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Shen Qiang’s voice was not high, but the whole audience heard clearly. In an instant, almost everyone was looking thoughtful and turned their attention to the head of the thirty two panacea, Pan Zheng.

“No wonder, as soon as Shen Qiang entered the gymnasium, he seemed to be in flames. Behind it, there seemed to be a story.”

“Shen Qiang is indeed very strong, but usually quite low-key, it seems something is wrong here.”

“Sure enough, there is no unreasonable love, no unreasonable hatred, and no unprovoked provocation in this world. It seems that Shen Qiang named the Five Great Grandmasters to fight against the wonderful two masters of thirty, which is not without reason.”

And while everyone was looking thoughtful, Pan Zheng smiled: “You are threatening us? If you do not accept the results of the review, you can choose not to run.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “The results of the review are not important. What is important is that I am not used to giving others the opportunity to humiliate me. As long as there is evidence, I can accept any review results. But if it happens, don’t think I’m bullying.”

Pan Zheng sneered, then did not pay attention to Shen Qiang, but nodded to the review side.

Then, after seeking the consent of the owner of the drug king valley, the review contest of the medicine pill conference officially began.

When the three judges came on stage, everyone’s eyes could not help but shine.

Because as a judge of the medicine pill conference, qualifications, background, and professionalism are all critical. After all, no one will believe that an amateur judge.

And these three are very simple.

“Thirty two wonderful hands, Li Li’s Old Li, Peak one of ten!”

“Thirty two wonderful hands, Mu Family’s Mu Lao, Peak one of ten!”

“Second Elder in the Valley of Medicine King, one of Peak’s ten!”

Such three judges are impeccable in terms of qualifications, status, and various aspects.

After all, it is three of the ten Great Grandmasters in the Medicine Refining Master circle.

The review they made, no one would be meaningful.

But now, because of the previous words of Shen Qiang, people who used dim sum a little bit, immediately realized that this matter is not as simple as imagined.

“Hiss~ When Shen Qiang didn’t say it, I hadn’t noticed that there were 3 reviewers at the Medicine Pill Conference, including 2 of them, from the thirty two masters. This matter is very delicate.”

“There is something subtle, how do you say half of it? Before, everyone knows that thirty two wonderful hands are connected to us, as long as they don’t buy Heshenghe medicine pill, they can get a minimum 7% discount from them. “

“Chu Xiaotian is a wonderful two-handed person. He repeatedly provokes Shen Qiang and puts on a posture that looks down on others. If the senior of the two great hands, if he restrains him, he dare not be so impudent. After all, Shen Qiang is The big brother of Heshenghe, the 10000 demon king, didn’t give Shen Qiang face, so he just wanted to step on Shen Qiang.”

Not only ordinary cultivators seem to have ideas.

As the big man in the cultivation field, Bai Shiyi also looked at Pan Zheng with a smile and said: “Pan Kui, this son-in-law of my family is notorious for his bad temper, he is also brave and has some things that others can bear. Yes, but he may not be able to endure.”

Pan Zheng smiled: “White Patriarch, what does that mean?”

Bai Shiyi smiled: “thirty two wonderful hands, but in the cultivation field, the famous first-class Representative of Medicine Refining Master, secretly squeezed out other Medieval Medicine Refining Master of this kind of work, I think, you should not do it, right? .”

Pan Zheng smiled and raised his eyebrows indifferently: “That’s of course, excluding peers, neither I nor Patriarch will do it, right?”

Hearing this, Bai Shiyi was silent for a moment.

In fact, Wanxin Hesheng, honesty and integrity, has become the two major sales giants of the cultivation pill medicine pill, which has also experienced countless fights.

The market is so big.

2 people, in this business, they can eat very well and live well, but if 100 people do it, it is really not even porridge, so all walks of life, whether they are ordinary practitioners or large Guys, they are thinking hard, trying every means to contain others and develop themselves.

Therefore, things that are not crowded out of peers will always exist impossible.

“I hope you don’t do too much.” Weisheng Zhimei, who has heard the sound outside the string, smiled and smiled: “My family is so irritable, I am afraid that if you do too much, I don’t know, he is in the end What will be done, and by then, regret will be too late.”

Pan Zheng hearing this, his eyebrows can’t control the jump, but at this time, he is very clear that he has no way to retreat, because it is obvious that Shen Qiang challenges the Ten Great Grandmaster, no one is fighting, has made everyone doubt Does Shen Qiang have enough strength to be comparable to the Ten Great Grandmaster?

If you let the cultivator know that Shen Qiang is participating in the medicine pill review and the medicine pill is still Divine Grade medicine pill, then Shen Qiang can hardly be famous.

“The matter of reviewing is not my responsibility.” Pan Zheng smiled and said: “It depends on the reviewers, how to see it. After all, the circle of Medicine Refining Master is different from the circle of ordinary cultivator, and %…”

Smiling at Weisheng Zhimei and Bai Shiyi, Pan Zhengdao said: “More importantly, the reviewers are not all those with two wonderful hands, as well as Yao Wanggu, so please believe that the review of medicine pill will be fair and just. “

Hearing that Pan Zheng was obviously perfunctory, playing Tai Chi, Bai Shiyi and Wei Sheng Zhimei were only slightly smiled, and then did not speak.

And almost at the same time.

The host is introducing the identity history of the review and the review rules. At this time, many cultivators in the webcast room listened very carefully.

“I think the words of the strong man are a bit overdone. The medicine pill conference has been for so many years, and there is a problem of chaos.

“That’s right, Shen Qiang thinks too much. They are so wonderful, they are so powerful. Can they jointly bully him as a cultivator who can’t be on the Medicine Refining Master 100 list?”

“Of course it’s impossible, absolutely impossible. I think that this Shen Qiang will only brag about it. This is because I’m afraid I will lose, so I said those words and used preventive shots, which means that if I lose, it’s a black box. Self-deception.”

“Well, it makes sense.”

Everyone is discussed spiritedly.

At this time, with the introduction of the host, the medicine pill review conference officially started.

“Next, in the first round, the first time to catch the evaluation of medicine pill, according to the result of the lottery, it is the strongest Niu Dan of He Sheng and Shen Qiang against Bi Luo Dan of thirty two wonderful hands Wang Family. Now, let’s take a look, How did the judges evaluate the 2 medicine pill.”

The host’s voice fell.

All eyes were on the three judges.

What surprised them was that among the three judges, only Second Elder of Yaowanggu was watching medicine pill, while the other two judges did not look at medicine pill.

“The strongest Niu Dan is eliminated, and Bi Luo Dan is promoted.”

The 2 judges shared the same voice.

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