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Looking at the lithe and graceful enchanting figure in amazement, the 100 flower palace master Weimei Zhimei, who was laughing and left, hesitantly fell asleep Fire Lotus Yao Ke Bizhu entered the room, surprised to Shen Qiang lying on the bed and brushing his phone. : “The guest you said is Weisheng Zhimei?”

“Hush!” Shen Qiang laughed, raising her eyebrows: “Sing a little, be careful with ears across the wall.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled, then lowered his voice and said: “She called me elder sister, do you want to take her back to the mountain?”

Shen Qiang smiled at me and shook the head, saying: “There is no possibility, at least there is no hope in a short period of time. She is addicted to her status and rights and cannot extricate herself. , So let her go, when she is tired, let me talk.”

Hearing this, the Fire Fire demon Ke Bizhu pu chi laughed at once, and said, “What I said, why didn’t you bother me last night, it turned out that she was coming.”

Shen Qiang laughed, put down the phone and said: “No, I said you don’t want to bother, what are you doing here this morning?”

“The test results have come out.” Put a test report in front of Shen Qiang, sleep Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu raised his eyebrows, seriously said: “From the report, Pan Zheng is the father’s probability of 99% Point 9.”

Shen Qiang smiled and corrected: “Biological father.”

After looking at the test report, the report was included in the storage ring’s Shen Qiang frowns saying: “It is not a surprising result, but this verifies our guess is correct, which means that the purple is Pan Zheng’s daughter .”

“When she was very young, she used a paintbrush to record the details of Pan Zheng and her mother’s life. Then, for some reason, she and Pan Zheng were separated. In her memory, only the picture fragments in those memories are also Or, yes, only those pictures she still remembers.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu said with pity: “I didn’t expect that the purple was so pitiful, then Little Mama died, and father didn’t want her…”

Looking at the sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, where maternal love is rampant, Shen Qiang frowns saying: “What are you thinking? No matter whether the purple is miserable as a child, she is now grown up and is an adult. What she needs is not comfort, but Find out, what the hell is going on.”

Ke Bizhu surprised for a moment, surprisedly said: “What else can I figure out? That Pan Zheng is a bastard, threatening you, controlling the thirty two wonderful hands, being decent in front of people, and doing bad things after people, it must be like this, Otherwise, how could the purple want to kill him!”

Shen Qiang hearing this frowned, saying: “It is true that there is a devil in everyone’s heart, but most of the time, people can control it, so you don’t always think that Pan Zheng must be a bad guy, there may be hidden secrets in it, because There are too many doubts.”

Ke Bizhu frowned: “Where is the doubt? Is that the posture of the woman when she fell on the cliff? Maybe it was just that when the purple was drawn with memory, it was wrong, or it might have been that posture at the time.”

Shen Qiang smiled and looked at the Fire Fire demon Ke Bizhu very seriously, and said, “It’s indeed possible, I don’t know how to refute you, but you must understand that memory can lie, just like, A person is all good to you every day, after a long time, you will take it for granted, and once, he suddenly becomes bad for you one day, or something makes you unsatisfactory, you will feel that he It’s scum.”

“And this memory will be so deep that after many years, you just remember that person’s fault, but you will never remember his good.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus Yao Ke Bizhu froze, said: “What do you mean?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Don’t you find it strange to read the pictures in that villain’s book? None of the pictures in it are smiling, do you think that if Pan Zheng is really what you imagined Such a wicked person, wouldn’t he do something to make the purple happy?”

Ke Bizhu was not happy: “Well, even if you make sense, but the problem is that Pan Zheng is a cultivation base and a good cultivator. He was able to save his wife at the time, but he didn’t save it. Not only that, but the more hateful thing is , He lost the purple, this is a fact, otherwise, he should live with the purple.”

“You can’t believe him blindly because he and you are the same kind of person. After all, what I said is the truth. He didn’t save his wife. He lost the purple. This can’t be offset by any doubt. fact.”

Shen Qiang frowned and said after a moment of silence, “I don’t want to argue with you about this matter, I will figure it out.”

purple is not happy, saying: “Shen Qiang, you have changed. I thought you were jealous and hatred. You are a good person, but now, you are not decisive enough.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Because of what you said, I’m going to kill? Who is the wrong killer? Can you bring him back to life? Have you thought about it? It’s not difficult for me to kill Pan Zheng, then? The whole thing Unclear and innocent, everything depends on speculation.”

“Oh, in the back of the shot, this person is a bad person. I killed him. That’s what mental illness can do.”

“You are making excuses for Pan Zheng!” Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu was upset and a little angry.

Looking at her, Shen Qiang smiled: “Because I didn’t follow your heart, you were angry, you will remember this thing for a long time, and I can’t remember my smile to you, so after the quarrel between lovers, They will break up because they don’t remember the happiness they had brought.”

Looking at the stunned Ke Bizhu, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “So, the memory will lie, don’t believe it too much.”

Ke Bizhu was silent, suddenly looking thoughtful, but just when she wanted to speak.


Ye Guyun, who had phoenix claw bitten in his mouth, suddenly appeared on the balcony.

Ke Bizhu froze.

Shen Qiang surprisedly said: “What about purple?”

Hearing this, Ye Guyun looked embarrassed and said, “I don’t know, it was good. Later, she lied to me and said that she would make the most delicious almond meat for me. Then, we were in the valley. When it was cooked, she told me that she would go to the toilet and eat the meat immediately after it was cooked, otherwise the taste would be very bad.”

“Then the altar meat will be cooked, and I will eat it. After eating, she will disappear.” Ye Guyun spread his hands: “This can’t blame me. I never thought that the purple elder sister would cheat me.”

Ke Bizhu frowned, just out of anger, and said: “Eat, eat, you know to eat, you can’t do anything like this!”

Ye Guyun immediately grieved his grievances, and was about to cry.

Seeing this situation, Shen Qiang got up and said while wearing clothes: “Don’t complain to her, this time, let’s pay attention next time. After all, it’s a complicated cultivation base with a complicated background. I really want to get rid of the night lonely cloud, She can’t stop it at all.”

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