword Pavilion know what they know, and how to do it. They haven’t found the best solution yet, so they formed It’s a strange situation that has more important things in mind, but no one talks about.

Soon, the dinner ended.

After the end, Shen Qiang, at the invitation of all elders of Qingyun Sword Pavilion, drank tea and chatted casually about the future development of Heshenghe and the role that Qingyun Sword Pavilion needs to play in this process. The time has come at 9:1 in the night.

It’s getting late at this time.

2 female disciple of Qingyun Sword Pavilion, come to invite Shen Qiang to rest.

All elders, also immediately give a fun gift.

Out of Sword Pavilion, under the guidance of 2 Qingyun Sword Pavilion female disciple, Shen Qiang went straight to the mountainside, the opposite direction of Tianji Cave, time was not big, and came to an old house hidden in the mountainside.

To the top house.

The beautiful demon fox is early, the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, and the charming night lonely cloud are all there. They are talking and laughing with Kang Luoying.

Seeing this time = Shen Qiang came, and the 3 women smiled and said goodbye.

Kang Luoying, who was in a hurry to keep, was at a loss.

But 3 people are all laughing and hehe left.

Subsequently, there were only two people left in the house, Kang Luoying and Shen Qiang, who were blushing, inexplicably, and shy.

Shen Qiang laughed and said, “Are you going to let me sleep in the living room?”

Kang Luoying’s face turned red, and she looked at Shen Qiang coquettishly, then blushed, and shyly said to Shen Qiang, “Come with me.”

Say that’s all, come out from the back door of the living room, pass through the courtyard, and enter the back house. There is an ancient charm here, and there is a feeling that it seems to have returned a few hundred years ago.

There is no air conditioning in the bedroom.

The decoration is not at all luxurious, but it has a very warm and retro feeling.

For Shen Qiang, it felt very fresh and could not help saying with a smile: “I am tired. Where is the bathroom? Let’s take a bath and go to bed early.”

Hearing this, the beautiful Kang Luoying’s face turned red to the root of her neck and said: “Qingyun Sword Pavilion is above the mountains and lacks water, so the ancestors’ training is not allowed to build a bathroom on Qingyun Sword Pavilion. Fortunately, afterwards, the Sword Pavilion was drilled, so the bathroom was built outside the Sword Pavilion. Before that, Chuqing elder sister and I had already been there. If you want to go, I will take you here.”

Shen Qiang was shocked, but it was right to think about it. Qingyun Sword Pavilion, with a population of 100 people, had a clear spring on the mountain. It was already very stressful for daily use. If everyone takes a bath every day, how much water is enough?

“No, I have Dust Repelling Bead on me, that’s all without washing.” Shen Qiang said with a smile.

But at this time, the idol-level genius beautiful girl Kang Luoying, her eyes lit up, and then said: “Then wash your feet.”

With that, Kang Luoying got up and went outside. After a while, she came back with a tub and placed it at the foot of Shen Qiang. Then, under the watch of Shen Qiang, Kang Luoying blushed, not only the whole person was tender and charming Kneeling pretty on the floor, more jade hand helped Shen Qiang take off his shoes lightly.

“I’ll do it myself.” Shen Qiang hurriedly said.

You should know that the current Kang Luoying is not ordinary. The 19-year-old Daogu period cultivation base is enough to shock the cultivation world, and what is even more powerful is her Dao Guo. Not only that, she is still the head of Qingyun Sword Pavilion, if she goes out If it is, it is rarely seen in the cultivation field, the young and beautiful girl Daojun, who is a master surrounded by 10000 people, let her wash her feet. This matter is a bit unreasonable.

What surprised Shen Qiang was that the pretty girl Kang Luoying, who was more red-faced, not only looked at Shen Qiang charmingly, but also said softly: “Shen Qiang, I know that you are for me and took over Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s The mess, I also know that the hardships you have paid for Heshenghe are extremely limited in those areas, so please don’t be polite, just let me do something for you, OK? I beg you!”

Hearing this, looking at her serious eyes, Shen Qiang had no choice but to say good.

Later, Kang Luoying helped Shen Qiang take off his shoes and socks cautiously, and put Shen Qiang’s feet in the basin, and carefully cleaned it with her slender white jade hand. Not only was her expression very serious, but also beautiful In the eyes, happiness flashed faintly.

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