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The cool night breeze, the chill of the moment, and the mixed-race beauty Nalan Tianyu, mixed with Shen Qiang, felt the horror of the bloody lance in the hands of the big sea monster king in exhilaration, and actually shivered involuntarily.

“A terrible killing intent!”

She was shocked by the beautiful eyes, and the snow-white jade hand subconsciously grabbed Shen Qiang.

At this time, there were many cultivators that were terrifying aura by the big sea monster king and couldn’t be lifted on the ground, but a heaven overflowing giant wave was set in my heart!

“So blood-reeking qi breathtaking killing intent! What’s wrong? Why is this god-like powerhouse reversing charge ahead and showing weapons? Does he think that Shen Qiang is a powerful threat? Impossible, Shen Qiang this bastard, it will not be much stronger than me!”

After madly spraying a mouthful of blood, Ma Zhenjun murmured in shock: “Shen Qiang scared him! How could this be possible, Shen Qiang actually scared the god-level powerhouse with such terrifying power!”

“The extreme horror caused this god-level powerhouse to show weapons! How could this be possible? Is it true that Shen Qiang is a legendary 10000 year old monster?” 4 Fang face was shocked,

At the same time, I feel the wild killing intent of the big sea monster king, and the many cultivation experts around me have also rushed over like a meteor.

Sou! sou!

2 divine poise and sagelike features, the super powerhouse that looks extraordinary, has appeared next to the owner of the medicine king valley valley.

“A strong killing intent, a very powerful cultivation base. Although this powerhouse does not know where he came from, it is certain that he is a cultivation base. I am afraid that he is not under the joint period!” an old man was shocked. ,

The other person looked at Shen Qiang in a proud position with shock. His eyes flickered with horror, surprisingly lost his voice and exclaimed: “Dragon breath, very powerful dragon breath!”

The Master of the Medicine King was shocked: “What are you talking about?”

“Dragon Breath! The breath released from Shen Qiang’s body is Dragon Breath. I’m sure, he really is the legendary Dragon Demon!”

Another old man’s words made the eyes of Lord Yaogu Gu instantly brighten.

“Dragon Breath, Dragon Demon, is this Shen Qiang a dragon? The head of the spirits, the born Sovereign, so he can resist the terrifying aura of this god-level powerhouse, and it is normal!”

And at the same time as the master of the medicine king valley.

In a room not far away, a fat person about 40 years old took the tea cup indifferently, and the old man standing on his side looked at Shen Qiang with shocking eyes, and said: “Young Master, this Shen Qiang really half -human and half-monster, the arrogant breath, if the guess is good, it should be the dragon breath, because when this breath rises to the sky, I naturally think of the dragon.”

The fatty expression indifferently blew the tea. After a sip, he raised his eyebrows indifferently: “I used to think that this Shen Qiang was probably not qualified to be my opponent. Now, it seems that he is barely qualified,”

Hearing this, standing next to fatty, who has been beowed with sweat but is still struggling to support the burly man who resists terrifying pressure, said solemnly: “When cut weeds and eliminate the roots.”

fatty smiled.

At this time, around the hall, many experts of Sect have arrived.

But because the pressure of the big sea monster king is too fierce, it is not the same as the previous two, but many experts, spontaneously hug together.

“Very powerful Shen Qiang, a pride of breath, such as Paragon powerhouse, king land, but this breath is enough to be able to afford 10000 words of 4 demon king!” an old man headed shocked,

Everyone around me, hearing this nodded,

“If not sure, this Shen Qiang is a cultivator, and the past experience is clear, I am afraid I will think he is a monster!”

“He is indeed a monster, how could human beings have such a strong breath!”

“This breath is too honorable, and there is a kind of urge in my heart to want to kneel in front of him. This is still the case with the powerhouse of my Primordial Chaos Realm. It is normal for those Demon to respect Shen Qiang as king.”

All the cultivators present were in the breath of Shen Qiang, enough to fight against the big sea monster king.

With his head sideways, his eyes stared at Shen Qiang’s big sea monster suddenly.

“You just… scared me.”

This remark not only shocked everyone present, but also made the barrage on the window of the 2nd floor of Yaowang Hall, where a live broadcast mobile phone screen exploded.

“Fuck, although not at the scene, but I can still feel that this big bald head is as strong as a Super Saiyan, but he was scared by Shen Qiang of Primordial Chaos Realm?”

“My king is mighty!”


“Brother Qiang, my idol, it’s just a flying cow!”

But at this moment, the horror of True Yuan, which exploded in an instant, rushed out of the big sea monster who slowly adjusted its posture, but for a moment, that horror like True True Yuan, in everyone’s cultivator Divine Consciousness Among them, like skyscrapers rising from the ground, not only can you only look up in horror.

Instead, Shen Qiang involuntarily released True Yuan in an instant!


With a little bit of True Yuan, it rises into the sky, and its strength is also shocking to many of the cultivators present.

“Very powerful True Yuan can be clearly felt, but it is Primordial Chaos Realm Early-Stage level, but in terms of True Yuan’s majestic degree, I am afraid that the super powerhouse in the fruit period may not be able to own it!”

“It’s worthy to be the 10000 demon king, so powerful that I am ashamed!”

“It’s amazing, no wonder he can kill cultivation Xiang Yanhui among tigers with one punch, such terrifying True Yuan, what skill do he need?”

But after everyone praised Shen Qiang’s True Yuan.

All the cultivators present were gradually dignified.

Beside the Master of Medicine King, Divine poise and sagelike features of Old Daoist, looked at Shen Qiang and the sea monster with shocking eyes, and could not help frowns saying: “On the breath, Shen Qiang’s dragon breath is even above that big bald head , But on cultivation base…Shen Qiang is still too young.”

Another old man, immediately nodded, said: “Ginger is old and spicy. Now the situation is obvious. If the True Yuan of this big bald head is a skyscraper, then the Shen Qiang and True Yuan by his side At best, it’s a chopstick,”

“Can’t beat it.” Master Gu Wang, who summed it up concisely: “Shen Qiang has no chance.”

The moment his words fell.

In the room, the old man next to drinking fatty smiled: “Sure enough, the cultivation time is short, it is a flaw that can’t be repaired by breath at all. Compared with the cultivator, the True Yuan of Shen Qiang is already shocking, but with this god Compared to powerhouse, Shen Qiang is still too tender.”

brow beaded with sweat, forcibly 3 men who resist Shen Qiang and big bald head 2 people, nodded: “Shen Qiang of Primordial Chaos Realm, True Yuan is no longer lost to me in the peak of the Daogu period, if it takes time, It must be scourge, but fortunately, this big bald head is really powerful and unimaginable, so once he shoots, Shen Qiang has no vitality and saves us trouble.”

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