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Looking at the cultivator who woke up in an instant, not only did the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu shine, but also the many powerhouses present were shocked to watch, sitting with Shen Qiang at the table and drinking tea.

“You old monk, there are some abilities!” Wang Yujiang, the big sea monster, looked at him and said, “This king can’t do it to awaken so many people from the set without damage.”

Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master couldn’t help but want to go forward and make a conversation with Jingwu Zen Master, but unfortunately, this booth is the site of Shen Qiang. If he forcibly steps forward, the one who will wait for him will be the blade.

Hearing the words of the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, everyone praised the master’s strength.

But Shen Qiang is only a smile, it is not that Shen Qiang is too arrogant, but because it is clear and wise, it is also a treatment that has been already in Medicine Sage Inheritance. If Shen Qiang does it, although it cannot be resembles like Jing Wu Zen Nature itself, without a trace of fireworks, but it is also a very easy trick.

“Top grade!” At this time, the many cultivators who had awakened from the enthusiasm, although a little surprised by the arrival of these monks, but they were still indifferent. After all, the monks are more at heart.

“This Yamato Rocanan incense is indeed a divine object. I cultivated 30 years. For the first time I felt this state of ecstasy! Divine object must be bought!”

“I have long heard that this small and Rocanan incense, as long as a small section, can help the cultivator to enter the cultivation, but I always think that this is probably Shen Qiang鈥檚 desire to sell incense, but the propaganda means used, but absolutely didn鈥檛 Expect, seeing today, I realized that I am more than a frog looking at the sky. This Dahe Luojia Nanxiang is far from a magical 2 word!”

“As the Medicine Refining Master of thirty two, I shouldn鈥檛 have said that, but I have to admit that Shen Qiang鈥檚 Yamato Rocanan incense is simply a sacred relic, and after the medicine pill, I鈥檓 in any case. Going to buy!”

Not only were they shocked, Pan Zheng, the leader of thirty two wonderful hands, also looked at Shen Qiang in shock, and his heart was inexplicably tight: “This Shen Qiang, medicine pill, Divine Grade, in the attainment of medicine pill, has gone far It鈥檚 not that I can compare with it. Didn鈥檛 expect, even if it鈥檚 just a hand-made incense, it鈥檚 already so magical. If it is judged by medicine pill, he is the strongest, and I鈥檓 afraid he will fly into the sky. Press him, I’m afraid it’s already 10000 difficult!

At the same time as they were discussing, Master Jingwu said in the booth: “Shen Shizhu, may I ask how much this Dahe and Luojia Nanxiang have together?”

I have just felt the magic of the many cultivators of Yamato Rokana, and the absolute silence instantly, everyone in the whole exhibition hall, fixed his eyes on Shen Qiang.

After all, things are rare, and the quality of Dahe and Luojia Nanxiang is unquestionable.

But the output and the quantity are the key. If there is a large quantity, there is a lot of space, so there is a lot of room for bargaining. Buy a few days later and buy a few days earlier. The problem is not big. If there is little, then of course it is first. Start strong.

Under the attention of everyone, Shen Qiang slightly smiled, said: “This thing is a collection of many treasures of heaven and earth, the number is naturally limited, and the craftsmanship is extremely demanding. It can only be made after a whole process of 300 7. If Zen Master wants to use this Instead of sandalwood, which I usually use, I can only say, I鈥檓 sorry, that鈥檚 not possible.鈥?/p>

Hearing this was obviously playing Tai Chi, there was no answer at all, and the expressions all of the cultivator shocked.

The Lord of the Medicine King, slightly nodded, said: “Dahe Luojiananxiang, smell the meditation, if there is no heaven and earth to the treasure, it is impossible.”

Everyone hearing this agrees, after all, Lord of the Medicine King, that is one of the 2 people in the Peak Peak cultivation field. Who dares to question what he said?

However, thirty-two Miao Que, head of Pan Zheng, apparently did not want the master of medicine king to seize the limelight, and could not help but say: “The world is the treasure, it is still to be discussed, but this 300 70 one process, but it is fascinating. This wage alone is already Are astronomical figures.”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and whispered.

“Sure enough it’s baby! Have you heard it? 300 70 A process, all kinds of accessories are also extraordinary products!”

“Of course, with such a sacred relic, there are not a few hundred processes that are unexplained, how can it be done!”

“It鈥檚 expensive, you pay for every penny, this is where you will not change. If you look at it from this point of view, I feel that this Shen Qiang is not blackhearted. , The price is really not expensive.”

Listening to the words of many cultivators, Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu can still hold back the laugh, Ye Guyun pu chi laughed out loud at once, and it couldn’t be packed with a laugh.

“Hahaha, I laughed to death.” Her sound transmission to Shen Qiang: “Master, you can really break, that is not a big car saw, and then you add some spices and medicine, pour it into a big iron box, and press The noodles came out like this, and it was done in the air? The last time I saw you made this, I got a big car, hahaha, this…”

“Don’t say it.” Shen Qiang gave her a glance at the sound transmission.

She said nothing, but still unable to bear wanted to laugh.

Many cultivators around, frowning, secretly thought with a sense of superiority,

This Demon really ignorant and incompetent, too ignorant, Daiwa Rocanan incense and other sacred relic, precious materials, complex procedures, all are treasures handed down to the world, so sad, this evil will never understand.

But thinking in my heart, there are still cultivator, unable to bear to ask questions.

“How many are there, do you still have no exact number?”,

Hearing this, looking at Master Jing Jing鈥檚 eyes for seeking knowledge, Shen Qiang smiled. The key to medicine pill鈥檚 business is scarcity. This is the same as Luo Canaxiang, Shen Qiang. It can be said that if you need to dump, That’s as much as you really want.

But once there is more, this thing is worthless.

So Shen Qiang said with a slight smile: “Spot 30000 sticks, if purchased in large quantities, the price of a single stick is 1000000, I don’t know, how much does a Zen master need?”

Hearing this, everyone felt relaxed.

“More than 30000! It’s a lot, it’s okay. It’s too late to buy after the medicine pill!”

“Don’t panic, so much, Shen Qiang in a short time will definitely not sell!”

“When you hear about 30000 branches, don’t worry.”

Thirty two wonderful Medicine Refining Masters and many cultivators thought about it.

But at this time, I heard the sigh of Master Jingwu: “The treasures are scarce, seventy two ancient temples, even if it is only the main hall, the first 11 5 3 incense sticks, then it needs 72, seventy two ancient temples, one year needs nearly 5000 2 100 sticks. If there is a Buddhist affair, at least 10000 sticks are needed a year, and 30000 is not enough for 3 years. Therefore, the 30000 sticks are all included in the temple, and the temple is all inclusive, Huizhi, payment!”

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