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The moment when the 7 Can-beads were attached, not only did the seven Can-beads burst into a brilliant brilliance, but the restless Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi also instantly rose into the sky.

“7 stars gathered!” the many cultivators present were horrified!

But the charming and charming Ye Guyun was calm, because for her and Shen Qiang, it was not surprising at all, and it was not even necessary to pick an eyelids, because the brilliant stars in Shen Qiang’s hands were actually At the beginning of the night, the Master of Guyun stayed in the cave for Ye Guyun.

So not only is Ye Guyun curious about them, but he also knows very clearly that there are a total of 21 brilliant stars, and these 7 are taken out, which is only one third.

The surging Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi calmed down after a brief eruption.

Spiritual Qi is hovering at booth 29.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

“7 stars gathered, Heavenly Paradise, 10000 worry-free!” The old man murmured in shock.

Full beard was also shocked with eyes, saying: “7 stars are gathered together, as long as these 7 brilliant star beads are here, Spiritual Qi is endless, disciplinary cultivation twice the results for half the effort!”

“Heavenly Paradise, the reason why noble family can be produced is because Spirit Qi gathers, if these 7 brilliant star beads, if placed in Heshenghe, then the disciplinary cultivation speed of Heshenghe must be fast!” 40-year-old middle-aged Medicine Refining Master , Shuddered.

And they are shocked, but at this time Shen Qiang of the pats hands does not care about Spirit Qi at all. The reason is very simple. First, at present, Heshenghe does not have the discipline of recultivation. Second, if there is, Qiqisan eats casually, You can’t say such crazy words, but eating as much as you use is absolutely trivial.

Therefore, in the eyes of Shen Qiang, this brilliant star is simply not related to Jin Gui.

“Fixed.” Rolling the scotch tape on the showcase, Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow, looked at the stunned Zongzi Xiao, and said, “How is it, General Zong, now, is this light okay?”

At the moment of hearing this, everyone realized in horror that this Shen Qiang showed 7 brilliant stars, simply not for any dazzling treasure, but to solve the lighting problem.

This made them have to look carefully.

Then his eyes straightened.

7 bright star beads, posted above the booth.

The radiance like the moon is accompanied by the surging Spirit Qi, which makes the light of the entire booth 29 resemble Human World Immortal Realm. The Spirit Qi, which has all the Five Elements, shines with dream-like colors, and there are more rainbow-like colors. Spiritual Qi, flashing like a fish, set gorgeous and beautiful in one body, it is simply unbearable. ,

“It’s beautiful, this is the breath of Heavenly Paradise, this is the magnificence that Heavenly Paradise can possess, this is the unique charm of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi!”

“It’s such a beautiful scenery, it’s really fascinating.”

“How good would it be to live through this Heavenly Paradise?”

Many Medicine Refining Master, intoxicated with eyes.

Shen Qiang looked impatient and looked helplessly at Ye Guyun, and suddenly felt that this group of Medicine Refining Master was stupid?

These are only 7 brilliant star beads, and they are not arrayed at all, just posted casually.

They have already been so high that they have forgotten the expression of the human world. If all 21 brilliant star beads are taken out and a Spirit Gathering Great Array is placed, they must not yell themselves into immortals?

Helpless, but Shen Qiang was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, just looked at Zongzi Xiao, who was standing there, staring blankly, and when he saw him not speaking, Shen Qiang smiled and took out the Qin language from the storage ring Rou specially collected it and gave it to his foggy orchid, cautiously, and placed it on the booth with care.

For a moment.

The bright indigo blue of the fog landscape blue, combined with the brilliant light generated by the 7 brilliant star beads, is the real Immortal Realm.

Everyone around was dumbfounded, eyes admiring.

“Beauty, so beautiful, this beautiful light, coupled with this striking indigo, is as beautiful as Immortal Realm. Leave me alone, let me look at this beautiful scenery quietly, feel this Spirit Qi, and never leave.”

“What is the legendary Immortal Realm, I don’t know, I just know that the dreamy scenery in front of me is the scenery I have never seen in my life, Spiritual Qi of brilliant lights and vibrant colors, beautiful misty orchid, Even if this is not Immortal Realm, what does it matter as long as I stay here?”

“I never thought that this life could encounter such a beautiful scenery, what is the peach blossom source? What about Penglai immortal island? In front of such a beautiful scenery, is it important?”

Everyone is dumbfounded.

At this time, like Kobi Bamboo, who is in Immortal Realm, and purple, two people also dreamtly touched the rainbow-colored Spiritual Qi brilliance with the white jade hand.

“It’s a wonderful feeling, just like being in Spirit Qi, warm.”

“Um, so comfortable, like being in a hot spring.”

Hearing the voice of 2 females, many Medicine Refining Master’s eager eyes, after all, are cultivator, rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, they can all feel clearly, although not as eager as ordinary cultivator.

But what is more enjoyable in this situation?

“Xiangzai waiting to stop!”

But as they looked forward to Shen Qiang’s booth, Shen Qiang waved his hand and stopped coldly: “This is not a park, not a place where you want to come and play, come back!”

Hearing this, many Medicine Refining Master woke up.

But only for a moment, then the old man jumped and scolded: “Shameless! This pavilion is not your Shen Qiang’s house, why should we not be allowed to enter?”

Immediately, many Medicine Refining Masters coaxed.

“Yeah, since exhibitors just want to do business, we are also customers, so why don’t you let us in.”

“Hah, I want to shake the majesty, go back to your Heshenghe, open the door to do business, and the visitors are all visitors!”

Shen Qiang frowned, but at this moment, peng sound came from the exhibition hall.

Afterwards, everyone looked back with surprise and saw at a glance a 70% handsome, about 50 years old, old man with a grace of out of the ordinary, standing in the middle of the exhibition hall. When he saw him, Shen Qiang was inexplicable. I feel weird and vaguely feel that this person seems to have met each other, but after thinking about it seriously, I can’t remember where I saw this person.

Just thinking about it.

The old man said cily with a cold face: “thirty two everyone under the door, come and talk.”

Along with his voice, many Medicine Refining Masters were sad, but immediately walked past obediently. Then, Shen Qiang found out that they had opened the Formation so that they could only see them talking, but not Know what they are talking about.

At this time, I have always been used to the purple keeping distance from Shen Qiang. Suddenly accompanied by the fragrant wind, I was close to Shen Qiang. Not only did I hand Shen Qiang a small book, but also said beautifully : “Remember before I came here, did I ask you to kill me? It was him!”

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