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Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, the charming Ye Guyun immediately nodded with excitement: “That is, that is, Shen Qiang is the best. He knows that it really doesn’t blame me.”

Ke Bizhu was helpless, then looked at Shen Qiang and said, “What now? What if I ask someone to find her.”

Shen Qiang laughed, while wearing clothes, said indifferently: “There is no need to get rid of Ye Guyun playing the missing purple, only to do one thing, that is to kill Pan Zheng, so as long as you find Pan Zheng, it is equal to finding purple .”

Ye Guyun’s eyes lighted up and said: “Then don’t worry, she is here anyway.”

Shen Qiang stared at her helplessly and said, “I forgive you, does not mean you can be lazy, go out, stare around, and notice me immediately.”

Ye Guyun helplessly said: “Well, then I will go.”

With that, she was gone.

And then, Shen Qiang, who walked out with his coat, said to Ke Bizhu on the side: “You go to the residence of Pan Zheng, the road between the exhibition halls, and stay there, there is the second best place for purple assassination of Pan Zheng. .”

Hearing this, the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu seriously nodded and said, “I understand.”

Then, following Shen Qiang, he walked out and thought, “Where is the second best place, where is the first best place?”

Out of the door, looking at the misty drizzle of the medicine king valley in the morning light, Shen Qiang said seriously: “That is of course Pan Zheng’s residence! Because there is no who would wake up and have breakfast with his family after waking up. Will remain vigilant!”

In an instant, Ke Bizhu was horrified.

At the same time, in the villa area on the east side of the Yaowang Hall of Yaowang Valley, in the bedroom of thirty two Pan Zheng, in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the crisp birdsong, the wind, blowing the white window screen, the charm is still there. Yun Lan, the beautiful woman, nestled in Pan Zheng’s arms, said softly: “You are the leader of the wonderful two hands, I know that you must do everything for the benefit of the wonderful two hands, but Shen Qiang has little chance , Why must you embarrass him?”

Hearing this, Pan Zheng smiled: “You think too much. In fact, not only did I not embarrass him, but I also invited him to join thirty two, but he refused.”

Yun Lan surprisedly said: “Why did he refuse? Under the medicine king valley, thirty two tricks are the best. This cultivation is well known. Does Shen Qiang think that he can fight against the medicine king valley?”

Pan Zheng laughed, lightly embracing Yun Lan’s fragrant shoulder, and after a moment of silence, said seriously: “If Shen Qiang is given enough time, he can actually do it.”

In an instant, Yun Lan was startled: “What do you say? Shen Qiang has the ability to compete with Yaowanggu? How is this possible? How old is he? Heshenghe is not a medicine pill Aristocratic Family, he is simply qualified to provoke Yaowanggu. “

Pan Zheng laughed, looking at the misty rain outside the window, and said: “I know why I never said that thirty two wonderful hands together, can you contend with the medicine Wanggu?”

Yun Lan shook her head in surprise.

Pan Zhengxiao: “Because even 64 masters are useless, the strength of the Alchemy Technique in Yaowanggu and the Pill Recipe we have are beyond our control.”

“But Shen Qiang is different.” Pan Zheng sighed: “He refined the medicine pill, all of them are Divine Grade, and even including his Qiqisan, I have no way to refine the same quality as him.”

In an instant, Yun Lan was sitting up in shock, Mei Mu surprisedly said: “How is it possible? You are one of the Peak of Medicine Refining Master’s ten people, and that Qiqisan is also the basic entry level medicine. Would you be worse than Shen Qiang?”

Pan Zheng sighed, and then said with a bitter smile: “The reality is so cruel. Everyone in the whole cultivation world is laughing at Shen Qiang, who only sells Qi Qi, but few people realize it at all. Is something that no one else can do.”

Yun Lan frowned, and remained silent for a long time, then happily said: “Genius! This Shen Qiang is a real genius! Jia Zi Dan, Half Pear Spiritual Pill, covering moon, shaming flowers Dan, these medicine pill I have heard of before, they are all The cultivation world has never appeared.”

Pan Zheng laughed, nodded and said: “Yes, so as long as Shen Qiang is given enough time for his medicine pill to be verified, and more medicine pill comes out, Hesheng and medicine pill will definitely have the strength to challenge the medicine king valley.”

Yun Lan frowned: “How is the development of his medicine pill, and it is estimated that the kind can not match the medicine Wanggu.”

“If it can really be verified, his covering moon, shaming flowers Dan Ke can stay young forever, his Jia Zi Dan can really live for 60 years, but these 2 medicine pill, it is already Yao Wanggu has no way to deal with it. Peak, shoulder to shoulder,” Pan Zheng said seriously.

Yun Lan hearing this, seriously said: “Such a genius, you must not harm him!”

Pan Zheng laughed and said to Yun Lan: “If I’m not the leader of thirty two, I will promise you immediately, but don’t forget, once Shen Qiang rises, thirty two will be the next level. Thirty two is a disaster for me. I can’t change all of this, and I’m doomed to stop Shen Qiang’s rise, but I can drag the time of his rise back.”

“A three-year medicine pill conference, as long as it can hold him down for two sessions, at least nine years can be guaranteed for two wonderful hands.” Looking at Yun Lan seriously, Pan Zheng said with a smile: “By that time, thirty two wonderful hands If you still act like you are now, I will retire and take you to hang out in the world.”

Hearing this, Yun Lan pu chi smiled at once: “Okay, but well, you can press him, but don’t really hurt him.”

Pan Zheng said with a smile: “Of course.”

With a look at the watch, Pan Zheng got up and said, “Okay, don’t talk about these anymore. My wife continues to sleep peacefully, and Hujun will prepare breakfast for you.”

“Good!” Yun Lan was as happy as a girl.

at the same time.

Downstairs of the villa where Pan Zheng lives, there is a sexy purple cha chariot, standing very quietly in front of the window.

Through the screens, purple can clearly see the little boy sleeping in bed in short-sleeved pajamas.

His face, although immature, looks not only like Pan Zheng, but also has a 6% similarity to the face of purple.

“Are you my my younger brother?” Purple looked at the boy on the bed with complicated eyes and a very complicated mood: “Although I already understood your existence, I still haven’t thought about it. Feels like this.”

Thinking about it.

Purple flashed suddenly, hiding aside, and then saw the door open. Pan Zheng glanced lovingly at Little Brat, who was sleeping on the bed, and then took the door, entered the kitchen, and began to prepare breakfast.

At this time, the morning mist was filled, the drizzle was blurred, and the surroundings were silent. Only Pan Zheng was alone in the kitchen. His cultivation base, not at all, broke through the Daoguo, so if he had a purple hands-on cultivation base, he would definitely take 9 stable .

“The debt you owe, it’s time to repay it!” The purple purist murmured a dagger in his hand and flashed, touching the villa’s kitchen.

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