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In Chu Xiaotian鈥檚 mad laughter, everyone present looked at him in amazement. Pan Zheng, who had been silent and silent, suddenly stood up and glared at him, icily said: 鈥淐hu Xiaotian, you鈥檙e enough, don鈥檛 make trouble here unreasonably, Shen Qiang medicine Pill, whether it is quality or curative effect, everyone has seen it for everyone!”

Hearing this, the people present secretly praised.

Yao Wanggu said: “Yes, Shen Qiang’s Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill is called the peerless Divine Grade. Although this medicine pill competition has not yet entered the final stage, it is already the first without suspense.”

Another old man nodded and said: “Not bad.”

But their voice was not down, Chu Xiaotian had suddenly stepped forward and said aloud: “Wrong and wrong! Since it is a competition of the medicine pill conference, we will follow the rules. Without medicine pill, we will directly rank Shen Qiang. Is it fair to others?”

Hearing this, the cultivator present immediately looked dignified.

“Actually speaking, Shen Qiang medicine pill is so effective, so magical, it is already a 1st place without suspense, but the point of the problem is that this is just a primary election, not a decisive battle, directly to him first, for others , It’s just fair.”

Hearing someone agrees with his own opinion, Chu Xiaotian looked proud and looked up at Shen Qiang, taunted triumphantly: “Shen Qiang, you have worked hard for this medicine pill conference, and the Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill has amazing effects. Extraordinary quality, obviously using heavenly materials earthly treasures, of great value, absolutely unparalleled in the world, but it is okay, this medicine pill, one is already extravagant, and now it is used by you, your medicine pill road to the conference , And that鈥檚 the end.”

Several cultivators that he had made with him immediately laughed.

“Yes! Shen Qiang, do you still pretend to be? That medicine pill is 10000 in the world. If it is not used, the proper first is now used. Even Dan does not have it. Can it still be awarded?”

“That’s right, without medicine pill, the review does not exist.”

“Hahaha, medicine pill conference, can’t award an empty hand?”

Hearing their words, everyone in the webcast room exploded in an instant.

“What? Can this group of bastards be more shameless? Isn’t the purpose of medicine pill is to cure people and save people? Oh, Brother Qiang used it, and then they said they couldn’t participate in the evaluation without medicine pill. It’s more than excessive!”


“This is Xiao Xiaotian’s ill-intentioned idea. First of all, he used Red Flame Dao to force Shen Qiang to use Dan, and Shen Qiang to use Dan, but the effect is not good. Then Shen Qiang is a false propaganda, and the reputation is bad. As a result, Shen Qiang medicine pill has a good effect, he I figured it out again, without the excuse that medicine pill can鈥檛 participate in the judging, it鈥檚 shameless to the extreme!”

At the same time, looking at those Medicine Refining Masters, the expressions were triumphant, each one was a pair, Shen Qiang, you are finished, without medicine pill, you are also eliminated, but the quick look of a round of travel.

Pan Zhengli said: “You are enough. As a Medicine Refining Master, when you find that Shen Qiang medicine pill is a height you can never reach, you don鈥檛 want to catch up and surpass, but instead take pleasure in other people’s misfortune. He used the medicine pill, can you win?”

Hearing this, Chu Xiaotian proudly said with a sneer: “The leader, anything in the world, can’t escape a word. If Shen Qiang used medicine pill during the finals, then even if there is no medicine pill, you I have no choice but to call him Xiao Chutian, but now it鈥檚 the primary election, and he uses medicine pill. Do you want to give him a ranking based on the impression in your heart?”

Pan Zheng was shocked.

At the same time, Chu Xiao Heavenly Eye looked at Shen Qiang with pride and said, “Shen Qiang, Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill is really powerful, but what’s the use? The Young Master is just a little trick, and you have abandoned your medicine pill. , Hehe, heavenly materials earthly treasures are not easy to find, I believe that you can鈥檛 get the second one, tsk tsk, then medicine pill doesn鈥檛 matter if it鈥檚 good, so you don鈥檛 have to look at me in aloof and remote because You and I are the losers of this medicine pill conference.”

Hearing this, everyone was angry.

But at this moment, everyone suddenly saw that Shen Qiang, who had been silent, showed a contemptuous smile in the corner of his mouth.

Not only that, in the horrified eyes of everyone, Shen Qiang dropped a Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill in the tray of the judging panel, calmly said: “I thought you were Chu Xiaotian, really a great person, but Now it seems, it is also just this.”

In an instant, Chu Xiaotian was ignorant.

“Impossible! The Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill that can only be refined by heavenly material earthly treasure, you have 2!”

At the same time that everyone’s eyes were surprised.

Thirty-two Pan Zheng, the leader of the wonderful hands, had already dragged the tray ecstatically, his eyes excited with blue light.

“Baby! This is the real baby!” As he said, Pan Zheng looked at Shen Qiang excitedly and said, “The price is not a problem. I have set this medicine pill! You can open the price of Shen Qiang!”

Upon hearing this, the master of Medicine King Valley was in a hurry, and peng sound grabbed the collar of Pan Zheng, angrily roared: “Put down the medicine pill! You have enough of Pan Zheng, I am the Master of Medicine King Valley, this is to ask Medicine King Valley, Shen Qiang is My daughter鈥檚 boyfriend, this medicine pill, is not your turn to Pan Zheng.”

Just as Pan Zhengheng frowned, holding the medicine pill in his hands and not spreading it, Yu Xinghuo was anxious.

“Shut up! Shen Qiang is the Alliance Leader of Hesheng Hedan League. This Dan is the treasure of our Zhenmeng League. How can we fall into the hands of Er!”

Seeing that these high-ranking gangsters were about to fight for a medicine pill.

The many cultivators present were full of shock.

“So Immortal Pill, hard to find in the world, 2 are probably the ultimate, so no matter who it is, if you miss this medicine pill, it must be regrettable!”

“The Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill, the quality of Divine Grade, and the curative effect is amazing. No matter which Medicine Refining Master gets it, if it is devoted to research, once it can be imitated, it is not only the daily advance gold!”

“Yeah! This is a real Immortal Pill that can defying heaven changing fate and get back to life! It’s me, and I won’t let go, 10000 is gone? After all, heavenly materials earthly treasures, not can be seen everywhere!”

The many cultivators present were full of shock,

At the same time, on the judging panel, Yu Xinghuo, Master of Medicine King Gu and Pan Zheng had already fought, and the scene was chaotic. Because they all remain rational, not at all uses True Yuan, so everyone on the scene is not pulling, nor is it watching, and for a while was stunned on the spot.

At this time, Pan Zheng鈥檚 wife Yun Lan, watching Pan Zheng who was protecting Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill, was being hammered with his fists by Yu Xinghuo and Yao Wanggu, Qin Yongquan, while Shen Qiang was sitting beside him with full of smiles Seeing the excitement, I couldn’t help anxiously.

“Shen Qiang, the medicine pill is yours, now they are all fighting, so come on and say something!”

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