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Hearing Yun Lan’s help, the crowd watching the medicine pill conference live burst into laughter, and the barrage flew at the same time.

“Hahaha, I laughed to death. The three Peak fellows in the Medicine Refining Master circle actually fought, can’t you pay attention to your identity!”

“Death, Yu Xinghuo is the leader among the 4 Little Danqings. He has extensive friendships and is also the founder of the Dan League. Although in recent years, there have been few refining medicine pill, no matter what his status is in the cultivation field, Still in the Medicine Refining Master circle, the status is very high, definitely belongs to the kind, you may not know, but someone who has heard of it, in the end he turned out…hahaha.”

“Master Yaogu Gu, what a Tianma Meteor Fist!”

“Laughing urine, what Yu Xinghuo is, the head of the thirty two wonderful hands, Pan Zheng, that is the leader of the transcendent position under Peak 2 in the cultivation field! The ordinary cultivator does not know him, but for the various sects Sect Master , That’s a great great character. Not only that, he is also one of the ten Great Grandmasters of Medicine Refining Master, an absolute Divine Immortal-level character, now a pair, no matter how you do it, I will not spread the medicine pill. LOL.”

“Smile, it’s me, and I won’t spread it. Is that medicine pill? That’s a life!”

“I don’t want to laugh at all. The master of medicine Wanggu Valley Qin Yongquan, transcendent position, is not only one of the ten Great Grandmasters of Medicine Refining Master, one of the 2 people in Peak of cultivation, but even more powerful is that he is Medicine Refining Master Holy Land. Owner Wang Gu! As a result, the three of them have been fighting for the Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill…”

“Ai, it’s just a farce, Dignified Peak, who fights for a medicine pill. What kind of system do you have, and do you have an identity? Is there a status? Can you still be a senior expert?”

“Shen Qiang medicine pill can save lives, but can expert style save lives too?”

Everyone smiled and sighed in the live room.

At this time, Shen Qiang also smiled and bent his eyes. After all, if the three gangsters who were together knew that there were 3 Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill in the storage ring of Shen Qiang at this time, I didn’t know they would Won’t you be ashamed to find a ground seam to get in?

Yun Lan asked for help quietly.

Shen Qiang thought to pretend that she didn’t hear it, and let them fight for a while. After all, in the cultivation field, you can see the big guys, and there is not much chance of fighting each other regardless of the image.

Unfortunately, with a smile, Shen Qiang found that the situation was a bit wrong.

Because of her lithe and graceful figure, the sexy and sexy purple has also come over and is looking at herself pleadingly. Obviously, Yun Lan’s help has obviously been heard by her, and, no matter what, Pan Zheng is Purple’s dear, so if you continue to watch the lively, this watch the fires burning across the river’s attitude is too obvious, it will make the relationship between the two people difficult to harmonize.

So smiling, Shen Qiang got up and walked to the side of 3 people and said, “Three Seniors please stop! My Shen Qiang promises that after the conference is over, Bi will give thirty two wonderful hands, Hesheng Hedan League, and Yaowang Gu, each provides a Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill for your research.”

I heard this.

The three people fighting together were stunned, eyes staring straight at Shen Qiang.

“Really?” Qin Yongquan, the master of Yaowanggu, was serious.

Shen Qiang smiled: “Guaranteed by personality.”

Hearing this, Qin Yongquan, the master of the medicine king valley, immediately let go, and Yu Xinghuo also blinked: “Well, I know, Shen Alliance Leader, I must live up to the expectations!”

At this time, Pan Zheng, whose shirt had been torn, sorted out his clothes and put the medicine pill in his hand back to the jury.

Then he coldly looked at the owner of the eye medicine Wang Gu, icily said: “Qin Young Hero is good martial arts!”

Hearing this, the many cultivators present laughed with a bang.

“Hahaha, Pan Zheng is angry, Lord of the Medicine King Valley has become Young Hero!”

“It’s euthanasia, Pan Zheng is at a loss. Although True Yuan is useless, he is holding the medicine pill, Yu Xinghuo and the master of the medicine king valley are beating him. Obviously, there are no black hands in the secret.”

“A good sentence Young Hero is good martial arts, laugh to death, this Pan Zheng is implying, is his ability to fight strong?”

In the laughter of everyone, Shen Qiang didn’t think it was funny at all.

It’s just that Yu Xinghuo, Qin Yongquan, Pan Zheng, and 3 people have just had a fight. They have no intention of presiding over the medicine pill review. They are all staring at Shen Qiang’s Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill.

So in this case, others dare not speak, but Shen Qiang cannot but speak.

Because the purpose of Shen Qiang’s coming here is very simple. It is to prove himself and let everyone in the cultivation field know his strength.

But Shen Qiang is not a reviewer after all, he said that letting the conference continue, it would seem that he didn’t know the weight, so Shen Qiang turned his head, looked at it with a heart, froze aside, some Chu Xiaotian who didn’t know what to do , Loudly.

“Chu Xiaotian, I now ask you, my Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill will continue to participate in the review of the medicine pill conference. Do you have any comments?”

At the moment when he heard this, Chu Xiaotian’s complexion turned red, but he moved his mouth, but was speechless, so he glared at Shen Qiang.

“Speak, don’t pretend to be dumb.” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows calmly and said, “If you have nothing to say, then you can go and watch me quietly all the way.”

“Shen Qiang, you don’t need to be complacent. Tomorrow, I will make you defeated!” Chu Xiaotian roared, then returned to his seat resentfully.

With this situation, the five big men in the jury also returned to normal.

Seeing this situation, Shen Qiang returned to his seat, not only Pan Zheng’s wife Yun Lan gave Shen Qiang a grateful look, the sexy purple on the side, but also for the first time, instead of Ke Bizhu, handed tea to Shen Qiang, and Softly sound transmission: “Thank you.”

Shen Qiang slightly smiled, said: “The person who should thank me is Pan Zheng. If it was not because he gave birth to a good daughter, I would like to see him beat him more.”

Hearing this, purple gave Shen Qiang a white eye, but the pretty face did not know why it was red.

At this time, the situation on the scene is already normal. The master of the medicine king just announced that when the second round medicine pill will be reviewed, Shen Qiang’s opponent, Kang He, the champion of the previous time medicine pill conference, suddenly got up and saluted, congratulations Tao: “The owner is slow, Kang He has something to say.”

Everyone has a glimpse.

But immediately, Yaowanggu said: “Kanghe, you can talk as much as you have.”

“In this case, please all of you here, forgive me for being rude.”

Kang He was nodded, and then stepped forward, solemnly.

“Kang He knows, what I will say next will be regarded as unreasonable trouble, but please believe me, Kang He is not an irrational person, but Shen Qiang of this medicine pill conference, the strength is definitely not our ordinary The Medicine Refining Master is able to contend with him. This medicine pill conference has become a luck conference, because as long as bad luck has drawn a group with Shen Qiang, no matter who it is, they will be eliminated!”

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