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“You are still too young.” True Yuan, a giant sea monster who is dozens of times more powerful than Shen Qiang, took the bloody lance in front of him seriously and said calmly: “For 1000 years, you are the only one who makes me feel To feared creatures.”

“I am ashamed.” The big sea monster king, whose right arm is more than three times thicker, said with very serious eyes: “I dignified the big sea monster king, who has been cultivation for 3 years, and was surprised by your Shen Qiang. 1000 meters This shame can only be washed with blood.”

At the moment when he heard this, Shen Qiang was surrounded by the mixed-race beauty Nalan Tianyu who was being held by Shen Qiang, and her eyes were horrified. As the Section Chief of the Demon Taming Division of the dragon group, and she was wearing the undead Phoenix bloodline, Although not at all recognized the big sea monster king before, but now when I hear it, I just feel that all my hair is standing up.

“Big sea monster Wang Yujiang!” She was shocked with eyes, and even trembling in tone of voice: “There is a near god with the same name as Changbai 3 cents, Kunlun Maiden Xue, Shennong Wild God! You and Shen Qiang have known each other for a long time?”

In an instant, not only the eyes of all the people present were straight, but even the screen of the mobile phone that Yaowang Hall was broadcasting, there was no rest,

“Of course.” The big sea monster king hearing this, his eyes instantly ruthless: “He is only one cultivator who dares to threaten me, of course I know him.”

In an instant.

The tens of heartbeats of many cultivators present will stop.

“Shen Qiang threatens the big sea monster?”

“The only cultivator who dares to threaten the big sea monster! Putting it that way, we are wrong, this Shen Qiang is not a monster at all, he is a real cultivator!”

In the room, the fat drinking tea froze, and then smiled from the corner of his mouth: “threatening the big sea monster, this must be very interesting, how come I did not expect it? Suddenly looking forward to it, these years without Shen Qiang, this cultivation world , It seems very boring.”

At this moment, Fatty heard Shen Qiang’s voice exceptionally clearly.

“I told you a long time ago, one mountain can’t be shared by two tigers. Fortunately, you live in the sea, so as long as you don’t want my site to be wild, I won’t mind your existence! But first send someone to cooperate Sheng He provoked and then danced with me to get sticks here, could you really think that I would not fight you?”

In an instant, fatty’s eyes lit up, seeming a little surprised.

At the same time, the many cultivators present only felt that the hairs were all standing up.

“Sophisticated Shen Qiang! How dare he fight the big sea monster king?”

“Good guy, I always felt that this Shen Qiang only dared to be arrogant in front of those cultivators of inferior strength in the cultivation field, absolutely didn’t expect, he was so crazy in front of this big sea monster king, so it seems that he Acting in the cultivation world normally is rather low-key.”

“Awesome! How dare you say such words in front of the big sea monster king, there really is no one else!”

Everyone was shocked, and the big sea monster king who heard this, not at all laughed loudly as everyone imagined, but coldly shook his bloody lance.


The low-frequency sonic boom sounded silently. Not only the many cultivators present, but also clearly felt the eardrum bulging, and the heart was even hit by a dull hammer.


In the direction pointed by the bloody lance of the sea medicine king, a huge cave with a height of 2 people, which completely penetrated the mountain and appeared at least 100 meters high, instantly appeared in the front mountain of Yaowang Valley half a mile away.

In an instant, the many cultivators present were startled and speechless.

Even the Seniors of the 2 divine poise and sagelike features beside Master Wanggu of Medicine were stunned and shocked.

“It is worthy of the existence of the near god! This mountain is a high-strength mountain rock, and even the cultivator of the amalgamation period, there is no way to cause such a scary trace so casually!”

Fatty drinking tea, frowning. The old man on the side shocked: “The big sea monster Wang Yujiang is indeed a powerhouse that can be counted on one’s fingers in the world. Such a powerful explosive force, I am afraid that only the Great Elder can match it, 3 uncles, I am afraid To be inferior,”

fatty looking thoughtful, nodded, but then scornfully laughed, and put down the teacup with 100 boredom: “The boring cultivation world, finally there is a guy who interested me, but unfortunately, this Yujiang, so powerful, As soon as he shot, Shen Qiang died, hehe, didn’t play at all.”

“So…” Fatty, who stood up, turned around calmly, unbuttoning his wrist, and said, “Anyone who can’t survive will naturally not be qualified to be my opponent.”

The 2 people around him were nodded deeply.

But at this moment, the sound of Wang Yujiang, the big sea monster, started everyone including him.

“The most direct way to clean up shame is to use the blood of the enemy. But Shen Qiang, you angered me, so I decided to give you a chance to make up for it.”

The big sea monster king with cold eyes looked at it, and after being picked up by Shen Qiang, he stood intimately next to Shen Qiang, in a white military uniform valiant and formidable looking, with a very tall figure and unparalleled beauty, Nalan Tianyu, There was a contemptuous sneer in the corner of his mouth: “It’s very simple, as long as you Shen Qiang agrees from now on to stay away from Nalan Tianyu and willing to be a minister in my seat, I will let you go.”

The blood-stained lance with the big bald head sea monster king’s eyes became vagrant and excited.

“If you refuse, I will immediately let you die on the spot and use it to make soup!”

In an instant, there were 100 cultivators and absolute silence around the entire Yaowang Hall. Not only did no one dare to speak, not even the atmosphere, because anyone could hear that the big sea monster Wang Yujiang was serious.

“Let the green hills stay, I’m not afraid of no firewood, Changbai 3 cents, Kunlun Maiden Xue, Shennonghuangshen, the big sea monster king, these giant monsters that are almost like gods, always belong to my family, but Shen Qiang is different. Ah, he is a cultivator, he is enough to contend with their existence, admit defeat, lie down, and wait until the strength is stronger before killing him!”

The cultivators that were very hostile to Shen Qiang suddenly became worried for Shen Qiang at this moment.

“Little unbearable, it is a mess. In this world, in addition to men being women, as long as they are alive, there is a chance to be as beautiful as you want. For the time being, you will surrender to fear, and if you have enough strength, Shen Qiang is the real king!”

“10000000 willfulness, the inheritance of the cultivation industry for several thousand years till now, finally there is a cultivator that can make the demon bow, and it would be a pity if he died like this!”

At the same time, Nalan Tianyu, who was in a snow-white military uniform with a beautiful figure and a delicate face, was looking at Shen Qiang.

“Great sea monster Wang Yujiang, became famous 4000 years ago, Shen Qiang cultivation was more than a year ago, and it was impossible to win him. This matter is up to me. How can I get Shen Qiang to die!” Tianyu slim eyebrows, instinctively want to step forward.

But at this moment, what surprised her was that Shen Qiang, who had been calm, suddenly stepped forward.

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