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“Shen Qiang must be held down to make him do nothing at this medicine pill conference!” Pan Zheng’s eyes were very serious. After he was instructed on the phone, he hung up the phone and smiled at the surprised Yun Lan. :”what happened?”

Yun Lan frowned in surprise, and said, “Why are you doing this? When Shen Qiang was there, you were polite with him. As a result, he walked on his forefoot, and you ordered someone to engage him on his hind foot. The changes before and after you made me feel A little terrifying.”

Pan Zheng smiled and raised his eyebrows: “There are 2 men’s worlds, one world is called personal, and one world is called workplace.”

Looking at the frowned Yun Lan, Pan Zheng said with a smile: “From a personal point of view, I really appreciate Shen Qiang, he is a real big cow, he can make me out of medicine pill, he also has me Far less courageous and courageous, very young, and infinite possibilities in the future.”

“You should help him if you appreciate him!” Yun Lan said.

Pan Zheng smiled and said: “2 things, I admire him, I don’t mind leaving him to have breakfast together, I can take my best tea out for him to drink, I can chat with him very happy, if I can It’s better to go fishing and playing cards together.”

“But these all are private matters.” Looking up at Yun Lan, Pan Zheng said earnestly: “Men want public and private to be distinct, I don’t mind giving friends some convenience in official matters, but Shen Qiang is not a friend, he is a head, from the deep sea The blue whale rushing out of it.”

Pan Zhengdao, who was gradually deep in his eyes, said: “He is hungry, he has nothing, and what he wants to do is not to live in harmony with the wonderful two hands, but to swallow the wonderful two hands at once to relieve hunger.”

Yun Lan was helpless and said, “You think too much. Hesheng has 300 monsters, and there are idol-level genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying, cultivation 5 Tiger’s Zuo Lianghao, and the president of very difficult to deal with Shen By the way, he is very strong now, and to put it bluntly, in addition to the 5 super first-class Aristocratic Family, 5 super first-class Sect, and those hidden repairs hidden in the abyss, compare with any first-class Sect, Shen Qiang Not worth it!”

Pan Zheng laughed and said: “Have you ever heard the words of crossing the mountains? Cultivation circles, powerhouses are countless, but whether it is those super first-class Sect Aristocratic Family, or the super powerhouse in the hidden world, no one dares to provoke Medicine Refining. Master .”

Looking at Yun Lan, Pan Zheng smiled: “Because we are the Divine Doctor in the eyes of ordinary person. With our existence, the cultivator can only make a change when it encounters injuries, so Medicine Refining Master is the most respected in the cultivation field. Group of people.”

Yun Lan helpedlessly said: “I know, but the problem is that the circle of Medicine Refining Master in the cultivation field is not large, and there are really people who have the ability to refine medicine pill. It is estimated that there are so five-six hundred people, at most. But with a scale of about 1000 people, why can’t they get along well?”

Pan Zheng laughed and said: “4 Xiao Danqing you should have heard of it, under the medicine king valley, thirty two wonderful hands, 4 Xiao Danqing, is the first class.”

Yun Lan said: “This has nothing to do with Shen Qiang.”

Pan Zheng smiled and said: “It wasn’t there before, but now it is. Do you know how I did the medicine pill before I didn’t do thirty two?

Yun Lan raised her eyebrows curiously: “What do you want to say?”

“Thirty two puppets dominated by the medicine king valley, the stars staring at the moon like a heart and arrogance, crazy to please the medicine king valley, this is the state at the time.” Looking at Yun Lan, Pan Zhengdao: “The previous medical pill review, The top 3 are all in the medicine king valley, and the other three are the terrible hands of thirty two.”

After drinking tea with a smile, looking out at the floor-to-ceiling window, the verdant rain and green, Pan Zheng said with a smile: “Later I did the first of thirty two wonderful hands, the first thing I did was to lift the medicine king valley Table.”

Yun Lan froze, saying, “What?”

“Just behind the Yaowang Hall, the Master Wangguo’s study was still the Old Valley Lord’s house. I overturned his desk in person and told him, either he should compete fairly with us, or just himself. Play medicine pill.”

Yun Lan was shocked, and then Pu Chi smiled: “So handsome.”

Pan Zheng smiled and said: “Yao Wanggu had other choices at that time. He could choose to take 4 Xiaodanqing and other Medicine Refining Master to play, let us start anew, but obviously, 4 Xiaodanqing, and some ordinary Medicine Refining Master, can’t afford the medicine king pill conference, the name of the elite gathering.”

“So they compromised, but after that, Yaowanggu tried to pull 4 Xiaodanqing in.” Pan Zheng raised his eyebrows: “But I don’t allow it, because it’s me, who brought thirty two wonderful hands to such a height , Under Medicine King Valley, the strongest Medicine Refining Master group.”

Yun Lan frowned, filled some tea for Pan Zheng, and said, “But what does this have to do with Shen Qiang?”

Pan Zheng was silent for a long time: “In the Medicine Refining Master circle of the cultivation world, there are ten Peak people, and I am one of them. On the whole, among the Peak ten people, Yaowanggu has 3 seats and thirty two wonderful hands have 5 seats and the other 2 seats are in the dragon group.”

Looking at Yun Lan seriously, Pan Zheng said: “Do you know, where is Shen Qiang’s weakest place?”

After Yun Lan hesitated for a while, hook the head: “I don’t know much about him.”

Pan Zheng smiled and said very seriously: “Famous. Shen Qiang is an unorthodox way that the cultivation community is very repulsive. His men are all Demon, so although the strength of Heshenghe is already comparable to any First-Class Sect, but cultivation People in the world will still not really respect him.”

“It’s like being a writer who writes Little Huang’s text, an actress who made 3 chicken films. Everyone is happy to watch his excitement, but no one will respect him from the bottom of his heart, even if they can’t do it.”

Yun Lan said: “What do you mean?”

“He Shenghe’s military force, financial resources, are very powerful.” Pan Zhengyi said with a smile: “But the traditional cultivator in the cultivation industry still refuses to accept Shen Qiang, just because they feel that Shen Qiang is a monster. People.”

“But once, when they found out that Shen Qiang was actually a very respectable Medicine Refining Master, everything would change.” Looking at Yun Lan seriously, Pan Zhengdao said: “Do you know how terrifying this will be?”

Seeing Yun Lan shaking his head, Pan Zheng sighed: “Shen Qiang medicine pill is very expensive, out of those who stand in Medicine Refining Master Peak, and those who really need it, ordinary Medicine Refining Master and cultivator, overwhelming majority not at all used Shen Qiang medicine pill.”

“They only know that Shen Qiang’s Qi Qi San is better than the thirty two wonderful hands Qi Qi San, but how much better? How good is it? Their minds do not at all have any concept, but as Medicine Refining Master Peak Ten of Ten I am very clear that compared with Shen Qiang’s Qiqisan, even if I come to refine the same medicine pill, compared with him, it is only worthy of being called garbage.”

Looking at the shocked Yun Lan, Pan Zheng said solemnly: “So if Shen Qiang rises and is famous at this medicine pill conference, many people will buy Shen Qiang medicine pill when they get Shen Qiang medicine After pill, it was found that Shen Qiang medicine pill is all Divine Grade, do you know how terrifying that will be?”

Looking seriously at Yun Lan, Pan Zhengdao said: “thirty two wonderful hands will become garbage, Yao Wanggu will be his stepping stone, he will become the unique and unmatched existence of the cultivation world, and all Medicine Refining Master can only look up to him!”

“So, this is a fight between Medicine Refining Masters without any room for maneuver. The only way we can continue the glory is to contain Shen Qiang, fight for time, and find a way to refine Divine Grade medicine pill. By then, we have the same quality. medicine pill, he is naturally not a concern.”

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