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In an instant, all the cultivators on the scene were exploded, not only the beautiful school flower on the second floor, but also the angry Qin language, and the complex complex pale in the moment, looking at Pan Zheng with some disappointment, leaning on the chair. Weisheng Zhimei also sank her face and stared at Pan Zheng coldly.

Pan Zheng laughed and calmly drank the tea. It was a complete pair. This thing had nothing to do with me, but the smug sneer in the corner of his mouth made everyone feel clearly that this matter was his first-hand director.

“Fuck, this, this, this… It’s too much. Medicine Pill didn’t look at it, just eliminated Shen Qiang. Isn’t this too much.”

“It’s too capricious. These two judges are also the ten Great Grandmasters of Medicine Refining Master. Anyway, it’s really…revengeful and blatant!”

“Uh… is this because Shen Qiang wants to fight against them by name?”

Many cultivators present were filled with consternation. Although they were full of doubts, people were on the scene after all. Although they had various ideas in their minds, they did not dare to say anything.

But at this moment, in the webcast room, it burst instantly.

“Oh my god! Crazy! The two judges of thirty two wonderful hands are too obvious? Even if they glance at medicine pill, and then say that Shen Qiang is not good, just eliminate Shen Qiang directly. It’s gone, it’s what the hell?”

“Damn, no wonder Shen Qiang said that just now, so he thought it would be like this!”

“Mad, this is too lying, thirty two wonderful hands, what are you doing?”

“Lying trough! Dare to bully my home Qiangbao, the old lady will fight with them!”

But when everyone was shocked, she was very surprised to see that Shen Qiang sitting in the area of ​​Medicine Refining Master not only remained calm, but also had a strange smile on the corner of her mouth.

This made the cultivator seeing this scene, could not help but secretly worry.

“Master, you are too stable when you are old, and everyone has eliminated you directly, and you have no response, which is too speechless.”

“Fight him!”

“Fuck, this is riding on your neck and shit, you are not fighting back, what are you thinking?”

When everyone was in a hurry, Shen Qiang smiled indifferently and said calmly: “Although the situation that I guessed is a bit different, but it is not unexpected, come on, please start your performance and say the reasons for eliminating me Come out and listen.”

At the moment when he heard this, Pan Zheng, who had been silently sneering, suddenly said: “The right to review is in the hands of the reviewer. Why should I explain it to you? If you do not agree with the results of their review, you can choose to withdraw from Shen Qiang. Say any nonsense.”

In an instant, all the eyes on the scene stared at Pan Zheng with a shocked expression.

“Great! It is worthy of being the leader of thirty two wonderful hands. With just one sentence, it blocked all the retreat of Shen Qiang. I agree with the conference, you have been eliminated, do not agree with the medicine pill conference, you quit yourself, no matter which one you make Choice, this humiliation, Shen Qiang can’t lose it.”

“No way, no matter what other people think, the final result is a round of Shen Qiang’s tour at the medicine pill conference, which is eliminated at the opening. In this case, Shen Qiang’s reputation must be dropped a thousand zhang in one fall.”

“Damn, I used to think that Chu Xiaotian, the judges, and the insurmountable mountain, did not expect that Pan Zheng was the real big boss!”

“It’s over, Shen Qiang is lost, Pan Zheng is silent for a long time, he will not leave Shen Qiang any way out. In this case, whoever it is, it is also powerless and can only regret to leave.”

But many of the cultivators present, and many cultivators in the live webcast, were regretfully looking at Shen Qiang.

But she was shocked to see that Shen Qiang smiled: “This thirty two wonderful hand medicine pill exhibition is also very interesting. If you want to sell medicine pill, you will say that you are selling a medicine pill. The medicine pill conference looks like a decent thing. ‘S review, this sheep’s head is hanging, and even the 3-year-old child laughed.”

The moment I heard this, the ordinary cultivator didn’t respond.

Chu Xiaotian also said with a smile: “Shen Qiang, are you mentally handicapped? This is Yao Wang Gu, thirty two wonderful hand valley, you can’t even speak badly, and pill concocting? Who dares to eat!”

Shen Qiang smiled and did not respond at all.

But in an instant, not only Bai Shiyi smiled, but also the 100 Hua Gong master Wei Sheng Zhimei sitting in the Daluo District, also glanced at Shen Qiang approvingly, and then said with a smile: “Shen Qiang, you are talking about What, I don’t understand? It’s obviously the Valley of Medicine King, how could it become thirty two wonderful hands?”

Bai Shiyi looked at the master of the medicine king of the complex ashen with nodded said with a smile: “Shen Qiang, you child, how can you not hide, hurry, hurry Valley Master Xiang to apologize.”

Shen Qiang rolled his eyes and said, “I will not apologize to Master Pan Gu.”

In an instant, everyone present laughed. The news in the webcast room burst into the screen.

“666, the strong man is mighty! A good trick to attract the mountain of fire! Yaowang Valley changed its name to thirty two wonderful hands valley, hahaha, lying trough, this is to directly remove Yaowang Valley from the cultivation world, what a poison!”

“Hahaha, give me a strong treasure!”

“It’s euthanasia, if the King of Medicine King is silent, then the King of Medicine King will be finished. Thirty two Miao Shou Valley will surely be widely praised.”

Everyone in the live room laughed happily, and the face of Master Yao Wang Gu was ugly.

Always paying close attention to the Second Elder of his face, he immediately noticed and said: “The right to judge the medicine pill conference, in the hands of the judge, Pan Kuishu, please don’t make noise!”

In an instant, the expressions all became weird.

Although slightly embarrassed, Pan Zheng still smiled, but looked towards Shen Qiang’s eyes, but he became more vigilant. Not only did his fingers subconsciously knock on the armrests of the seats, he thought more frantically in his mind.

“Awesome, this Shen Qiang not simple, this trick attracts the burning hills, it is used very well, I originally thought that he was just good luck, very difficult to deal with refining medicine, it seems that I completely underestimated him, 2 sentences, drag Wang Gu, who got the medicine, had to fight to support him, but on this scheming, it was called a talent, dangerous, this is an absolutely dangerous guy!”

Just when Pan Zheng was nervous, Yao Wanggu Second Elder said: “The 2 judges, the medicine pill conference, after several thousand years, the reason for the longevity is because the competition system is fair and just, so the 1000 still give an explanation. Well, otherwise it would be unreasonable.”

Hearing this, the two reviewers glanced at each other, and one said: “The reason for eliminating Shen Qiang is simple. Pill concocting is like a person. A Medieval Medicine Refining Master who does not know Dao Venerable and Senior is not qualified to participate. Do not be sloppy in your conduct.”

Another person said: “Yes, the Medicine Refining Master is noble. This Shen Qiang is an unorthodox way. I don’t know yet. The character is so unbearable. How could the medicine pill be refined, so it must be eliminated.”

Everyone was surprised.

His eyes turned to Shen Qiang, but when they thought that Shen Qiang would get up and refute them, they were shocked to see that smiling Shen Qiang said indifferently: “Since it is a virtue conference, not a pill concocting, then you What experts should I install? Immediately dismantle their jury seats and let them know what Heshenghe serves by morality.”

Everyone was astonished.

And in an instant.

The terrible blade glow has erupted.


The violent True Yuan stirred up.

The three judges retreated awkwardly.

The original jury seat was not only messy, but also stood a big man with a terrifying look. His mouth sneered, and he seemed to be afraid of spreading a violent breath, and slowly pulled out the general blade glow. The scimitar of rich blood-reeking qi.

“Thanks to Boss for giving his name, this sword is named to serve people with virtue!”

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