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Yun Lan said with amazement: “Are you sure you must control Shen Qiang by means of containment?”

Pan Zheng smiled and said indifferently: “Yes, all walks of life do this, just like mobile phones. Our mobile phones can’t access the Internet yet, but with his ability, we simply can’t compete with him. The only way, It is to curb his development, and then immediately catch up and surpass.”

“Medicine Refining Master is true to the status of cultivation, but pill concocting materials are not cheap because we are Medicine Refining Master, they are free.”

Looking at Yun Lan with raised eyebrows, Pan Zheng said seriously: “Do you understand what I mean? There is no money for Medicine Refining Master, you can’t get the right materials, you can’t refine the Medicine Refining Master of Medicine Pill, and ordinary cultivator. , There is no difference.”

“But I still can’t understand it. Everyone is a Medicine Refining Master, then personally refining a personal medicine pill, whoever sells more, then depends on the ability, isn’t it…”

“The winner takes all.” Pan Zheng interrupted: “Does the 2 8 law know? 20% of Medicine Refining Master dominates 80% of medicine pill transactions, but in fact, more than 80% of medicine pill transactions in cultivation circles, Both are made by Yao Wanggu and thirty two wonderful hands.”

“And once Shen Qiang becomes a winner, in the next few years, even several decades, Heshenghe medicine pill may rule a considerable proportion of transactions in the cultivation industry, that is something we can’t stand. Those transactions are ours, Shen Qiang is someone who comes to seizing food from the tiger’s mouth.”

“Don’t you think it’s too much for you to do this?” Yun Lan said.

Pan Zheng smiled: “The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and when Shen Qiang is under my conditions, he may be more extreme. Not only that, but in fact, inside the wonderful two great hands, someone has already publicly suggested that everyone should gather money and go to please The abyss of demonic path killed him.”

“So, I did this to save Shen Qiang.” Pan Zheng said with a smile.

Yun Lan reluctantly said, “Man’s world is really terrifying.”

Pan Zheng smiled and said: “This kind of fame and fortune has always been a game for adventurers. Without strong strength and enough wisdom to back it up, then go for an ordinary person.”

Yun Lan was helpless. After hesitating for a while, he said: “Well, men’s affairs, men’s handling, I can’t control that many, but you really don’t think about it, the girl beside Shen Qiang? Her mood was just right. Strangely, although Shen Qiang denies, her eyes and your subconsciously body language make me think that she may really be your daughter.”

Hearing this, Pan Zheng froze, and then said seriously: “Are you sure? Do you believe that she is more than sentimental?”

After being silent for a moment, Yun Lan said, “Of course not, because of other people’s stories, the ordinary person is very difficult to empathize with her, but she was very excited at the time, and she was very happy to play with your son. It’s not a child of someone else, can I understand that?”

Pan Zheng stood up in a snap, and got up and walked to the kitchen.

Yun Lan surprisedly said: “What are you doing?”

“Find her tableware, the fastest 3 hours, I can determine whether she is my daughter!” Pan Zhengdao.

Yun Lan surprisedly said: “You are serious.”

Pan Zheng did not answer, Yun Lan followed with a little surprise, then looked at Pan Zheng staring at the tableware in amazement, and said, “What’s wrong?”

“There are fewer tableware!” Pan Zheng turned his head in horror, staring blankly at Yun Lan.

Yun Lan was shocked for a moment, and then shocked: “Wouldn’t it be said that the girl could really be your daughter, so Shen Qiang will take her to ask you these things, and then Shen Qiang knows that you will use her The tableware tested DNA, so Shen Qiang stole the tableware she used.”

Pan Zheng was silent, thinking carefully, and then shook his head, saying: “No, unless it was to mislead me, Shen Qiang would not do such a thing, and, I know very well that Shen Qiang and the purple girl left At that time, those utensils were still there.”

“Shen Qiang’s men have many monsters, it is not difficult to achieve this.” Yun Lan said.

Pan Zheng frowned, then shook his head: “Unreasonable, impossible, Shen Qiang is not so stupid. If he wants to do things, he has countless ways to destroy the DNA on the tableware. Even after he left, he sent a monster to him. You just need to clean the tableware. He doesn’t need to take the tableware. It’s obvious that individuals will be suspicious.”

Yun Lan was surprised and hesitated: “Perhaps, I think you should reconsider this matter. If the purple girl is really your daughter, your relationship with Shen Qiang is too stiff and will not benefit you. “

Hearing this, Pan Zheng coldly said: “Do I need to say it again? Public is public, private is private, even if the purple girl is my daughter, I will not change my mind.”

Yun Lan frowns saying: “Why are you so stubborn? If the purple girl is your daughter, don’t you want to do something to compensate her?”

Pan Zheng sighed helplessly, and then said: “If it is really her, I will be willing to do everything possible to compensate her, but to be principled, thirty two wonderful hands, let me be this leader, because they trust me, they put The future is given to me. If I ignore them for my own benefit, it is betrayal.”

“So needless to say, no matter what, I won’t betray those who trust me. This is my bottom line, so don’t tell me this anymore. I need to calm down and try my best to deal with Shen Qiang. It is closely related to the interest of thirty two wonderful hands.”

Yun Lan said: “What about the purple girl?”

Pan Zheng froze for a long time and said: “I will find a way to verify whether we are related by blood, but this does not make me change my attention.”

Say that’s all, turned around and took the coat, Pan Zheng went out.

Yun Lan looked helplessly at his back.

After a sigh, he returned to the room, ready to change clothes.

At the same time, Pan Zheng, who was out of the villa room, saw in the courtyard a young son wearing a small poncho and squatting in the flower garden in the villa yard. He could not help frowning: “Isn’t that dirty? Go home!”

The little boy let out a squat, squatted, and looked at him with a slight nervousness.

Seeing that he was disobedient, frowning Pan Zheng felt helpless, sighed and shook his head, then turned and went out.

When he left, the little boy began to cover the soil, and the black mud covered the tableware.

“Elder sister said that her tableware must be wiped clean. She doesn’t like her tableware being used by others. Then I will hide them. When the elder sister comes back again, she will be very happy. !”

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