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In an instant, the quiet light group in Shen Qiang’s hands seemed to be affected by the light from other directions in the hall of the exhibition hall. The rays of light were like being ignited. In the breath room, the masters of rays of light were already masterpieces. In the middle of that month, that glorious flow of light brought a slight surge of Spiritual Qi.

“It’s so beautiful!” Ke Bizhu, the rich lithe and graceful by Shen Qiang, was pleasantly surprised!

She has a sexy purple with chariot war chariot level, and she is also beautiful, cry out in surprise: “What is this? Is it the Pearl of the Night? It is so beautiful, so beautiful!”

At the same time they exclaimed, many other Medicine Refining Masters were present, staring blankly at the glories of Shen Qiang’s hands, their eyes showing greed.

“Can Xingzhu! It turned out to be Xianxingzhu!” The middle-aged Medicine Refining Master in his 40s who repeatedly provoked Shen Qiang stepped forward with shock and said with a slight trembling tone: “No wrong, absolutely not wrong Yeming, the choice of light and the change of movement, the spirit is vigorous, the light can reach the moon, it is Can Xingzhu!

Hearing this, not only the numerous Medicine Refining Masters around me were shocked.

Even Zongzi Xiao, who came quickly to beg me, was instantly greedy.

At this time, an old man shocked a few steps in a row, and walked to a place less than 5 meter away from Shen Qiang, staring at the glory in Shen Qiang’s hand, shocked:

“Top grade, the world only knows the night pearl, but the night pearl put it bluntly, it is actually fluorite, which is a few special minerals or rocks that become round beads after being processed by people, but the night pearl is only absorbing heat energy, that is, light or The hot stones only emit shiny stones.”

“But even the night pearl is very rare, but the light is just the light. But the star beads are different. The biggest difference between the star beads and the night pearl is that the star beads can attract Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi and be carried on the body to make cultivation. twice the results for half the effort.”

“Not only that, but more importantly, the magical thing about this thing is that the legendary star beads will change with other light around them, and if there are similar ones around it, it will become brighter and brighter once they are gathered. , Then they can naturally turn into a brilliant array of stars, gather Spirit of Heaven and Earth, and create Heavenly Paradise.”

“Baby! Unparalleled baby!” The old man was shocked.

The other Medicine Refining Master, at this time, could not help but come around, not only shocked, but also everyone talking at once. ,

“Can Xingzhu, it really is!” full beard Medicine Refining Master was shocked with eyes: “I Ancestor Master said at the beginning, this Xingxingzhu, one person, can keep Spirit Qi around one person, 3 Qi If you gather together, you can change your venation. If you can get 5 pieces, you can keep sect for 1000 years. If you can gather 7 stars, you can worry about 10000 years.”

“But it is a pity that these Can-beads are extremely precious. According to legend, in this world, there are only three Kunlun Sword Sect, one Wanxin Hesheng, one Longchang, one Baicheng family, and other Can-beads whereabouts unknown, Each one is related to the lifeblood of sect Dao Lineage. If it is born in that year, it will cause blood and rain!”

full beard The big man was shocked.

The crowd on the side were nodded, not only looked at the beads in Shen Qiang’s hands greedily, some people even gritted their teeth with hatred.

“Heavenly Dao is unfair! Such a treasure, even fell into the hands of Shen Qiang.”

“Ai, why is such a baby in his hands?”

“If an Immortal Pill can be handed down, then this brilliant star can change the luck of the sect. It is really heavenly and eyeless, so the treasure is in the hands of the evil monster. How to prove Dao Lineage?”

And when they were jealous and hateful, Shen Qiang waved it away and tore off a piece of scotch tape, and put this bright star on the top of the booth.

In an instant, all Alchemist rolled his eyes to Shen Qiang.

The old man even thumped his chest with anger: “Wastrel! It’s so treasured, it should be kept in a safe place, and don’t dare to be a little sloppy. Go to the wall with Scotch tape? You are reckless waste of natural resources!”

“This is the old treasure, it’s obvious that if you don’t treat your baby as a baby, you obviously don’t know the goods.”

“Shen Qiang, if you don’t know the goods, don’t be afraid, we will teach you, come, you take off the Can Xingzhu, I will give you a flashlight.”

“Seeing this treasure treasure star bead treated like this in Shen Qiang’s hands, my heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys all hurt!”

Listening to their chirping, Shen Qiang frowned and said nothing.

Ye Guyun looked at them with disdain, and sound transmission asked Shen Qiang: “Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang, my Master. At that time, the cave was filled with this stuff, or it was a few small stone pits on the wall. Isn’t it convenient to stick with the tape? How do they compare?

Shen Qiang looked helplessly at the thumping of the chest, a pair of Shen Qiang’s sinful, unforgiving expression, and soundlessly said: “I heard that I haven’t seen it, I’m also helpless, they have so many things, what can I do?”

Ye Guyun was helpless, sound transmission oh, said: “Then ignore them.”

Shen Qiang nodded.

At this time, Zong Zi Xiao looked greedily at the Xing Xing Zhu, but he knew in his heart that Shen Qiang is not an ordinary Medicine Refining Master. What strength? On the positive side, the king of sea monster is not counted. Hesheng Heguang is the powerhouse of the strength of the Dao fruit period. At least 4 or more came.

Therefore, although this Xingxingzhu is good, it is simply not what they can hope for, so the top priority is to rush out Shen Qiang before the official opening of the exhibition hall, otherwise, when the time comes Shen Qiang of No. 3 was rushed to No. 29, I was afraid he would not be able to walk around without eating.

Thinking about this, Zong Zixiao quickly stepped forward and said with a smile: “Mr. Shen, can’t otherwise, your Chan Xing Zhu is indeed a treasure, but a Chan Xing Zhu is not enough to illuminate the entire booth, and I just Asked by phone, this circuit trouble is very troublesome, in a short time I’m afraid I won’t be able to solve it, or else… please change it.”

The moment she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled.

The eyes of other Medicine Refining Masters who were jealous and hated were bright.

“Yeah, Shen Qiang, aren’t you awesome? Don’t you show off that you have Chan Xing Zhu? I tell you, it’s useless, understand? A Chan Xing Zhu, although it can illuminate your stall, is it? It can’t compare to the spotlight of our booth!”

“Uh, our spotlights are all bright, and there are windows, so that the light is sufficient, and it’s not good to say, the medicine pill goes to the light, it’s all like the treasure, you one Chan Xingzhu wants to compete with us, that is simply a dream.”

“Haha, smile, this Shen Qiang is really a wonderful person. If you don’t, you want to recruit the electricity. Xuanbao? With a bright star, you don’t know your surname?”

Listening to the ridicule from everyone, Zongzi Xiao also smiled and said to Shen Qiang: “Mr. Shen, you are also the head of the family. When you know what is important to the overall situation.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows in surprise, and then pa pa pa pa, in the stunned eyes of everyone, took out 6 bright star beads, like a child playing with stickers, all posted on the booth.

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