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Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master’s face was pale when he heard the words of Jing Wu Zen Master. The people around him were also surprised. The purple next to Shen Qiang and the soft eyes of Qin language behind the master of Medicine King Valley flashed instantly, and the curvaceous enchanting. The 100 flower palace masters and honesty lord Bai Shiyi are also surprised,

Shen Qiang alone, only smiled slightly, slightly nodded, said with a smile: “Yamato Rocanan incense, naturally there are, there is a Zen Master please talk inside.”

As he waved his hand to invite the Zen master to come in, Shen Qiang calmly instructed: “Ke Bizhu, first received Magical Powers, there is a guest to come and serve tea.”

With these words, after coming here, after worshipping the gods, the monks could not help but see the nose, the mouth, the mouth, and the heart. The monks were very old, and the oldest monks closest to the Master Jingwu, They glanced at each other in amazement, and made brief but shocked exchanges with their eyes.

“This buddha is calm, holy like a lotus, has great wisdom, and the female resident with Supreme Divine Ability turns out to be Shen Qiang?”

“Amitabha, looking at Buddhism, in today’s world, there are only ten or two children of Buddhism with such Magical Powers. This is a female layman who does not enter Buddhism, it is really astray!”

“No wonder the place where Hesheng and the demon gather, but without the reputation, is actually mercy, my Buddha.”

At the moment of eye contact between the monks, the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu sat in the air, oh, and then landed normally, but it seems that because of the reason she dissipated Magical Powers, the eyes of the idol suddenly became gray.

Afterwards, the scattered energy turned into small pieces disappeared.

But Ke Bizhu didn’t seem to realize the shock of the monks simply, but he made tea for the Jingwu Zen Master who had already entered the booth.

Seeing such a situation, Master Gu Wang, who has always been with me, coughed and said: “Mr. Shen, if one can let people off, then spare them, Jing Wu Zen has business talks with you, and other Medicine Refining Masters also Need to feed the family, so, see…whether they should wake up.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled, waved his hand indifferently, and struck the wind, destroying the ignited Yamato Rocanan incense, and said indifferently: “Fragrance is extinguished, Magical Powers is received, and when they wake up, they are not me It can be decided.”

In an instant, Master Gu Wang was embarrassed.

The reason is very simple, the cultivator is fixed, how long is the metaphysics.

Some will settle down and wake up after a while.

And some people are set, it may be 5 years, 1 years.

What is the medicine picture of the medicine pill? Selling medicine pill to enhance the status of the reputation, at the same time, as the host, the established convention is that 1% of all orders is the return of Medicine Refining Master to Medicine King Valley.

Otherwise, is Yaowanggu sick?

Serve so many cultivators, give them a conference, and worry about it, if there is no support, who will do it?

But now, if they make this decision, not to mention 3 years and 5 years, even if it is only 3 days, can this medicine pill conference still be held?

“Hmph, it really is a demon villain.” Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master, who has been silent and very embarrassed, found an opportunity, coldly said: “Shen Qiang, you have expressed your stance and stabbed others, and then pulled the knife out, saying , My knife has been pulled out, is he the same regardless of my business?”

Hearing this, the monks deeply agreed that the surrounding cultivators were also nodded.

Watching Ke Bizhu make tea for Jingwu Zen Master, Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow and said with a smile: “My Shen Qiang complains with virtue, not only will they not be held accountable for their persecution, but instead they will be given a good fortune.

“This thing starts with you, and ends when you do it!” Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master raised an eyebrow: “If you don’t do it, you will naturally be narrow-minded, small-bellied, and incompetent. Why should all the monks be with Do you guys do business?”

Hearing this, many monks took a look at Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master, but no one spoke.

Although the Master of Medicine King is eager to rescue the Medicine Pill Conference, he obviously doesn’t want to walk too close to Kunlun Sword Sect. It’s Ji Liangyuan. He pretended to be an expert and said seriously: “Ma Sect Master said well, as a Daoist, if I can’t even put down some contradictions. What kind of cultivation do you have? It’s always the Heretical Sect!”

Hearing this, the monks and the super powerhouses present were all looking at Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang smiled calmly and said indifferently: “What I hate the most in this life is the guy who persuades you to let go of you like this, oh, you stabbed me, my blood is still bleeding, and then you come over and look like an expert, Say, don’t go to your heart, it’s not a big deal. You have to be Zen, you have to let go, you can’t remember your revenge, and then you have to help him.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and calmly said: “After you bully me, don’t let me retaliate. I can understand your mentality, but can’t I even remember this? I choose not to help you, can’t I? I really thought that I wouldn’t kill someone?”

For a moment, Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master was silent.

Ji Liangyuan also froze in embarrassment.

Because this thing is very obvious, thirty two cultivators and Kunlun Sword Sect series of cultivators are not prepared to give Shen Qiang a way of life, otherwise, how could they be so tight and step by step, to attract customers and threaten people ?

If this is true, even if you can’t remember it, then it really can’t be said.

But the Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master still refused to give up, coldly said: “Cultivator enters the set, the mental defense is weak, and there is a possibility of cultivation deviation with a little difference. You Shen Qiang is responsible for this!”

“You want to go, but not to die.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow: “Go back and step into my booth again, and die!”

In an instant, Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master complexion ashen, but at the same time, the big swordsman who had been fed up already had a cold face and pressed on the past, the sharp breath, as if pulling the knife at any time.

“Sect Master.” Master Yao Wang Gu smiled, but his eyes signaled that he had better leave.

Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master had no choice but to go back 3 steps and left Shen Qiang’s booth.

After he backed off.

The Zen Master Jing Wu, sitting in a chair, said: “The so-called scars often come from persistent self-torture.”

Shen Qiang looked sideways and looked at Master Jing Wu with some surprise.

See Shen Qiang looking at himself, Jing Wu Zen teacher smiles and said: “a monk doesn’t lie, this matter has nothing to do with Buddhism, but Lao Gang still has something to talk about with Shen Shizhu, so if Shen Shen agrees, Lao Yun Is it better to solve this matter?”

Hearing this, everyone’s expressions all lighted up, and then they stared at Shen Qiang brightly.

“The Zen Master wanted to shoot and asked Shen Qiang that this respect is not something that ordinary people can get.”

“It is worthy to be the 10000 demon king. If you change someone else, I am afraid that Jingwu Zen Master will not ask me, just shoot it?”

In the shocking eyes of everyone, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Master Zen is polite, please take it easy.”

Hear this remark.

Jing Wu Zen Master said: “Sinya, thank the donor.” Say that’s all, with his buddha.

Enter the cultivator, wake up!

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